An impersonator has been fraudulently contacting residents and requesting to visit their homes to test their well water. The caller claims to be a representative of the Health Unit. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit does not contact or visit home owners to test their well water. The EOHU does however provide a free well water testing program, but all water samples are collected by the home owner, not by Health Unit employees.
Fraudulent calls have also been made to several restaurants by an individual impersonating a public health inspector or official. The caller claims that the reason for the call is to schedule an inspection, but then proceeds to ask detailed business and personal information from the owner/operator, and requests a call back to confirm the information through the use of a unique code number. The EOHU reminds restaurant owners and staff that the EOHU does not schedule appointments for inspections over the phone.
If you receive any calls of this nature, we encourage you to contact the police.
For more information about the Eastern Ontario Health Unit’s well water testing program or restaurant inspection program, call 613-933-1375 or 1 800 267-7120. Ask for the Health Line.
I love your hat Jamie
Really, I thought the picture was a Conservative trying to sell you a lighthouse. Funny the different perspectives you get from a simple picture.
What is the unique call back number and what is it all about?