Once again the Rotary Club of Cornwall is selling their Old Fashioned Christmas Hams. You can purchase these as a gift for delivery in most locations in SD & G OR, you can buy a ham (or several hams) and donate them to the Agape Centre. Receipts will be provided for donations to the Agape Centre.
Orders must be in by December 11th. Email Michele Allinotte at michele@allinottelawoffice.com , or call her at 613-933-7720.
The hams are $25.00 each and are approximately 5 pounds each.
The Rotary Club of Cornwall supports local projects such as the Cornwall Community Hospital, the 3 + 1 2010 Project, the Boys and Girls Club, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, as well as international projects such as polio eradication and water projects. They thank you in advance for your support.
please visit our sponsors: