Rumblings of Mayoral Candidates, but Cornwall Ontario Mayor Bob Kilger still unopposed in upcoming October Municipal Elections – August 5, 2010

Cornwall ON – It’s almost show time and Mayor Bob Kilger of Cornwall is still running uncontested for the upcoming October Municipal elections.    Rumblings of at least four other names considering tossing their hats into the ring with the popular, and considered impossible to beat former Cabinet minister so far have no resulted in anyone filing their papers at City Hall.

What do you think Cornwall?  Will anyone challenge Mayor Kilger and if so do you think anyone can beat our Mayor?  You can post your comments below.

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  1. Kilger can be beat…. watch come October. This will be fun

  2. Bob as a repeat Mayor would be a venture to stagnation for the people of Cornwall.
    Jamie I know we will not agree on this but hey you did say free speech.

    Can just one person say anything good about Bob from a business perspective? I am not referring to his working a room or schmoozing or being nice or his personal life (?), but actual leadership,
    Has he brought anything new to Cornwall?
    Has he met any of his commitments from the last election campaign?
    Has Cornwall improved on the “Best places to live list” or are we still in the same place we were in before he was elected?
    What has he accomplished to earn our votes this time? Jamie said in one discussion “Sometimes just showing up works” I would hope the rest of the people in Cornwall have higher standards then that. If any one of worked in the same manner I doubt we would remain employed let alone be re-hired by the same company.

    We can let media claim anything they wish in order to promote an agenda but the truth of the matter is people are fed up with the services we pay for.
    Bob is in a scary place right now with nobody holding him and his co-horts accountable for their inaction.
    If a person wishes to beat Bob, request an honest debate, not one held by our so called club, but a debate. Then permit people to ask the whole question and expect commitment.

    I was at one of the question period type discussions hosted by Brian Sylvester, as soon as questions became difficult to answer time would be up or a slight redirect would occur.

    To you Bob I ask.

    What will you bring to Cornwall in the form of economic, industrial and educational growth with in the first two years if you are re elected?

    Why have you not pursued Robert H Saunders generating station and at the very least re-negotiated a better tax for the land they keep from being developed?

    What is the plan for the bridge development and where can we see the preliminary design and the cost estimate?

  3. smee? What has any mayor ever brought to this city?They all just play the game They go with the flow.Good luck Mr.kilger in the up coming election.But you can,t have my vote.

  4. YES its time to go and yes water park doing verry good 500 job and the city said no CALYPSO thats all need to say

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