CFN – This past Saturday night the St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage in Morrisburg presented another fantastic evening of music on stage as well as a display of visual artists in the hallway. The performance on this night included 6 “emerging artists” who each performed 3 songs, starting with a CFN favourite, Mélanie Brûlée formerly of the General Electryk fame.
Mélanie was followed by Gene Ward who “is well kown in the Morrisburg area for his country-infused troubadour style and the engaging wit and storytelling of his songwriting”
Tracy Lalonde made her debut at the St. Lawrence Stage to the end the first set. Tracy’s musical offerings were very intense and dramatic and, to me at least, were reminiscent of the coffee house culture during the beat generation. I know, leave it to me to find a reference to coffee. The audience was left breathless at the break.
The second set began with fingerstyle guitar player Chis Thompson. It was amazing to watch Chris’s fingers fly across the strings of his guitar and to hear the tunes that they produced.
Kevin Head was up next. Originally from the Maritimes, he currently lives, teaches and performs in Kingston. I don’t think the term emerging artist really applies to Kevin. He has a relaxed entertaining style of a well seasoned professional. I guess it comes from performing on stage with the likes of Valdy, Charlie Major and the Rankins.
The last performer of the evening was Samantha Martin. Being a proud daughter of a truck drive it seems only natural that she would be a country singer. As the program describes, ”Her whiskey-soaked voice has an intimate sound, yet it is powerfully strong at the same time. Few Artists can move the back wall of a club out a few feet like she can at full tilt – and soothe a full room with a quiet croon, all within the same song.” I could not have described it better.
There were five visual artists who had their works on display in the hall way. All the artists are great but I personally like Sandra Taylor Hedges of Studio One Cat Squared because she did this painting of me at the Cornwall Farmers Market during better times.

The next show will be on December 3rd and will feature Ben Henriques Jazz Quartet. You can see the rest of the schedule for the St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage at their web site.
I hope to see you there.