White Ribbon Campaign to Launch in Cornwall Ontario May 10th, 2011

Cornwall ON – The White Ribbon Campaign will be officially launched in Cornwall on May 10th from 7:30 to 9:30 am. in the Lecture Hall at the Children’s Aid Society Offices of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry, 150 Boundary Road, Cornwall.
In November 2010, The Mayor’s Task Force hosted speaker Jackson Katz on the subject of male socialization toward violence. Since that time momentum has built to address the issues of violence against women as a “men’s issue” that requires significant commitment by men to change the behaviours and issues that result in this violence. You can be part of the solution to end violence against women! We are calling all men committed to ending violence against women to attend this signature event to launch the Campaign. The White Ribbon Campaign initiative is led by The Mayor’s Task Force Committee member Protius Grant and hosted by the Mayor’s Task Force to End Violence against Women and Children. At this launch event, information will be available on “What is the White Ribbon Campaign?”, the issues of violence and how positive, nonviolent men can lead each other to ending violent behaviours and attitudes toward women, and the formation of a male-directed campaign to develop events for the White Ribbon Campaign task force. 

Join us May 10th for this momentous occasion. Get involved!

La Campagne du ruban blanc sera officiellement lancée à Cornwall le 10 mai de 7h30 à 9h30 dans la salle de conférence aux bureaux de La Société de l’aide à l’enfance, 150 chemin Boundary, Cornwall.

En novembre 2010, Le Groupe de travail du Maire a accueilli le conférencier Jackson Katz dont l’objectif était la sensibilisation masculine à l’égard de  la violence. Depuis la conférence,  un élan s’est manifesté pour adresser la question de la violence faite aux femmes comme  « préoccupation chez les hommes ». Ceci exige un engagement important par les hommes pour changer les comportements et les problèmes qui existent en relation avec cette violence. Vous pouvez faire partie de la solution pour mettre fin à la violence faite aux femmes! Nous faisons appel à tous les hommes de s’engager  en assistant au lancement de cette campagne. L’initiative de la Campagne du ruban blanc est dirigée par Protius Grant, un membre du Groupe de travail du Maire et appuyée par le Groupe de travail du Maire sur la violence à l’égard des femmes et des enfants. Lors du lancement, les informations suivantes seront disponibles : «Qu’est-ce que la Campagne du ruban blanc? », les questions de violence et des suggestions que les hommes positifs et non-violents peuvent mettre en pratique pour aider à éradiquer les attitudes et les comportements violents  à l’égard des femmes, ainsi que la formation d’une campagne orientée vers les mâles qui désirent participer à la conception d’évènements pour la Campagne du ruban blanc.

Joignez-vous à nous pour cette occasion mémorable le 10 mai. Engagez-vous!

Best Western Cornwall



  1. Why on earth would I want to attend an event which is accusing me of something which I have never participated in and would never participate in simply because I am male. I don’t condone violence of any kind and would not knowingly associate with men or women who commit violent acts upon another person, male or female.

    Women can be just a violent as men so why not target violence against people!

  2. Reg you are absolutely right! I know a number of men who are being abused by their wives so lets put a stop to all violence against all people!

  3. Guys, this is a support service campaign. Nobody is accusing you of anything. You support it if you are in favour of supporting violence against women. They are looking for “positive, non-violent men” like yourselves to help the campaign. This campaign obviously is against all violence against people, however statistically speaking gender-based violence (GBV) has been and still is quite common. Furthermore, Jackson Katz speaks about male socialization towards violence and how this is tied to GBV. It is clearly more than just man-hating. I encourage you both to join this worthy campaign as you have both stated you do not condone violence.

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