Cornwall ON – Thank you all for your support, help, advice, and inspiration everyone has given me during my first campaign run for city council. The outcome did not quite turn out the way I had hoped but I still feel I ran an amazing campaign. I made many friends in such a short time and hope to keep their friendship into the next election.
There is still a lot of work that I feel needs to be done in this city and I would like to see
this new council save money and work together immediately to help solve the real issues like poverty that’s affecting so many people in our community. The needs of the people have to be put first.
After this experience I feel that all the candidates came out as winners in our own way whether we won a seat or not. I congratulate and look forward to thanking and meeting all the winners of this election in person. We have all worked so very hard these past few weeks and now for the Mayor and new Council the real challenge begins.
I would like to thank so many people but first special thanks has to go to my wife and partner Helene who never stopped working to ensure that everything was being done and kept me focused with so much going on. Her support was so wonderful and greatly appreciated .Thanks goes to my family and dear friends Michelle, Mark and Brian who supported me in so many ways. I would like to thank the many poorer citizens of Cornwall that I met each day, who believed and put their trust in me and gave me what was needed for me to move forward. My team and volunteers worked very hard also, especially Loretta, who was always there when needed. Your hard work did no go unnoticed. Thank you all.
The media coverage given to me during my campaign was second to none from everyone in our local media outlets TV Cogeco, Standard- Freeholder, Seaway News, Journal, Local Seeker and Cornwall Freenews who supported me in so many ways, thank you Jamie, CFN and Seaway Radio for the endorsement and to all at our Corus radio stations Variety 104, Rock 109 and the Cornwall Daily. All of you worked so hard and professionally to ensure that all of us candidates were equally given a chance to share their unique platforms so the voters could decide how Cornwall should be led in the next four years. You are all true champions to this community no matter what the outcome was. I am truly
grateful to have been given this wonderful experience and I look forward to be doing it all over again in four years.
Gary W. Samler, CD.