JANUARY 22, 2022 – The Mamas and the Papas sang, “California Dreamin ‘ ” some years ago. I am beginning to think that California dreaming may depend on how old you are. I was talking to a few seniors the other day about the winters we used to have as kids. We seemed to have lots of snow which got us outside sliding down snow banks onto the road which we weren’t supposed to do in case a car drove by. Someone said we had big snow banks in those days because the City didn’t take away the snow as they do today and also, this year, we haven’t had a lot.
We were outside making snowmen and made sure we had a good sized carrot for the nose and coal pieces for the eyes. Never made a snowwoman though, come to think of it. We would lay down on the snow and spread our arms and make ‘an angel’.
Lots of tobogganing behind St. Columban’s Church on Fourth Street and outdoor skating at various rinks. We were busy!! The cold didn’t matter. We were used to walking everywhere in all kinds of weather. I remember coming home from skating in the evening, more than once too, at the Memorial Park outdoor rink on Bedford Street or the King George rink at York and Seventh Streets. and my feet were so very cold. My Mom would always say, “Why do you wait to come home when you are nearly frozen?” Then she would put my feet in a lukewarm mustard bath. I froze my nose many times I think and now when the temperature goes down in the house my nose gets cold before anything else. Oh well…we had lots of fun in those days and now have great memories.
Well, how about’ Florida Dreamin’? My lovely snowbird relative keeps sending me photos of gorgeous weather, scenery and wild life. Rub it in. Rub it in. She is happy there and doesn’t miss frosty snowy Montreal at all. Here is a photo of a Roseate Spoonbill she sent to me that she had taken on one of her walks around the beach areas. She is a great photographer.

Beautiful bird. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Beek Lindsay Residents held a Christmas Food Drive to benefit Centre 105 at Trinity Anglican Church. The residents very generously donated food to help those in need. A big thank you to the residents and Claudette Quesnel for all her hard work making it a success.
Centre 105 provide a nourishing breakfast as well as a hot beverage every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9am to 12 pm to those in need. These times also serve as the hours when they would accept food donations on site. There are two large bins located at the side entrance of Trinity Anglican Church, off the parking lot where donations can be left.
At other times they have been able to offer a choice to their participants to either come indoors and enjoy their meal in the large hall which is a safe and comfortable gathering place or to pick their meal at their Breakfast To-Go Window and take it home.
At the moment with our restrictions in place because of the COVID 19 virus it is arranged just for the pick-up at the window. I spoke with Taylor Sequin, who is the Program Coordinator. Taylor said that they are waiting for more instruction about indoor sit-down breakfasts during the latest COVID19 restrictions the Centre from the EOHU.
According to their recent newsletter, in January 2021 they served 568 breakfasts but the numbers have increased each month and in November the number for that month was 1411. Life is difficult for many people.
Besides a nourishing breakfast, the Centre provides Pastoral counselling and referrals to other social service agencies.
When there are no restrictions the Centre also provides access to laundry facilities.
Taylor said that they Centre would appreciate some donations of hats, scarfs and gloves in case you have a few any extra to donate for those in need during this cold weather.
Charitable tax receipts are provided by the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa for any donation of $20 or more.
For more information please contact Taylor Sequin at the Centre by phone : 613-933-3991, Ext. 30 or mobile 613-360-9091. Email at: info@centre105.ca or tsequin.centre105@outlook.com. On Face book: @Centre105. The Centre also depends on our financial support which has enabled them to continue to provide a hot substantial meal for so many people.
‘Who Wrote That ?’ is a fun book compiled by Hubert Phillips, first published in 1948 by Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex and made and printed in Great Britain for Penguin Books by Hunt , Bernard and Co. ltd., London and Aylesbury.
I purchased the book in Montreal many years ago. I pick it up every now and then and see if I can remember who wrote a certain quote such as:
The Tiger
Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forests of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
Who done it??? The answers are all in the back of the book. In this case it was William Blake.

Lots of fun.
According to what I read on the CNIB Guide Dog site: https://www.sponsorpuppies. ca , there is a real need for donations at this time because the restrictions caused by the pandemic has created a surge in demand for guide dog puppies raised and trained in Canada. CNIB urgently needs your help. The site says that we can monthly sponsor a puppy for $0.66 a day. Pennies a day will help care for and train the puppies so that every Canadian who relies on a guide dog to live independently can have one at no cost, thanks to the sponsors.
It states that around 21-24 months of age the puppy, now trained, is matched with a Canadian with sight loss, their new best friends and handler. They learn to work together on a journey made possible by the support of sponsors. At 24-10 years of age together, the guide dog and the handler navigate through all life has to offer with confidence and independence. At about 10 years old the guide dog retires and becomes a family pet.
It is a very interesting and informative site to read.
I am awaiting my 2022 CNIB Guide Dog calendar. The one I still have from 2021 is a treasure full of information on the programs and beautiful photos of the dogs. I will keep it.

Go to sponsorpuppies.ca for more info. or call 1-800-563-2642.
True story:
I was on the phone with a nephew who lives in another city. I told him how nice the family Christmas photo was that he had sent me. I also said that his wife doesn’t seem to age – still so lovely. I wondered what her secret was. He said simply , “She married me.”
Have a good week, Dawn
I enjoyed this reading. A lot if useful information. Very I formative of the needs within our community.
‘Thanks for the memories’ that your column brings.
Skating at the rink at Third and Bedford was fun, but memories of the hockey players taking over and not leaving much time for skaters.
So good to read of the help being available at Trinity Hall.
Archdeacon Clark and Trinity Church were a big influence in our lives while growing up. Good to hear the caring continues.