Leslie O’Shaughnessy, Cornwall Councilor That Resigned to Issue Release on Why – Monday March 18th, 2013

Budget 2012 LESLIECFN – Former Cornwall Ontario city councilor Leslie O’Shaughnessy has announced that he will be releasing a statement Monday regarding why he stepped down April 10th, 2012.

Mr. O’Shaughnessy was hoping to release a statement by June 2012 as he awaited the results of an internal investigation, but delays have led to his near silence since.

We spoke with the former councilor today and he had the following brief quote:

…based on upcoming work that was to be done behind closed doors, I had indicated to the city solicitor on or about April 4 2012 that I would not release a statement until  completion of the work that was to commence behind closed doors.

Mr. O’Shaughnessy indicated that his decision did not include the two conflict of interest whistle blower complaints received by the city of Cornwall.

Our last published video of Councilor O’Shaughnessy in action.

You can post your comments below.

We will be updating this story Monday after the former councilor releases his statement in full.



  1. I liked Leslie. The good man got out of that corrupt mess. Everything with council is hush-hush. Dealing with Kilger is like hitting your head against a brick wall over and over again. Can’t wait for his statement!

  2. I too liked Leslie and I have said that in all my blogs. Yes dealing with Kilger is something else and I sure wouldn’t want to be one of the councellors. If the councellors do not suck up to him then they become an outsider and treated terribly.

    Kilger might have had some good qualities in past years but that is water under the bridge. Now he has become a very corrupt politician and is only there for himself and his clique. Kilger has to go. When someone stays too long in politics this is exactly what happens to them. I think that four years is more than enough and the another person has to step in.

  3. Leslie you say Monday your going to release a statement WOW
    What a great time just ahead of a City Council Meeting .

    Make no mistake about it walking out of Kilger’s closed door council
    meetings & then resigning as you did proves that you are a man of
    principle , which is sadly lacking in others around the council table

    I believe Leslie to be a good honest man who has more knowledge
    and experience than any other of the current councilors .

    Leslie would make an excellent Mayor if he would choose to run

    Please think about it Leslie

  4. Timing is everything.

    Let’s see:

    !) We have the Kilgor et l Gardner saga.

    2) We have the ‘request for CGH support message and hopefully a vote and not another deferral………

    3)We have the ‘Free Speech’ rights issue. T-shirts anyone?

    4) Oh, yes, then we have the L.O. reasons statement prior to meeting time that will surely be a topic of the evening.

    5) Oh, yes, again, we do have an agenda that will need following.

    6) Gee, will that incl. any newer business?

    My my my, looks like a very long night. Things just don’t seem to change around here.

    Perhaps if they did we would not experience a resurgence of getting things done but very possibly a council backlash attitude.

    May I suggest that would be extremely counter productive if they do.

    Will Kilgor show up? Will Gardner show up? Will Gilcig show up….I believe with his boots on, at least :-). Will the police riot squad be in force, paddy wagons at the ready, joy sticks drawn? Somebody call NBC, CTV, and oh, yes, Sun News, and who’s that other guy…oh CBC. It’s already a hunch The Journal and the S. F. will be in full dress.

    Sounds like a screaming good event on the way.

    Come on out people, bring the BBQ’s.

  5. Author

    I can confirm that I will be at the next council meeting wearing the attire of my own choice. I also have a hunch that the drama of last council meeting will not be happening again as I can’t see the police allowing themselves to be humiliated the way the mayor did, but that will take awhile for the lawyers and Human Rights Tribunal to sort out.

  6. Duckers it is getting more and more interesting all the time. This is like reading a mystery novel and wondering what is going to happen. I wish that Leslie would run and the other gentleman that I mentioned who is working so hard with the CGH for the elderly – he is a nice and hardworking person and my senior moments have kicked in and I forgot his name. Oh that makes me mad when I get like this.

  7. @ Dukers,

    Let’s have a tail gate party before the grand event!!!

    Wouldn’t miss it for the world, yeehaw!!!!

  8. @ Dukers1

    If Bob didn’t like the t-shirt that Jamie wore last time, well he should have just kept his mouth shut. Just wait and see all the t-shirts that night, PLUS wait’ll the TV stations get a load of what goes down(or shall we say “Who” goes down)?

    By the way, the SF might just as well stay home as they don’t like to cover the truth when it comes to corruption in Cornwall. I know that I will be standing behind CFN. The cage of the evil beast has now been rattled. The truth will come out!

  9. I love what Lolochuck just wrote and if only I could be a fly on the wall that night. LOL LOL. ROLF! I would love to see those T-shirts. I would love to see Kilger’s expresssions and I wonder if Kilger would hide somewhere inside before coming out if he does show up. Kilger is a coward and couldn’t face up to Jamie withoug the Barney Fife PD to show up to take Jamie out just over a t-shirt. This was hilarious indeed and the old woman that came out and said “disgusting.” LOL LOL.

  10. Okay, okay, let’s make it really clear……..no billy clubs, no fire hoses, no blocking the entrances, no touching, unless it’s to give high fives, peaceful show of support….you know the drill….be their early for admission……

    If someone really does arrange a BBQ, I like those really big wennies…..the Italian spicy kind, not any other kind, you gutter slugs would think up :-).

    And for heaven’s sakes, make sure you have your facts straight….Gardner is the one with the black wig….

  11. That’s right it is 10 a.m. on Monday. That way we will all get a clear picture of what is going to happen. Don’t swat me the fly I will be there in spirit with all of you and maybe I will make my own personal sign here as well.

    All this will get on Bare Assed Kilger’s nerves for sure. I have to see if Cornwall’s Barney Fife PD comes out like a herd of groundhogs that day. Maybe everyone can make a sign of a character of Kilger pressing the buzzer for Cornwall BF PD coming after Jamie. LOL LOL. This was so funny that it will be in my memory for many years to come – this is so precious. LOL LOL. ROLF!

  12. Too bad city hall will be closed on Monday!

  13. What did Syd do to his hair? Did he go and throw a dead cat on top of his head? The city hall better be open – this is going to be mighty interesting indeed.

  14. Just kidding about them being closed, yet it would not surprise me if they lock themselves inside…back doors too.

    Can’t be there but have a great time showing that free speech is a trump card……

  15. Good luck today all! Many of us would like to be there, but have to work. We will be with you in spirit, hoping that today is the day that the straw breaks the camel’s back. Out with the corrupt and in with the new/good! Hmmmm a protest, a hospital announcement and oh yes, Leslie’s big news. I sure hope Kilger, Syd and most of council have an escape route planned!!!!!

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