Julian Assange Free – Released from UK Jail on Bail – VIDEO – December 16, 2010 – Cornwall Ontario

Cornwall ON – Julian Assange is a free man; at least for awhile.  His bail has been granted and he left a UK jail earlier today.

Bail was set at over $300,000 CDN and Mr. Assange has strict terms as to where he can go.

We have yet to confirm if filmmaker Michael Moore was in fact the party to put up bail for Mr. Assange who was charged with Rape stemming from accusations from Sweden.

Mr. Assange is under great public scrutiny with calls for his death on television and other threats over Wiki Leaks, a massive amount of information purported to be leaked government confidential cables.

His release also marks a cessation to internet sites that supporters of Wiki Leaks have attacked including Amazon.com and payment service Paypal.


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