Here are your Quick Hits for Monday January 4, 2010
Icelander’s Fighting Foreign Bank Payout for Collapsed Bank
Dead Ants Found in Toronto McDonald’s Breakfast Burrito
Storm Partially Collapses Cornwall Ontario Soccer Dome
Unregistered Toronto College Fined
Would you Pay $18.95 for a Bottle of Beer at the LCBO?
“David Cacciottolo, who runs the LCBO’s beer category, says the stunning success in Ontario of Innis and Gunn’s oak-aged beers helped pave the way for ordering the Ola Dubh. So, he adds, did the popularity of single-malt Scotch here; $18.95 isn’t a lot for someone used to dropping $100 on a bottle of single malt.”
New Low Level Bridge Could Tax Cornwall Ontario
Speculation Surrounds Rizzuto Shooting
Matthew McConaughey Daddy’s a New Daughter Viva Aldes McConaughey
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