Letter to the Editor NDP – No Detail Politicians
In most circumstances to have lots of rhetoric with no details we call it fiction, delusion, hypothetical and even fantasy. But on the 9th of February at the NDP Annual General Meeting in Cornwall it was the talk of the party. Now no doubt the people involved have strong commitments to their ideals and have felt that way since the early years of their lives. Well of course unless you are Brian Lynch. Mr. Lynch has loyalties to ideals and political parties that can be described as fair-weather at best. When the tough gets going, well Brian is on wear to be found. But of course this would explain why at every opportunity Brian attacks our MPP Jim Brownell, is that because Brian has never forgiven or can’t forgive the local liberals, and especially Jim for winning the nomination those many years ago?
The NDP don’t have detailed, realistic plans to offer as alternatives. Of course we would all want the perfect world but the problem is that we can’t afford to write the cheque that the NDP want to and in so doing, mortgage our great-great-great grandchildren’s future. When the local NDP are critical of the current Provincial Liberal government’s investment in our community is it because of ignorance or their inability to understand complex issues in their fullness, or is it simply being selective of details in hope of scaring the people of SD&SG.
The reality is that at a time in history when all global economies are in a crushing recession our community is seeing massive amounts of tax dollars being invested by the Province and because of the efforts of our MPP Brownell. There was a time not so many years ago that the Previous Governments of Ontario believed our province ended at Kingston especially when it came to government spending. Thanks to our MPP Jim Brownell the Provincial Liberals now know our community. MPP Jim Brownell uses facts and reality to strengthen our community today and for generations to come with investments that create real jobs.
Perhaps some day the local provincial NDP Executive along with Mr. Lynch as their president and resident voodoo spin doctor will begin to draw on facts and live in reality. But of course this would likely mean that Mr. Lynch would be required to seek Liberal membership, again.
James Borer C.D. – Lunenburg Ontario February 15, 2010
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