CFN – Tis the season for a empty wallet, to much food and a major migraine. With only 9 shopping days left till Christmas many of us are running around trying to get our last minute gifts, food and other favors. This year I decided to help a local Ottawa family with there Christmas needs. My staff and I at work got together to buy their gifts and start a food drive.
Seeing how generous people can be has really put me in the holiday spirit. It has also made me realize we do not need to go broke when it comes to holiday shopping!
Unfortunately there is not a coupon for everything out there. But that does not mean you have to break the bank to have a fabulous Christmas. Here are a few tips to make sure you don’t break the bank this Christmas.
Limit who you buy gifts for.
Sit down and make a list of everyone you think you should buy gifts for. Do these people really need a gift? Do you really need to get your cousin who’s twice removed that gift card to Wal-mart? Keep it small and for the others a nice Christmas Card and well wishes should be enough. Times are rough and if there not appreciative they don’t deserve anything anyways.
Limit how many gifts you buy.
Parents your children do not need 100 gifts under the tree. They will survive if you don’t get them that PS3 and their childhoods will not be crushed. Christmas should be about being with family, relaxing and enjoying the day. Buy what you can afford and if that means each child gets a few gifts and a stocking so be it. If you can afford to be extravagant then go for it! If you’re like many others and are trying to survive pay check to pay check then do your best. Its the thought that counts.
Inexpensive gift idea’s
If you are looking for some inexpensive gift idea’s there are plenty available this Christmas Season.
Wal Mart is advertising some great gift idea’s
Box of chocolates are cliché but inexpensive (and delicious).
Scented Candles. Also under 5.00$
Movies 5.00-10.00$.
Pajama 9.00 for Children 10-15$ for adults.
Giant Tiger also has some great gift idea’s
Slippers 5.00$
Pajama Pants 5.00$
Candle Tray with Tea Light Holder 5.00$
Cordless Rechargeable Razor 9.97$
Thor and Transformer action fingers 7-10$.
Barbie pet purse Justin Bieber Electric Tooth Brush 9.97$
Lego Star Wars Lego Ninja Starting at 5.99$
Coty Fragrance Sets Starting at 8.99$
Nivea Bath Sets 9.99
These are only a few inexpensive gift idea’s many stores offer some great things at this time of year don’t be afraid to venture out and explore.
This is my last column for 2011. I am lucky enough to work with school children and that means I get the same holiday’s they do! I’m going to enjoy my two weeks holidays and will be back the second week of January.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!