CFN – Montrealers past and present, especially those from NDG, will be mourning the loss of Tony Koulakis, the originator of the Legendary Cosmos Diner on Sherbrooke Street; home of the Mish Mash.
There even was a documentary made of him before his retirement.
You Tube Clip from 2000 Man of Grease Documentary.
According to media reports Mr. Koulakis, 86, was stabbed to death by a family member in his Ville St. Laurent home Saturday.
For many fans of the restaurant and Tony though memories of his cigarettes and real friendly home cooked breakfasts where you were lucky to get a seat most mornings will be what’s remembered.
Social media was buzzing with many comments about the late restauranter. A lot of memories, hangovers, and stories of life were shared over that breakfast counter…I always remember how many different breads he always had on hand… and now I feel winsome for Decarie Hot Dog….
R.I.P. Tony and thanks for all that you gave.
The Bible is right about family against family and the Greeks like my husband’s people the Lebanese are mighty close. This is very sad Jamie. Those people are as close as two fingers put together and I saw that beautiful Mediterranean Sea and the warm people in Greece just like Lebanon. Just now there is hell in Lebanon and I am praying for the people. Let us pray for this dear man as well as his family.
Jamie this reminds me of Kenney’s delicatessen that used to exist in Cornwall along with another family or two who did this kind of work and that was when Cornwall was under better times.
I am crying just now and forgive me there is so much turmoil in this world.
I Lived in NDG from 1976 – 1992 and Cosmos was an integral part of my life and my children as well. We were regulars who loved everything about the place, from the grease stained walls, to the perfectly poached eggs & hash browns. Tony’s brother would be sitting on a plastic container silently peeling potatoes, until the day he died. Tony wore Black for a full year
I was Tony’s brother; well me and every male who ever entered the hallowed hole in the wall. “Whatever you like, brother. You want tomatoes with that?”
I am heavy with sadness to hear that Tony met with such an untimely death. He left his mark, not only in NDG, but in the whole city of Montreal. Rest in peace Tony.
I`m from NDG and know that place well. {MODERATED}. {MODERATED}I hope it re-opens so I can still get that mish mash couple times a year.