CFN – I don’t always agree with Cornwall City Councilor Andre Rivette, but he’s always been a stand up guy who speaks his mind unlike some of the cowardly slither in the shadow types that work City Hall.
The good councilor vented some of his frustration this weekend; first in an article in Le Journal, and today with us.
Andre is against cuts to services and I can’t argue with him. In the video below he makes quite clear that taxpayers in Cornwall shouldn’t have to tighten their belts because of the $1.4M spent litigating and settling cases such as Diane Shay, Robert Menagh, Donna Derouchie, and a few more I can’t legally mention at this point in time.
Those numbers could be inflated even more by the time the dust settles.
The bigger question is what’s going on behind closed doors at City Hall to make this year the most frustrating of his eleven served here in Cornwall?

And why and who are propping up and protecting the CAO and his heavy handed antics at the tax payer’s expense? Walking around the council table I estimate that Councilors Carr, Murphy, Gardiner, MacDonald, and Grant are supporting the CAO.
Councilors Rivette, O’Shaughnessy, Clement, and Dupelle have voiced non direct comments of concern and have exhibited morals that would not support the CAO if allegations were proven to be true.
Bottom line is that it’s time for leadership around the council table in Cornwall and in this economic climate surely it’s a sin to waste these many dollars; an amount equal to nearly $35 per resident of Cornwall!
Unedited video interview with Councilor Rivette who clearly stated he wishes for a more transparent city hall
My name is Mike I am vary Proud of what Mr Rivette is trying let us know I am a tax payer and I do not feel it is right for us to pay for this mess So Great Job Andee keep up the good work .
If there is culpability, there must be accountability.