On this day starting at 9 AM, the Social Development Council (SDC) of Cornwall & area will have the white flag raised outside of the Justice building on Pitt Street to help raise awareness and understanding of the challenges increasing poverty has on our community. In 1992, the United Nations declared October 17th to be the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty; where people gather to acknowledge the lives and efforts of those living in extreme poverty, and to renew their commitment to join them in their struggle.
On this day starting at 9 AM, the Social Development Council (SDC) of Cornwall & area will have the white flag raised outside of the Justice building on Pitt Street to help raise awareness and understanding of the challenges increasing poverty has on our community. In 1992, the United Nations declared October 17th to be the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty; where people gather to acknowledge the lives and efforts of those living in extreme poverty, and to renew their commitment to join them in their struggle.
Joining the SDC, the Social and Housing Services for the City of Cornwall and the United Counties of SDG and the Cornwall Public Library have collaborated to offer a Community Information Exchange on October 17th, 2011 from 3 PM to 7 PM at the Cornwall Public Library. The Community Information Exchange is an opportunity where community partners and struggling individuals and families can come together to obtain helpful information that could aid their current unfortunate circumstances.
Many community agencies will be represented and will be providing assistance with information on needed services such as income and employment related supports, counselling and addictions support, housing and emergency type of assistance, and several other types of services available to anyone in the community.
“Basically, service representatives will be available to provide information in relation to the impacts poverty can have on our physical, emotional, and mental health, in addition to the impacts as a community at large regardless of income level”, describes Michelle Gratton the executive director with the Social Development Council of Cornwall & area.
Everyone is encouraged to attend the white flag raising ceremony and Community Information Exchange in order to help create awareness and obtain assistance for themselves, friends and family members, and/or clients. Further information is available by contacting the Social Development Council of Cornwall & area at 613.930.0211 or mgratton@sdccornwall.ca.
Well done Michelle Gratton for again hosting this annual poverty eradication flag raising event and also for arranging this FYI information service at the library on such short notice. Kudos to one city councillor because I was surprised and impressed by Denis Thibault’s comments he made at council on Tuesday night supporting this cause and mentioning how the city should be held more accountable in spending taxpayers money needlessly on toys and want lists when so many in our community are struggling and living each day without.I will be attending both these events for support.
Certain things come to mind: there were new chairs for the City Council because one councillor was uncomfortable in his chair. God forbid that we replace just one, we replaced them all as to not spoil the decor of the council chamber; they all seem to need a Blackberry though most don’t even know how to use it; laptops for councillors who can’t use them except to play Solitaire. The waste is preposterous! Those expense accounts should be cancelled.