CFN – The Friends of Crysler’s Farm Battlefield will be staging their annual military reenactment on July 9-10, 2011.
Re-enactors portraying the military of 1812 will take part in three battles – Saturday and Sunday afternoon on the grounds of Crysler Memorial Park next to Upper Canada Village. Saturday night’s battle will take place inside Upper Canada Village. Many of the units taking part are re-creations of the actual regiments that fought in Canada. The rattle of rifle and muskets firing will be punctuated by the roar of artillery, as the two armies depict engagements from the troubled times of 1812 as Canada fights for sovereignty.
The 1812 Tactical, organized by the Friends and Crown Forces in North America and U.S. re-enacting umbrella groups, alternates each year with other sites and is returning to Crysler’s Farm Battlefield. This year’s reenactments in Canada and the United States encourage wider participation in 1812 living history and to highlight the different regions in which the war was fought.
The “armies” will be accompanied by civilians portraying the camp life of those who accompanied armies of the period while they were on the march. The tented camps of both armies, crafters, artisans and suttlers will combine to bring the largest-ever display of living history to an area that is no stranger to the heritage of this country.
Upper Canada Village, immediately adjacent to the Battlefield Memorial, is a re-creation of a typical settlement along the shores of the St. Lawrence at the time of Confederation and in 2000 was named the top visitor attraction in Canada. The site also includes a memorial to the Loyalist settlers who carved the province of Upper Canada from the wilderness after having lost their homes and possessions for their loyalty to the Crown during the American Revolution.
So circle the dates of July 9-10, 2011 now on your and watch as history comes alive at Crysler’s Farm Battlefield Memorial.