September 5, 2021 – I, like many of you reading this, was outraged by the selfish, ignorant, and frankly criminal acts of anti vax, anti mask, anti brain #covidiots protesting at hospitals here in Canada.
The irony that these people, when they catch Covid and the unvaccinated, are those needing hospitals the most during this pandemic as Delta spreads, is lost on them.
Tragically, our health care systems were over burdened before Covid. What they have endured during is unspeakable. Frankly if it was up to me we’d be rewarding our healthcare and frontline workers with a lot more than a $1,000 tax credit, but isn’t that a great place to start?
Originally as I was thinking about this I was focused on Healthcare, but the reality is that front line workers from Grocery stores to Airlines have all paid a price and suffered during Covid. They have truly kept our country moving and us surviving.
All Frontliners deserve our thanks, especially as Covid-19 isn’t over. And if we don’t get stronger government action and law enforcement the pandemic is going to drag out and cause further wear and tear on all of us.
Frankly the police should’ve been all over hospital protests. No social distancing. Out you go. Yell at a healthcare worker? Assault one? Shout at patients or block their entry? These are all chargeable offences.
The very reason we have such #covidiot numbers are because of weak government messaging and leadership. Here in Ontario Randy Hillier still isn’t in jail and using public monies to fund his protest tours and sign selling business.
Well this gesture of thanks on behalf of all of us is a first step to truly show those who have sacrificed so much that Canadians are truly grateful.
One conference/zoom chat between the Feds and provinces to split the costs should resolve this.
It’s time for Canada to put our money where our mouths are and thank those who deserve our thanks the most.
Our front line workers; each and every one.