CFN – Boy our CAO likes to spend tax dollars! After gaining council’s approval though to hire a head hunter to replace former HR Manager Robert Menagh who was let go “without cause” our CAO has chosen to simply make our interim part time replacement full time.
Mr. Dail Levesque, himself stepping out of retirement to fill in the last few years in different gigs most likely is not a long term solution which means that the city soon may have to spend more than $20K again looking for a replacement.
All this begs an answer to the statement made by Mayor Bob Kilger about seeking a new HR direction after tossing Mr. Menagh under the bus over the Paul Fitzpatrick scandal (s).
Here is the city’s release:
Dail Levesque has been selected as the City of Cornwall’s new Manager of Human Resources, effective August 13th, 2012.
“I am pleased to welcome Mr. Levesque to this important position,” said CAO Paul Fitzpatrick. “Mr. Levesque has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the human resources field and he is well-suited for this position.”
Mr. Levesque has over 30 years of municipal government experience, including previous roles as Labour Relations Officer for the City of Cornwall, Manager of Labour/Employee Relations for the former City of Gloucester and Director of Administrative Services for the City of Owen Sound. He has also previously served as an Advisor to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) on Fire, Police and Paramedic issues.
Among other things, Mr. Levesque has direct experience in the areas of labour relations and contract negotiations, compensation and benefits and succession planning.
Mr. Levesque has been working in the City of Cornwall’s Human Resources Department in a part-time capacity since January of this year.
“I am glad to be back with the City of Cornwall and I look forward to continuing to serve the citizens of this great City,” said Mr. Levesque.
We here at CFN wish Mr. Levesque good luck on his new position; but more to the point question why Mr. Menagh truly was ever fired without cause in these cash strapped days….
What do you think Cornwallites? You can post your comments below.
It’s all a cover-up! This crap will not stop until we get rid of about 95% of the players. Andre Rivette would make a good Mayor and he would keep a clean house!
Is this the same Mr. Levesque having some history in Hamilton?
Do we have a recruiting officer that only searches in that area? First Menagh now Levesque.
He was a contract consultant from Ottawa hired in Hamilton to resolve union issues. Though be it only part time.
Does he now live in Cornwall or will his travel and LOA be an additional cost to tax payers?
Maybe they could bring the Tiger Cats up next. A pro team would be an economic stimulus.
Holy Denise Labelle-Gelinas! What a mess! There is at least one person living in Cornwall that could have filled the position who isn’t an insider and is capable of dealing with the bully unions and hiring and firing when necessary. But do they really hire and fire at city hall? Of course they don’t! Relatives, drinking buddies, and hockey players get automatic liftime pensioned jobs and move just outside of the city limits while those capable of exacting change in a terminally ill corporation are denied access to any city jobs.
The at least one person is not Maggie.
Reminder…..Rivette ran for mayor…..enough said
Brent…..have you ever heard of people “moving” perhaps that could be a possibility….no? Why jump the gun when no one knows for sure what will the future holds.
Anything is possible Stella. It was merely a rhetorical question. Then again maybe relocation is part of his contract?
An aging citizen fed up with the big city, nearing retirement now offered a home in a dirty town beneath a bridge. All he need do in return, is to keep the cities employees status quo, Confused and uncertain.
See how lack of transparency can formulate speculation!!
If they did bypass the hiring agency there is a hefty fee to be paid.
Brent no offense intended.
What I was trying to say that perhaps he may decide to move to Cornwall rather commute. Many from bigger cities move here….especially that he is close to retirement.
Brent…..if you don’t mind, what does your last post “bypass the hiring agency….etc etc I am not sure what point you are trying to make? Just asking……**smile**
Well, here go again,as I predicted,looks like the council was lefted out on this deal,huh! I guess it is just as well, it’s the old boy thing.
Yeah, more of our taxes again are going for a law suit.
Maybe we should change the name of the city to Hamilton2. NOT.
Stand by , Cornwallites, there still is more to come, it’s like watching the tv show “Green Acres”, you never know what is going to happen next.
One thing for sure though,there is not going to be too much shluchs left in the kitty before the next voting time.
Keep posted, folks, for the updates on those poor folks IN city hall
and committees.
Have anice day tommorrow, folks.
“bypass the hiring agency”
When contract agencies are hired, the agency is allotted a certain amount of time to search for candidates. During that time the city cannot search for itself or hire as that would undermine the agency. In most cases even the agency will not divulge their client until the client has reviewed your credentials and agree to speak with you.
If the city hires someone while that agency is still under contract the agency will lose potential revenue. The city must cover those costs. In some cases there is an additional fine or fee to prevent the client from doing what the city has done.
Brent…..Thank-you!!! NOW I understand your statement……it makes sense to me now LOL
It seems to me something is very wrong here. This new hire may be A OK ,however the process itself STINKS. Our LAME DUCK CAO shortly on his way out the door to retirement with a dandy pension and possible other expensive perks paid by us (THE UNWASHED) (TAXPAYERS) ON his own did the hiring. MY POINT IS OUR ELECTED PERSONS SHOULD BE CONSULTED & HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT TO AGREE,OR REJECT ANY NEW H/R HIRE & OR ANY POSSIBLE BUY OUT AGREEMENT NEGOTIATED. THIS WOULD BE ONLY JUST & FAIR AS MANY TAXPAYERS ARE FED UP WITH HUGE TAXPAYER FUNDED BUY OUTS, FUNDS THAT MOST CERTAINLY COULD HAVE BEEN USED MORE WISELY.
@CONSIDER THIS, no need to shout we get your point. Has anyone ever thought maybe this was all that was left? The statement from the CAO in his own words from the freeloader…”Fitzpatrick said they recently persuaded him to take on the manager’s role”. Cornwall had no one people otherwise Fitzy would not have had to persuad him. Don’t take it out on the new guy, take it out on our Mayor and CAO for ruining this town. One should ask the question??? Hey Kilger, is this your first cousin, step brother? Neighbors husband? I know a long lost brother, that’s it.
city BS, With all due respect I really don’t believe you got my point your reply suggests I was (taking it out on the new guy) NOT SO. I said the new hire may be A OK, The balance of my comments were in reference to the CAO as he in my opinion has far to much power. This position should be changed to the effect that CAO decisions re HR hires & or any BUY OUT AGREEMENTS must meet with the approval of CITY COUNSEL before being legally binding. These Buy Out agreements are costing us a bundle & something should be done about it.
@Consider This, my appologies. I got what you were saying but using capital letters is a form of shouting. My question then is why would a CAO want to give up powers? wait until people see what his buy out will be as he is officially done of his duties at months end leaving tax payers to pay his salary for the next 6 months plus benifits, pension etc.
cityBS my apology to you Sir & thanks for info I’am new on the block. You posed a question the obvious answer would be CAO would not want to give up power, however it would be in taxpayers best interest as stated to have City Council look over CAO’s deals before they become binding. Corn. is at a point of hiring a new CAO it would be up to City Council to see the merit & bring about this change to protect the taxpayers interest. I believe it could if enacted go a long way to Transparency.