Ottawa ON – This afternoon in front of the Egyptian embassy in Ottawa, dozens gathered in support of the thousands involved with the uprising. For the previous thirty years, Hosny Mubarak has been the sole leader of Egypt despite several widely criticized elections. Throughout Mubarak’s entire reign he has imposed a state of emergency in Egypt.
This has stifled the majority of the population by restricting what we would consider basic rights; such as the ability to access the internet without restrictions, fair elections, the right to assemble and others. As I write this article the people of Egypt are openly going against this regime by breaking curfew and protesting on the streets.
Ehab Mohammad, an Egyptian, was one of around a hundred people who gathered in Ottawa. When asked if he believed this revolt was necessary for change to happen he nodded yes and said,
“This regime has put people in two categories in Egypt, the rich and the poor. Unemployment is very high, we have very little rights. We have caused chaos in Alexandria, the second biggest city in Egypt, and we are getting strong.”
If things continue to progress at this rate the world will have seen two regimes fall in within days of one another. If you also factor in the riots in Iran with these two uprisings, a major statement is being made to these types of military regimes.
This message is crystal clear; it is harder now than at any other time in history to function as a repressive government. There are too many social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook, which has been widely accredited for fanning the flames of the uprising. A revolution is now just a wall post or a “tweet” away.
Given the fluency of this issue it is assured lots more updates will be made before whatever end this uprising will meet. For now the world can only look on with amazement and uncertainty.