CFN – As advertised earlier this week we finally launched our collaborative book of short stories, The Perfect Mix. Our publisher, local do-it-yourselfer Dean Swift, held the party at his residence and even bought a cake to celebrate. Dean is not just a publisher but an author in his own rights and a shipbuilder. He is the one who pulled the whole project together.

Just about all of the authors showed up for the launch. However one author, Lisa Runions had a good excuse not to be there. She was in Europe on vacation. OK, maybe not a great excuse but an understandable one. I believe it is a matter of priorities (but I would have been at the book launch). If you read the names of the authors on the picture above you would have discovered that one of the stories included in the book was authored by none other than yours truly but, you can trust me when I tell you that this book is a great read and well worth the money.

Back row, left to right: Gary Miller, Reg Coffey, Gary Tapp, Clayton Cameron
Front Row, left to right: Irene Tekenos, Steve Thompson, Lorna Foreman, Mary Ann Hug
In this picture you can see all the good looking authors, minus our vacationing Lisa Runions and one still missing Tobias Maxwell. That’s a great name for an author don’t you think? Tobias Maxwell. It sounds so noble and experienced. Please note the handsome devil second from the left in the back.
Dean has more collaborative style books planned. The next one is going to be a book of poetry followed by another book of short stories. So if you want to be a part of this local literary effort keep an eye on Dean’s web page.
The Perfect Mix can be purchased from any of the authors (we all took some to sell) or from Dean himself at: or call 613-936-0184.