We’re both Waterfront cities. We both have diverse multicultural communities with all the challenges and benefits that it brings.
Budget shortfall issues plague both cities.
Transportation is a big issue too.
Expansion of the airport and the new low level bridge have the potential to turn Cornwall into a BOOM town if done right and timely.
“Other issues requiring debate include: what has to be done to accelerate waterfront revitalization; what changes are needed in the municipal electoral system to make city council both more democratic and less parochial; how to make Toronto’s recycling and waste disposal systems more efficient and effective; and whether Toronto can afford the traffic chaos that would ensue from the plan to tear down the Gardiner Expressway.”
Cornwall is at a major juncture of its history. The future of the Domtar site, new industry and business, the greening of the area and country, the impact of our medical services and growth as a retirement hub, the new arena’s impact, future of media in Cornwall, traffic designs and concerns, and transforming neighborhoods as well as creating them.
So much opportunity exists here in Cornwall Ontario it makes developers eyes glisten
To me the major issues for Cornwall in this election is the cancelling of the residential Water Meter Program. Better support for small business; attracting medium and larger businesses, and create awareness and focus on the Arts, because if we can do all those things we will get our population over the 50,000 mark. And I personally would like to see those things happen while grappling with the tax base issue here and find a way to do so without raising taxes or jacking up city debt which this year has started to rise because of the arena and water treatment upgrade.
We also will need to deal with the bridge issue once the Federal government resolves it, and it will most likely be up to Cornwall and Akwesasne to heal wounds from the crisis.
But mostly I hope to see a change in the culture of those the are shaping things in Cornwall. I’d like to see the Cornwall “BRAND” evolve instead of certain people simply trying to imitate other cities like Kingston.
There is a difference between growth & evololution, and changing.
Vision with an eye to the future can be the difference between Cornwall being a leader or simply following the pack; being a destination, or simply being another exit on the 401.
The choice truly is our own.
Jamie Gilcig – Editor – The Cornwall Free News
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