DECEMBER 11, 2024 – I heard a lady say the other day, “Oh no!!! Snow!!” Well, it is December, so I guess we will have snow. Never bothered us as kids though except for storms but even then, no school, maybe if we were lucky. Snow time was time to get outside with skates or make a snow man. Even maybe have a snowball fight ( don’t tell Mom we had one though). The toboggans would get out and we’d head for the big slide behind St. Columban’s Church and down the hill we’d go. Can’t do it now though. The bottom of the hill is a parking lot. Skating outdoors was great too although Mom would warn us not to stay out until we were freezing. Well, when you are having fun…!!!
Ahh..those were the days!!
Don’t forget the important number” 211″. The brochure I have says when you don’t know where to turn for information or help to find the right community and social services. , call 211. It is confidential and available 24/7. Web site:
Eileen Merkley mentions in her book, The Friendly town that Grew, (Union Publishing, Cornwall, ON. 1978) the old days of the Cornwall Street Cars. Here is a photo of one.
This photo of the old street car was from an newspaper clipping some years ago. I don’t recall ever being on one – do you??

Another attempt at writing a limerick:
‘There once was a Snowman named Freddy
Who wanted a love to go steady.
But he feared on the spot
If things got too hot
He’d melt to the size of a Teddy.’
Lots of fun.
I worked at Mount Carmel House Treatment Center in St. Raphael’s , Ontario for fourteen years until in closed in 1996. It had been housed in the former Bishop’s House I was told had at one time also been a Boarding School. We hoped that the doors that welcomed people into treatment would open again. But the doors did not open again for the treatment center but opened for a group of volunteers, The Glengarry Fencibles Trust, were dedicated to renovating the building back to its original state. It has now been completed. I am hoping to go and see it in the spring.
Brenda Baxter, the president had keep me informed about the renovations. It was very thoughtful of her. Thanks, Brenda.
Recently, Brenda was named Citizen of The Year by South Glengarry Township. One article I read in a newspaper said the she was known for ” her contributions to the community in preserving and promoting heritage’. It went on to say that she had been ‘a driving force behind the restoration and revitalization of the Bishop’s House in St. Raphael’s. Congratulations Brenda.
“Who Wrote That ” is a wonderful old book. It is always fun to look up a quote and see who wrote them and short poems. It was compiled by Hubert Phillips and published by Penguin Books in Great Britain. Copyright is 1948. .

Some humours lines from a friend titled Grandpa jokes:
1) The main function of your little toe is to make sure all the furniture in the house is in the right place.
2) My teachers told me that I would never amount to much because I procrastinate so much. I told them, “You just wait”.
3) When I was a kid , we played spin the bottle with the girls. If they didn’t want to kiss you they would have to give you a dollar. By the time I was 12 I owned my own house.
4) Always trust a nudist. They have nothing to hide.
5) Never trust an atom. They make up everything.
6) Things that used to hurt my back: -jumping off of garages. crashing my bike, falling out of a tree, diving in the shallow end and contact sports. Things that hurt my back now-sneezing, washing the dishes, brushing my teeth, tying my shoes and rolling over in bed.
Have a good week, Dawn