CFN – Tim Hudak confirmed his $14 Billion hole will mean ripping up the signed agreement between the province and municipalities for further uploading, and would instead push a $500 million hike onto property taxes.

“Tim Hudak will force hikes in property taxes with his reckless downloading scheme. No wonder people in Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry don’t trust him. He’s only in it for himself.”
– Mark A MacDonald, Liberal candidate, Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry
“He was very clear. He’s going to stop it.”
– Hazel McCallion, Mayor of Mississauga
“I’m very concerned that there is no commitment to honour Prov-Mun upload agreement.”
– Jim Watson, Mayor of Ottawa
“We have an agreement with the provincial government. That agreement should be respected. Uncertainty about the future of that is of significant municipal concern. Municipalities across Ontario have planned for those uploads.”
– Peter Hume, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario
“Stopping the upload will be bad enough for property tax payers.”
– Rob Burton, Mayor of Oakville
“Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak wouldn’t commit Tuesday to honouring provincial plans to take over costs from the province’s municipalities.”
– London Free Press, Aug 23, 2011
“It was not clear whether Mr. Hudak will respect the remaining $553 million in scheduled uploads that the Ontario government has committed to upload between 2012 and 2018.”
– Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Press Release, Aug 23, 2011

In Tuesday’s Standard-Freeholder, Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry PC candidate Jim McDonnell claims that “the Ontario auditor-general reviewed the PC budgeting.”
That’s not true. Not only has the auditor-general not reviewed the PC platform, the party hasn’t been able to find a single credible, independent source to say that their numbers add up.
McDonnell’s claim about the auditor is just another desperate effort to change the subject from the $14 billion hole in the PC platform, and the deep cuts to hospitals and schools that will be required to fill that hole.
What do you think Ontario? You can post your comments below.
OK, wonderful, finally. Tim needs the money to invest in the Ontario educational system. He’s going to guarantee an additional two billion dollars of funding into staffing, funding extra activities, up-grades and additions to current primary and secondary schools. He realizes that the wealth of nations and provinces are in part the resources of schools and supporting their staff. I’m just so sure of it. What did he say? Won’t he?
I laugh when I hear (Mark MacDonald, Liberal) saying “…don’t trust him, he’s only in it for himself”. Those are the almost exact words the Conservatives were saying about Michael Ignatieff, Liberal, in the last federal election. It would seem that the Liberal Party doesn’t have anything new of their own to say. Then again that doesn’t surprise me, they are so pitifully slow with everything they do…..except when they want to empty my pockets with new taxes!
Don’t trust any of these guys? Vote Libertarian.
The 5 BILLION dollar all day kindergarten is helping my property taxes how?
As for hospitals, we need serious work done before we are bankrupt or a have not province…Oh wait, we are a have not province on the way to bankruptcy with our health care accounting for almost 50% of every tax dollar taken in! After 8 years I would not be blaming previous governments!
@Jim, if I followed kooky Libertarianism I would have bought gold at $100 an ounce and silver at $1.00 an ounce. Instead I took advice from the parties that laugh at Libertarians. As long as we can keep the voting down to a 60% or less turn out, everything will be fine for impudent, corrupt scoundrels. Maybe democracy will bounce back with my Nortel shares.
I’m starting a new party, L.O.Y.K. = Live On Your Knees. It’s for the non-voters. We will protest the vote by watching TV and eating deep fried butter sandwiches, then complain the next day.
A quick check on the Ontario sunshine list has 180 people at EHEALTH making over 100,000 dollars each, dozens more at the 14 local health networks and something called Agency for health protection and promotion. They all need offices and computers, letterhead and phones, salaries and pensions and workers making less than on the list. I would think areduction in staff could help taxpayers as well.
Not honouring the municipal infrastructure deals that were signed sealed and delivered is tantamount to fraud. Tim Hudak should be ashamed of himself for this out and out planned theft from the municipalities. Conservatives pride themselves on running things “like a corporation”. Somehow, they forgot the lesson that a deal’s a deal…’s pretty universal guys….you might want to look it up.
No character….none at all. We vote McGuinty because the man HAS character. All we can say about Timmy is that he IS one.