CFN – On Saturday May 14, 2011, Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry (SD&G) OPP was requested to assist in a Lobsterfest Fundraising event at Maurine Menard’s Bonnie Glen Pavilion in North Glengarry Township.
The proceeds of the evening benefited the Glengarry Association for Community Living organization. SD&G OPP occupies a seat on their Rights Committee.
This was the 4th year for the event and SD&G OPP has taken part since its inception. Uniformed and Auxiliary officers in Ceremonial Dress served lobster to those in attendance.
This year, approximately 250 guests were present. The event attracts several community dignitaries and businesses, making it high profile. The OPP’s presence is highly regarded and the interaction that takes place during the evening strengthens relationships between police and the community.

The officers present demonstrated a high level of professionalism which created a positive impact of the OPP’s image. A total team effort was demonstrated as well as representation from Russell County Detachment and East Region Headquarters joined host detachment SD&G. Nearly $20,000 was raised for a very worthy cause!