Cornwall Ontario – Let’s get creative! I personally love DIY (do it yourself) projects!
There’s so many awesome products that you can make yourself in your home with a lot of household ingredients you already have and the best part is that it barely costs much and you can have fun doing it.
So this week I decided I’d give you some of my favourite DIY’s that require very little to make and work so well from hair masks to lip balms in virtually no time!
The following list are all things I’ve tried and really enjoyed
Brown sugar body wash exfoliator: To make this you will need 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of brown sugar. Whip them together til it’s properly mixed. You can make as little or as less as you want as long as it’s equal portions. I personally like storing it in an empty shampoo or body wash bottle a mason jar is also another option just pop it in your shower and it’s ready for use!
Lip scrub: Again to make this it requires equal portions of Vaseline and unrefined sugar. I personally use 1tbl spoon of each. You can find little plastic containers at the dollar store to put it in. It’s really easy to use just put some on your lips and use your fingers to rub it all over your lips to get rid of dry skin! It’s perfect for getting rid of dry skin and leaves your skin super smooth!
Face toner: This one only requires equal portions of green tea and water again the dollar store sells travel size bottles which are perfect for storing this. After washing your face apply your homemade toner green tea is amazing for your skin and it’s all natural!
Face mask: This is probably one of my favourites that I like to do once a week and all you need is Pepto Bismol! It gets rid of any dead skin and is awesome for minimizing pores! Wash your face with hot water to open up your pores dry your face off with a face cloth apply a thin layer and leave it on for 15-20 minutes proceed to wash your face with cold water to close your pores! Your skin will instantly feel softer and smooth giving you a natural glow!
Hair mask: This recipe calls for 2-4 tablespoons of coconut oil and 5-10 drops of an essential oil of your choosing however this ingredient is optional but it is an added benefit. I’ll put a list of specific oils that help for different hair types. Put the ingredients in a glass cup, boil some water on the stove and once the water is boiled place your cup inside the water until the coconut oil is melted this should only take a few seconds (I recommend using baking mitts) do not use the microwave to warm it up it will actually kill all the nutrients. Work the mixture into your roots and then the rest of your hair especially your ends leave on for 60 minutes. I usually put a plastic bag over it until it’s done and then wash it out. This is a great deep conditioner especially for people with damaged hair!
Cedar wood oil for dry scalp and dandruff. Peppermint oil for oily scalp and hair loss. Rosemary oil for dandruff and hair loss. Sandalwood oil for hair loss. Melaleuca for dandruff
Shaving cream: All you need for this is coconut oil and a razor I prefer using a men’s razor. Scoop out some of the coconut oil and rub it in your hands. The warmth from your skin will melt it. Rub it on the desired area and then shave! I promise your skin will never feel so smooth and it also prevents razor burn. Coconut oil is great for your skin!
Lip balm: This is a really great recipe that you can make with your kids and it’s completely safe to use! I tried this one a few years back with my god children and they really enjoyed it! For this one you will need the following -1 Crayola wax crayon -1/2 tablespoon of Coconut oil -1/4 tablespoon of Olive oil -Small plastic container (I found some at the dollar store) (This is only enough for one lip balm but you can easily make more by doubling the ingredients)
Boil half a cup of water and place a jar or cup inside the pot add the coconut oil and the vegetable oil take a crayon of your choice cut it up into little pieces and slowly ad it in while stirring all the ingredients together have your empty container near by once everything has boiled down to a liquid and is properly mixed using oven mitts pour it into the container and put it in your fridge for 15-20 minutes and voila you’re done!
Let me know in the comments if you tried any of the DIY’s I’ve listed I would love to hear some feedback!
Please post your comments and questions below and thanks for reading!
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Julie Bilotta runs a facebook group called
Makeup Queens
with over 8,000 members based in Cornwall Ontario.
She also is an advocate for improving Prisoner Rights, especially for moms facing the justice system in Canada. She has been a passionate guest speaker at events all across Canada.
I’m looking for a DIY product that will remove the wrinkles on my naughty bits. I’ve tried 200 grit sandpaper and GoJo hand cleaner with no success. Any suggestions Julie?
Should I try 400 or 50 grit sandpaper? Something has to work. These wrinkles have to go.