CFN viewer Luc Mayer sent CFN a link to the video he shot clearly showing MacMillan’s Convenience Store in Cornwall on Marlborough (NOT CUMBERLAND) was selling UNWRAPPED toilet paper for $2.00 per roll during our world wide pandemic.

Kirkland normally charges $20.99 for a 30 roll package or about .69 cents per roll.
Cyndy MacMillan’s returned our phone call and stated that the store has been selling unwrapped toilet paper for years without complaint from the EOHU. She further went on to say that her husband goes to Costco to purchase the rolls and that her customers enjoy having big Kirkland rolls of toilet paper.
There is commercially available single rolls of toilet paper that come wrapped, but the video clearly showed stacks of unwrapped TP on a shelf being handled by the clerk; clearly not a safe way to handle product during this crisis.
Here is the link to the video of the incident.
Have you seen gouging and other strangeness? Send us your videos or photos. And please everyone, stay home, but if you have to go out stay safe.
We will update this story when more information becomes available.
The same 2 who enjoy posting videos of store thieves on Facebook are thieves themselves. Packs of toilet paper are not meant for resale in this manner and why the EOHU is not involved begs to question if they were even aware until recent.
this is awfull and they need to be charge for doing that its a poor area thet store is in and who the hell would buy that is the one who really cant afford it no wonder they get stuff stolen so much sham eon you
Bad on MacMillan’s store. I won’t be buying my lottery tickets there anymore. And done going to Loose Caboose. I always felt for small corner stores vs the big stores, but gouging the little guy who supports you is garbage. This will get around and come back to bite you in the buttocks.
Thank you Jamie, for the shout out for our business and how we meet the needs of our customers. Also! a big thank you to your entire bandwagon team for providing some comic relief during this very grim global pandemic. Peace to you and your team.
What a joke, so classless. I always thought you folks had more class than what you’re showing. Hoping your many customers that you’ve gouged take their business elsewhere and leave you holding your rolls of a$h wipes. Now I understand the thefts / robberies at your store, I certainly don’t support that, but I do understand. I was certainly so wrong about you folks.