CFN – Finishing 11th in a 10 horse race is never fun; but for Gerry Samson it might be his ticket onto council after Leslie O’Shaughnessy announced his intention to resign from Cornwall Ontario City Council as of April 10th.
Gerry on the campaign trail
I reached Mr. Samson in Florida where the retired Police Vet and School board Trustee was vacationing.
I’m just waiting for the call. I’d love to serve on Council. I’m optimistic about Cornwall. We have to encourage more people to move here because our city is growing and prospering.
Mr. Samson will have to wait until the next City Council meeting Tuesday April 10th to find out his future. The city has the option to hold the seat vacant or allow Mr. Sampson to fill it.
Mayor Kilger did not respond to questions as of press time for this story. With the stain of the well respected O’Shaughnessy stepping down citing frustration with the Mayor’s team, the CAO going on Sick Leave in light of the scandals he’s alleged to be responsible for and some of the many other stories starting to surface it should be interesting to see what council do.
Currently there seems to be a 7-4 (Mayor Kilger,Councilors Thibault, Carr, Grant, Gardiner, Clement, MacDonald) split of blanket support for the Mayor and Mr. Fitzpatrick which would drop to 7-3 if the seat were to remain vacant.
Is it a question of whether Mr.Samson will play nice nice with Mayor Kilger that will determine his attaining Councilor O’Shaughnessy’s seat?
You can post your comments below.
No Samson! He will certainly not support any Anglophone rights in the city and that will not help the city flourish! Let the ones that are there clean up their messes on their own. Let the dominoes fall one by one. Then let’s all vote in a more responsible and honest council next time around!
All I know is that an honest politician is near impossible to find ,and if found they either get corrupted as all pigs to the trough or they get pushed out one way or another .It disheartens me to think this, but over my lifetime it has been very evident .
When folks vote for a politician instead of choosing a representative, what’s to be expected?