So is MP John Baird the Conservative Heir Apparent? VIDEO Cornwall Ontario POLL August 10, 2010

(MP John Baird signs the Golden Book of Cornwall Ontario as Mayor Bob Kilger looks on.)

Cornwall ON – MP and Minister John Baird was in Cornwall Ontario today announcing the new $75 Million dollar low level bridge through Akwesasne.    It drew some media and a lot of VIP (very interested politicians) as the cloudy skies hovered.

Mr. Baird really was quite surprising and scored some major points with the crowd who applauded as he announced the bridge.

I had some face time with Minister Baird and asked him point blank if with his new position he wasn’t the “heir apparent” for the Conservative Party?   A wry smile accompanied the standard very happy with his current role answer.  I also asked him if the bridge announcement combined with a few cabinet moves wasn’t a signal that we’re close to election time, but he cagily and deftly was evasive.

A lot of chatter ensued as the crowd talked amongst itself which led to the question if Mr. Baird would have a better chance of winning a majority for the Conservatives than Mr. Harper thus our poll below.

Who would have a better chance of winning a majority for the Conservative Party of Canada?

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Video Excerpts of Federal Bridge Corps Chair J. Keith Robson and Minister John Baird will be live shortly.


Coffey's Coffee Team Cornwall Schnitzels


  1. I think Baird would win, but quite frankly, with all that happened in Ottawa I personally think he’s as shady as the rest.. Anyone remember the Larry O’Brien election scandal and the light rail scandal? I think it’s all rather too convenient that MP Baird didn’t have his hands in on something there.. But between he and Harper, I think he has a better chance, and who knows, maybe he’s not so knobular as Harper is..

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