NOVEMBER 23, 2024 – World media have covered events of Friday night, which started after the Jewish sabbath, and led to the burning of vehicles, attacks on police, and heavy damage to the Palais du Congres in Downtown Montreal. Since the October 7th attacks by terrorists Hamas, and then HezbollahContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 27, 2020 – Finally, after numerous flagrant violations of Emergency Health orders regarding gatherings, wearing of masks, and social distancing, rampaging MPP Randy Hillier has finally been ticketed by police at Queen’s Park. MPP Hillier, part of a anti mask rally in Cornwall last Saturday that was supported byContinue Reading

OPP CHARGES TWO PEOPLE UNDER MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT Investigation of 2014 Municipal Election Filings (ORILLIA, ON) – Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has charged two Toronto residents following an investigation into irregularities under the Municipal Elections Act. In September 2017, the OPP received a request for assistance from the Toronto Police Service. The requestContinue Reading

Toronto Ontario – Show of hands: how many of you expected the Ontario government to lose the constitutional challenge of its Bill 5, which aimed to reduce the size of Toronto’s city council? No one? Exactly. No one – no one who has been paying attention, at least – expected DougContinue Reading