Web Gossip King/Queen/Nuisance/Head Shaped like Eddie Munster Mario Lavandiera better known as Perez Hilton stays at the top of the Forbes Web 25 List. The Gossiper fought off some mighty challengers. #2 was Michael Arrington of Techcrunch, with #3 being Pete Cashmore of Mashable. Other’s on the list include Biz Stone and his partner Evan Williams of Twitter.
This year it seems the net is all about networking. Who knew people had so much to say and that other would care? I was having a discussion with a local politico and they were talking about a “youth disconnect” in regards to politics and society and I told them they were the ones disconnected. If you speak to people via channels they aren’t listening to or reading why would you be confused if you don’t get a response?
If you look at the success of the facebook rallies against prorogation here in Canada, twitter, digg, and other networking sites you can see how media has changed, splintered, and is evolving. It’s up to companies to face those challenges.
To check out all of Forbes Web 25 List click any of the links.
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