Crazy Day Sponsor Ad Deals Start TODAY! CLICK FOR DETAILS June 9, 2017

So when you have very few sales reps you have to be creative to help sell that excess ad inventory.   We here at CFN are even hoping to no longer carry digital ads, and just server our direct markets.

To do that though we need the business community to step up and sign up with us, and we’ve decided to meet them halfway!

So starting today and for each of the next seven days we’ll be posting the names of five regional businesses.

They’ll have 48 hours to dial 855 444 1133


email to get their insane bonus deals!

Today’s Lucky Five!

Akwesasne Mohawk Casino

Medical Arts Pharmacy

Cornwall Nissan

Cornwall Square Shopping Mall

Cornwall Freshco

Some of these businesses spend insane amounts of cash on other media outlets that simply don’t have this newspapers volume of traffic or reach.  Now it’s their chance to try us out at amazing savings and value!

Our MARCH 2017 numbers.

Now it’s an opportunity for these businesses to not only get the best value and largest reach to promote themselves, but also to give back and support the community, because when the most eyeballs in a region are reading one media outlet more than another that’s what it is, the community!

Again, these businesses have until Monday June 12th at 10AM to discover their amazing savings and support the region!


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