Cornwall Ontario Benson Centre Laneway To Be Named After Angelo Lebano – December 2, 2011


CFN – The City of Cornwall will be holding a ceremony on Friday, December 9th to dedicate the new laneway to the Benson Centre as “Ruelle Angelo Lebano Lane.” 

The dedication is in honour of Mr. Angelo Lebano, who served for 25 years on Cornwall City Council, from 1967 until 1985 and from 1989 to 1994. Mr. Lebano also served for a short time in 1997 when he filled a vacancy after Mr. Dick Aubry took the place of Mayor. 

Beyond his role as a Councillor (then known as Alderman), Mr. Lebano was a Sergeant with the S, D and G Highlanders prior to World War II, and he was a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War. Mr. Lebano was a long-standing employee at Domtar, and he was a big supporter of sports and recreation, having served on the City’s Recreation Advisory Committee. 

Mr. Lebano passed away on September 5th, 2000 at the age of 84. 

“Angelo served his country and his community with passion and dedication,” said Mayor Bob Kilger. 


The dedication ceremony will be held at 9:30 am at the Second Street entrance to the Benson Centre. 


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  1. Wearing his Legion lapel pin in this photo, remember him talking with everyone there. Great guy.

  2. No grey area for Angie, you knew exactly where he stood on local issues. He represented all city residents, no matter who they were. His determination & passion for the city never wavered !

  3. I loved visiting the dogs he kept in the kennel in the back tard on sixth street. It was also good living close to him in a snow storm. Our roads were usually plowed first. *l*

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