Ernie Slump – Western Separatist Shouts Out at Ontario & Quebec – Letter to the Editor

Free Speech and being debt free belong on the same page.


Now that the folks in the Cornwall region have launched their initiative for language fairness–please forward my compliments. I was a founder and builder of the federal Reform Party in Osoyoos, BC– the Okanagan town on the border with Washington State.–The BC Reform Party was started by Ron Gamble in Vancouver {before} Preston Manning launched his party.


The Quebecers have voted again for their independence. Their “free loading attitude and behavior” is wonderful news for western Canadians–particularly the people in Alberta and Saskatchewan: Note, AB and SK are the “only have” provinces in Canada. The next referendum will be a national vote–where western Canadians will vote to throw Quebec out of Canada.


A serious thought: Alberta and Saskatchewan may themselves be independent before Quebec gets around to voting for separation.


The combined debt of Ontario and Quebec is about half a trillion dollars: a trillion is 1000 billion.


In English that debt number is 500,000 million dollars. Most conservatives remember the Bob Rae NDP debt disaster in Ontario when it was $120 billion: McGuinty has run up the debt to $250 billion, plus he added a $15 billion annual deficit. Neither McGuinty or Charest could not run a Peanut stand. ! ! !


Realistically, the only 2 provinces that could pay down that debt are Alberta and Saskatchewan. When Ontario’s McGuinty and Quebec’s Charest plus the NDP mayor of Toronto openly bashed Alberta’s oil sands in front of the world at the Copenhagen conference on climate control; why would the two western power houses concern themselves with central Canada’s debt.? ? ?


Note: American coal powered electricity generating plants produce 70 X as much green house gases that the Alberta oil sands do. ! ! !. The oil sands produce less than 5% of Canada’s green house gases.


Since the beginning of Canada, when it came to “screwing the west” Ontario and Quebec always voted as a block to limit western influence. Compare western U.S. States to western Canadian provinces: When they were ready to join the Union–the States were considered as equals–with the same rights and responsibilities.


David Smith–A Liberal senator–he’s a Trudeau Poodle– always uses this line in elections: “we will screw the west and take the rest”.


Western Canadians have some favorite expressions: 1. What goes around, comes around. 2. Sooner or later you run out of BS. 3. The big line with power is “let those eastern bastards freeze in the  dark”. The bottom line is that the west will never get over Trudeau’s National Energy Policy (NEP): Bad as that disaster was, Dion, had he defeated Harper would have launched NEP 2.


The new Alberta premier is a BC NDP socialist; before going to Alberta she was a UN lawyer. I believe she is in for a rough ride. Believe it or not, she is flirting with the idea of another NEP: She calls it a {National Energy Strategy}. She is playing with fire and is bound to get burnt.


Alberta has paid $600 billion in Transfer Payments and is running a deficit.


Alberta and  Norway started their Heritage Saving Funds at about the same time. Norway has $574 billion in their account. The Alberta fund has $2 billion left in their account. When the present Alberta premier–Alison–‘the Red’–Redfern, joined the government a few years ago, the fund had between $13 & 17 billion in the bank. An interesting comparison: The Norwegian government does not have a “free loading Province” threatening to break up the nation, if it does not get what it wants, at the expense of all other parts of the country.


Most of Alberta’s conventional oil is gone–the oil sands should last for another 100 years. After the end of oil — Alberta and BC still have a 1000 year supply of coal.




Ernie Slump: Canadian Army retired: Penticton

Last Unit: Load Master on the Chinook at 450 Transport helicopter Squadron, CFB Ottawa (Uplands) 1977-80.

(Comments and opinions of Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and comments from readers are purely their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of the owners of this site, their staff, or sponsors.)



  1. There you have it, Stella!

    I wrote in the Justin Trudeau to Go article:

    “Should Trudeau become leader of the Liberals and God forbid PM of Canada – never mind Quebec separating, as you will see the Western provinces swear allegiance to the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands.

    And then watch how expensive heating your home will become in the winter months.

    The Western provinces are now the economic powerbase of Canada; as in they now hold the cards for which direction this country takes. I write not out of personal feelings nor conviction on this matter but merely state the facts. Other than a few diamond, gold and nickel mines, Ontario and Quebec have become but shadows of their former selves having lost much of their industrial base following globalization. One needs to seriously consider that now. Keep in mind that the centre of government is still in Ontario however it seems that what occurs here is increasingly being seen as inconsequential to the new power provinces. I’ve had people tell me who live in the western provinces that they feel that Ottawa is nothing but a burden to the ROC and that they’re tired of decisions being made in Ottawa impacting them across the country.”

    To which you wrote:

    “Cory cory cory…….OMG give it a break!!! The impression you give is that you think this country is terrible, everybody wants out, nobody is happy and you of all people are going to change it. cough cough!!! Quit creating problems where none exist for goodness sake. Yep like you say, MANY want to seperate from Ontario oh?? ok!!

    The only conclusion anyone can make is that certain people would like nothing more then to divide this country and they certainly don’t live in the western provinces.”

    Hymm, Stella.

    But you were also wrong about Pauline Marois getting elected as well weren’t you.



  2. Good point Cory,

    Mr.Ernie Slump thanks for the well informed letter ,lets hope to hear more from you westerners on this decisive issue.

    To put this in prospective :

    Canada’s gross domestic product (value of all goods produced in Canada) approximation is 1.3 trillion of which the Federal government revenues are in approximation of a little over 300 billion.

    Net investments in the Alberta oil patch yearly over the last 6 years has been varying from 250-300 billion a year ,this is not GDP growth but just investment .

    So if anyone questions where the economic engine of the country is ? Look no further .

    Over at least the next hundred years growth, economic and POLITICAL clout will come from the west .

    The only problem with this is if the Federal Government continues to keep a centralist view of Canada and alienate the west :

    Those western provinces with the continued alienation can afford to separate and leave central Canada in a bankrupt state!

    As Quebec continues to push federal government for its own interest at the loss of others it only further alienates the west .



  3. Cory Cameron did you read the same article I did! You are ridiculously trying to use a well written article, highlighting the financial mess of the East for handicapping the West, too add to your ANTI-QUEBEC rants!

    I think you missed the point but that isn’t abnormal!

    Give me one once of proof that shows BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan wanting to separate! Please use facts and not opinions; which I doubt you can!

  4. Highlander I agree with your opinion of:

    “So if anyone questions where the economic engine of the country is ? Look no further .

    Over at least the next hundred years growth, economic and POLITICAL clout will come from the west .”

    But disagree entirely with your opinion in the very next sentence:

    “The only problem with this is if the Federal Government continues to keep a centralist view of Canada and alienate the west :”

    Where in God’s name did this verbal diarhea come from! Do you even listen or watch anything from the House of Commons? This is entirely untrue!

    I do agree that financially the West would be better off today but not tomorrow! We are one country and do not iscolate nor eliminate a member due to their current state or situation……..that’s what makes us UNIQUELY Canadian despite your own plight for seperatism due to personal issues!

  5. How is it “personal issues”, Mike, when even the federal minister of Heritage admits “bilingualism is not working”? Perhaps, you have YOUR own personal interest in maintaining this linguistic racism.

  6. do you play hockey Mike? would like to invite you to play with myself and some other fellas from this area..half are french the other half english..we all get language controversy, just regular joes and josephs playing a game..we are always looking for new guys..we’ll meet..we can debate if you want..or we can forget about the controversy and just have a good time..Saturday nights before the Rebels in’ll see that I’m just like any other’ll get to tell everyone who I am and what I’m really like..and Jamie can bring his camera..’cause I’m an not, maybe another time..and..did you get to see my apology to you august 6 & 7..your column..regarding pseudonyms?

  7. Its good for alberta to be debt free but they had some help along the way. They didn’t achieve this great success on their own. The development of the oil industry did come from great investment from the federal gov and the eastern provinces. When they were requiring a helping hand, we were there to give it to them, now that ontario needs a helping hand…alberta gives us the finger

  8. Author

    oh man as many comments as I’ve deleted for people calling each other idiots and stuff today your comment Patrick is so freaking retarded and antagonistic..

  9. Alberta paid it back ten times fold.

  10. lets take up a collection for patrick, stella, and mike to go west and personally interview some westerners. it wouldnt take long before they realised how many people share the views expressed in this letter to the editor. no disrespect intended but the three of you (while probably wonderful people) just cannot hear what others say.even fixed, pre concieved opinions are possible to change with a little exposure

  11. Author

    To everyone we have a simple moderation policy here on CFN – just as a reminder if you call someone an idiot the comment generally goes straight to the bin. Also, due to the high volume of comments of late once we see a personal attack the entire comment gets binned.

    We keep asking some of you folks to restrain the personal attacks, but we really need you to cooperate.

    The world isn’t perfect; neither are we and I’m sure neither are you, but we really do not want some of the mayhem that some of you are posting.

    Debate is great – a good scrap is entertaining – endless name calling and abuse is boring.

    The management.

  12. Please people be respectful to each other and our moderator .

  13. Thank You Ferris it was much appreciated and I just read it today! I did not see it prior!

    I do not play hockey but if I did I would love to play with your group and grab a cold one after while discussing politics!

    A lot of Williamstown boys play soccer though! I play soccer, football and I use to bowl often…..maybe if you play any other sports we can get together or just for a pint to discuss some of the local BS being tossed around too freely!

    P.S. – I apologize for any comments made after your apology that may have been offensive! I truely didn’t see your apology or I was focused on the barrage of personal attacks that come flying rather than those truly interested in politics and our community!

    Thank You,
    Mike Bedard

  14. I don’t see anything “retarded and antagonistic” about Patrick’s post.
    Calling someone’s honest opinion “retarded and antagonistic” seems a bit retarded and antagonistic to me.
    Carry on.

  15. Goooood Morning Vietnam!

    Hey Mike,

    “Cory Cameron did you read the same article I did! You are ridiculously trying to use a well written article, highlighting the financial mess of the East for handicapping the West, too add to your ANTI-QUEBEC rants!”

    Mike, let me start off by stating unequivocally that not only are you wrong on this statement, but I’m not sure why you’ve decided to cross swords with me on this issue. Sir, did you read the article?

    Here’s a few quotes from the same article that apparently both you and I read detailing anti-Quebec rants.

    “The Quebecers have voted again for their independence. Their ”free loading attitude and behavior” is wonderful news for western Canadians–particularly the people in Alberta and Saskatchewan: Note, AB and SK are the “only have” provinces in Canada. The next referendum will be a national vote–where western Canadians will vote to throw Quebec out of Canada.”

    Ohhhhh here’s another,

    “A serious thought: Alberta and Saskatchewan may themselves be independent before Quebec gets around to voting for separation.”

    Ohhhhh yet another, this time nailing both Quebec and Ontario,

    “Neither McGuinty or Charest could not run a Peanut stand. ! ! !”

    Almost proving my point with this one Mike,

    “Since the beginning of Canada, when it came to “screwing the west” Ontario and Quebec always voted as a block to limit western influence.”

    I’ll try to prove my point again though with another anti-Quebec rant for you to read from the article. I do believe Mr. Slump is refering to the Province of Quebec again with this one:

    “The Norwegian government does not have a “free loading Province” threatening to break up the nation, if it does not get what it wants, at the expense of all other parts of the country.”

    Mike, did you ever read the bumper stickers (in the thousands a few years back) stating, “No more Prime Minister’s from Quebec”. Many westerners used to have them and a few from Ontario also used to display them. Many of the political and economic problems we have today stem from PM’s and politicians who hail from that province. But it doesn’t end there.

    Look at all of the problems stemming from that corrupt province. Language notwithstanding, why don’t we start another blog called the “Charbonneau Commission.” So, you see, it goes on and on. Westerners are sick and tired of it all. I and others have commented on it before as well that it’s not just language that we’re worried about when it comes to Quebec style politics affecting Eastern Ontario. It’s financial corruption too Mike!

    As far as my anti-Quebec rants, hey Mike, try to demonize me, I will admit that I have anti-Quebec rants any day….and this is one of those days. Can you really blame me?

    My Canada no longer includes Quebec. Both Quebec and the ROC honestly would be better off without one-another. Don’t believe me Mike? Well, whenever the democratic voting majority of that province elects a knowingly racist, ethnocentric provincial gov’t and then representatives of that very same gov’t take the Canadian flag out of their governing National Assembly not two weeks after being elected I think this makes a very bold, very indicating statement as far as their thought process and intentions.

    Tell me Mike, after I have displayed my case, perhaps you should ask yourself why you haven’t also had a Quebec rant yourself as of late? Are you, much like Monsieur Boucher puis Madame Stella et Madame Marois, une separatiste aussi? To me, anyone not ranting about Quebec right now might as well hang their toques on the next Bombardier snowmobile going East to that ‘Belle’ province. I’ll tell you what. I’ll personally fund the three of you (Stella, Patrick and yourself) to high tail it out of here and move to Quebec!

    You went on with your challenge to me with the following obtuse comment:

    “Give me one once of proof that shows BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan wanting to separate! Please use facts and not opinions; which I doubt you can!”

    No Mike, I’m sorry sir, I won’t give you just one once of proof. I will list several websites here for your perusal that discuss this issue.

    Alberta separatism:

    B.C., Alberta, Sask., Man. provinces issue of separating:

    Alberta separatism:

    Alberta and B.C separatism:

    Alberta separatism:

    Separating all of Canada into various sections:

    I would have provided more websites that are studying/considering this issue of separation but after only listing 6 websites I’m getting a bit tired at 3:35am in the morning. I hope this helps you. Other than sheer discussion, I believe you will find that there are people to be found in at least one of these websites that are advocating for Western (in this case Alberta) separation at a political level.

    Have a good day everyone,
    All the best,


  16. Someone doesn’t preach what he writes !!. Bye jaime, this has stopped being fun.

  17. hahaahahahah

    Best Monday morning ever!

    PS Patrick, your last post makes everything clear now. You are in this debate for shlts and giggles, while others are in this for thier very livelihood. You think this is all some colossal joke while those you laugh at are in it for thier families and thier futures.

    I really do hope your panties are bunched enough that you stay silent from here on in. I doubt we will be that lucky, but just your insistance of unfair moderation is enough to make this a good day.

    Thanks for the giggles! You sir, and all you incarnations, are truly a shining example of ….well something.


  18. Author

    for you Patrick:

  19. Author

    Next 🙂

  20. BIG smiles admin for those pic posts. Had me LOL for sure.

    As for decorum, yes i agree with you and up till recently i have presented my views and arguments while being quite respectful for the most part. I did falter yesterday as a result of sheer frustration and i apologize, as it was indeed beneath me. I hope it didn’t cause too much extra work for you 🙂

  21. Hey Cory: Great post — October 1, 2012 at 2:39 am lost of proof that “some people” can trip over while trying to figure out ways to refute them.

    And bella-b” You said,
    “PS Patrick, your last post makes everything clear now. You are in this debate for shlts and giggles, while others are in this for thier very livelihood. You think this is all some colossal joke while those you laugh at are in it for thier families and thier futures.”

    No truer words have been spoken. It’s a shame that people come into these things with nothing but yankin chains at the core rather than the idea of learning and sharing ideals and ideas to make this country a better place for all Canadians.

    Banter is great as it brings new ideas and concepts to the fore. Besides, what would it be like if everyone simply agreed. However, disagreeing just for fun and for a laugh is where it gets to be really … well, you know… 🙂

  22. As for the topic at hand. All i can say to the West is, “hang in there. Stay with us. The cancer which is ‘that province’ will hopefully extricate itself from us and then you won’t have a reason to want to go. We can be a much better country together and without ‘them.’ ” and to that i simply add.

    IT’S TIME.

    Have a great day everyone… 🙂

    PS: My admission of guilt re: having faltered yesterday in the realm of decorum DOES NOT mean (as admin can probably attest to) that i was THE only one 🙂

  23. Opps, Cory, that should have read, “lot’s of proof” that “some people” can trip over while trying to figure out ways to refute them.

  24. Perhaps you will delete this one also adm. but at least I will have expressed myself.

    In one breath you say no name calling etc etc….yet you turn around and tell Patrick his post is “freaking retarded” I know you don’t give a sh@t what I think but just keep in mind, many come here to read and not comment. After reading these derogatory comments, especially coming from an adm., it certainly shows a lack professionalism. I know…. you don’t really care, but it would be nice that everyone be treated the same and with respect. It seems (without naming names) some get away with a lot more then others…….

  25. Author

    Stella darling the world really isn’t a fair place. I do treat people quite fairly here though. In this language battle that you so energetically participate in I end up deleting or moderating far more against your slant that you and your friends believe it or not.

    I’m kinda shocked that alleged adults need multiple warnings about how to conduct themselves or how petty some can be.

    We offer our soapbox for the public because in this day and age the public’s voice is muffled.

    These comments show how poor our overall communications skills have become when we can’t debate a point without a bunch of thin skinned ninnies hooting and hollering.

    Debate is good. Discussion is good – fuzzing the line is fine on occasion when it makes sense. This isn’t Parliament. Loud cheap shots are not welcome here.

    The rest my dearie is entirely up to you and our amazing and talented viewers and commenters of CFN.

  26. @ edudyorlik. Quebec is a cancer? That’s pretty nasty.
    You describe eight million Canadians as a cancer?

  27. No ED the Quebec politics are the cancer!!!!

    “Calling someone’s honest opinion “retarded and antagonistic” seems a bit retarded and antagonistic to me.”

    When given overwhelming evidence yet clearly ignoring that evidence shows the bias of the argument of that said individual .

    Therefore antagonistic to others -even more particular is the fact that said individual refuses to read those facts provided to him because he may be illiterate and unable to read more then a full paragraph .

    But yet that individual continues to spread propaganda and falsities ,but will not read others comments …plug your ears someone is stating something you do not agree with .

    That just goes to tell you perhaps selective breeding should occur it prevents mutations .

  28. Some pretty rude stuff on here… enough for me too.. Patrick was a fair person too bad he was made fun of as is anyone who thinks opposite of the regular participants on here ..
    I think some of my posts got deleted also I really do not care anymore..

  29. To: Ed:

    First of all, I didn’t directly describe the “8 Million people” living there as “the cancer.” I have clearly stated before, and most would agree, NOT ALL Quebecers hate the Canadian flag, the English language, the Monarchy, and the national anthem. However, it seems that enough of them do hate these things which represent Canada that this in turn gives license to their fascist “provincial” government there, in that “province” to do such things as enact laws that treat my fellow English Canadian brethren as second class citizens within their own damn country. While at the same time they maniacally accept cold hard cash from the very country/hosts/English majority they have passed these laws against in the first place.

    Thus when one examines this situation we what do we see? We see that we have the province of Quebec that leaches cash from Canada in order to sustain itself and grow.

    — The cancer cell leaching blood from the host in order to sustain itself and grow —

    While doing this it continues to do everything in its power to downgrade and outlaw the majority language of “the host” country and in turn this hurts the healthy minority English speaking people within that province.

    — The cancer cell dividing and killing off the surrounding healthy host tissue and cells —

    So, in this case Ed, it seems that the use of the term “cancer” does indeed work well as a clever metaphor to describe the disrespectful damage Quebec is causing the English language, the English people — AS WELL AS — The country of Canada as a whole. Oh and, they do this while laughing all the way to la caisse populaire as they continues to financially benefit quite nicely from us/we/ the English majority/Canada

    — ITS HOST —

    — Suddenly the term cancer seems quite fitting don’t ya think? Well, maybe not you but, I have a strong feeling many here WILL…

    And, once again… All I can say is…

    IT’S TIME…

    Oh and, have a nice day, EH…

  30. Thanks edudyorlik,

    It’s just becoming too easy to prove one’s point anymore. I’ve said it before, this whole language controversy is like shooting fish in a barrel. One side has had the gravy train handed to them for the last 50 years when it comes to jobs and the problem is that it has become normalized for them. Any challenge to bring about equality or even the democratic concept of ‘majority rules’ is seen as being sacrilegious or taboo.

    Just by tabling this issue of language we’ve been branded racists! How ludicrous.

    And then to find out that many of the other side don’t believe in Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms is shocking as what can be more fair than this document? What is the harm of printing a given language? Is it not more important ‘what’ is written in that language? True offensive language or even hate crimes stem from what is written in the message and not the use of any particular language itself.

  31. I don’t know, edudyorlik. Your statement seemed pretty clear to me.
    “The cancer which is ‘that province’ will hopefully extricate itself from us…” And now “fascist “provincial” government…”. Look up the definition of fascist or Fascism. Your argument isn’t strengthened by throwing out incendiary terms like that. Just ask Jim McDonell.

  32. For You Ed:

    Fascism ( /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2] Fascists seek to unify their nation based on commitment to an organic national community where its individuals are united together as one people through national identity.[3][4] The unity of the nation is to be based upon suprapersonal connections of ancestry and culture through a totalitarian state that seeks the mass mobilization of the national community through discipline, indoctrination.

  33. But Ed I believe this best defines Quebec as fascist:

    But you did ask ED “fascist “provincial” government…”. Look up the definition of fascist or Fascism.”

    Fascism seeks to eradicate perceived foreign influences that are deemed to be causing degeneration of the nation or of not fitting into the national culture.

    Bill 101 ,language police ,removal of the Canadian flag and the violation of “Freedom of Expression ” and violation of “freedom of Speech”.

  34. Thanks for replying for edudyorlik. That’s a pretty limited definition of Fascism, but go with it if reading isn’t your thing.
    Carry on.

  35. Well Ed :

    Reading is my thing ,but is accepting the truth yours?

    Violation of someones rights for anothers is acceptable for you ?

    Freedom of speech is for everyone -not just French! But hey its alright to violate someones rights for the greater purpose of bilingualism …right ?
    Then why even have the charter of rights if its not worth the paper its written on ?

    United Nations has chastised Canada for bill 101 and its infringement of rights -chapter 19.2 (if reading is your thing).

    United Nations has on numerous occasions stated that Canada has violated “Freedom of Expression`AND CONTINUES TOO.

  36. So your truth is the only truth? Makes me think of a certain other contributor to this site who claims to know the only truth. Once someone claims to know THE truth, the discussion becomes pointless.

  37. BTW, the United Nations has chastised Canada for lots of things. Aboriginal living conditions, residential schools, the murder of Dudley George at Ipperwash, the lack of a national housing program, to name a few. Canada pretty much ignores any criticism from the UN.

  38. ..figured that must have blown a gasket after seeing those posts 2 months reacted the same way that I would’re good by me Mike..i’ll try and keep my crap to myself from now on..i meant the apology..i won’t give a punch unless i know i can take one..

  39. Know what Ed? Your posts are accurate and to the point and many appreciate your wisdom **s**

    As for the UN….they are useless and should be abolished? What have they done? Countries would save a bundle if they got rid of them. The US is a good example……4 dead!!

  40. You still did not answer the questions from 3 posts above.

  41. Stella,

    If not for the UN to police the world, what country or organization would you recommend to take its place?

  42. None Cory…. Tell me was the UN helpful in the situation that just happened in Lybia and all of the middle East for that matter? That being said……why do we need them? What have they done to protect the ambassador when they knew beforehand that there would be a terrorist attack?

    There were many discussions about the UN on how little impact they have and how little they do to keep peace among the nations. Many would like to do away with them. Perhaps listening to the news would help you understand. I am not saying that in a derogatory way….of course news about the UN is more predominant in the USA right now.

  43. @ Stella. Thanks for that. As for the UN, even though it’s become a toothless institution, I think it still serves an important purpose. Someone once said that “it’s better to jaw-jaw than to war-war.” The UN provides the opportunity for hostile nations to jaw-jaw.

  44. metaphor

    First off. Gracias/thanks (see, I’m bilingual 😉 for supplying Ed with the “definition of fascist” as this is exactly what i was going to do so but couldn’t as i was not near a computer at the time.
    AND, great come back with this, “Well Ed : Reading is my thing, but is accepting the truth yours?”

    It seems pretty obvious by these statements made —

    “That’s a pretty limited definition of Fascism, but go with it if reading isn’t your thing. Carry on.” SUDDENLY one is arguing about the definition of fascism.”


    “So your truth is the only truth? Makes me think of a certain other contributor to this site who claims to know the only truth. Once someone claims to know THE truth, the discussion becomes pointless.” SUDDENLY one is arguing about who’s truth is true’est.


    “BTW, the United Nations has chastised Canada for lots of things. Aboriginal living conditions, residential schools, the murder of Dudley George at Ipperwash, the lack of a national housing program, to name a few. Canada pretty much ignores any criticism from the UN.” SUDDENLY one is moved from the language issue to the UN and its ways.

    — by Ed that there is a clear, — distract and attempt to muddy the waters with extra unnecessary verbiage — technique being employed.

    From this, it is also VERY clear to see that no matter what anyone says there will likely always be a retort from him/her (no way to “really” know) that shifts things from the actual statement to a twisting meander down a zillion other distracting pathways “of his/her choosing.” — Psyche stuff —

    SOOOOOOOO… Since it seems he doesn’t (or chooses not to) understand the idea and description of my use of a “metaphor” which I provided above, and since he/she seems to be refusing to apply the dictionary definition of fascist to a situation that CLEARLY fits the word perfectly, then I’m not going to waste my time in “that corner.”

    So, let’s all get back to the task of arranging a Facebook page in order to coordinate a large democratic demonstration to voice our displeasure regarding the ongoing, unconstitutional and unfair “Frenchification” of Canada. Sound good ?

  45. Don’t stop now, Edudyorlik. You’re on a roll!

  46. Edudyorlik:
    So, let’s all get back to the task of arranging a Facebook page in order to coordinate a large democratic demonstration to voice our displeasure regarding the ongoing, unconstitutional and unfair “Frenchification” of Canada. Sound good ?

    Sounds great Edudyorlik,

    Ed/Stella no matter what views about the UN ,it is still a governing body for those nations with hope to keep the communication open.
    It is unfortunate that the United Nations has lost credibility ,but I have not lost faith in its perspective on Humanity.

  47. Cory, helluva! Brilliant post on October 1, 2012 at 2:39 am

    I, too, will admit that I have anti-Quebec rants any day….and this is one of those days. Can you really blame me? 🙂

    Highlander, Quebec is indeed a banana republic with fascist policies that are dangerously spilling into English Canada via OLA (francization). Urgent surgery (OLA repeal) is required to heal Canada from the cancer of Official Bilingualism.

  48. I think setting up a Facebook page and organizing a large democratic demonstration is an excellent way to keep idle hands busy. We all know what idle hands do when not properly supervised. Please post a link when the page is set up.

  49. I’ve just read al the above posts. WOW, have we been coming apart at the seams or what.

    Here in Cornwall one very seldom sees anything near the anxt you each profess, though I have a better word than Quebec being a ‘cancer’ though just as deadly. Try a ‘fester’ or even better, she is like a ,flesh eating desease’, eating and demanding more and more of the rest of us.

    First and formost Quebec wants all our hard earned money, then she wants nationhood, next she wants the rest of the country to give up their jobs to bilingual, QUEBEC born employee’s, coast to coast as no one with a university degree but limited high school french can have, not only in government but more and more within the private sector as well.

    As we have witnessed, law suits for addressing one in English before French is a growing matter. Have we lost our minds for heavens sake. Where has the tolerance of our nation of CANADA gone……..thus the term like a ‘flesh eating desease’ we are consummed more and more to a base of tribe against tribe.

    Pro active this and politicaly correct that. Wishy washy crap. WHY?

    Arrogance, intolorance have gotten the better of us. Perhaps this is ment to be. I’m sure that those who understand the Chaos theory’s can shed some light. I have always had a deal of respect for the French fact of our nation yet now I see it over running everything. More chaos.

    No to Justine Trudeau for God’s sake don’t do this to the complete decimation of the Liberal party. he is no great knight in shinning armour. After what his father did to us I will never vote for a French P.M. candidate ever again. Perhaps it trully is time for Quebec to get its wishe(s) for nationhood, real nationhood.
    They would not sign onto the Charter, the Meech Lake Accord nor any nation building authority under law but kiss sweet when they need a handout.

    As ‘Canadian’ brothers and sisters, we would be obliged to do just that. Heck, they might think that as a third world country
    economically that the rest of us would write down their debt.
    I say, sure, once the rest of us are secure in ours.

    As far as Canada separating into splinter provincial groups for self government or even seeding to become 51st to 60th state with the USA, these I bekieve, though discussed by many, are simple whinning pipe dreams. That would be a sad, very sad day my friends.

    No, I think where our problem has been all along is at the seat of parliament. For decades now we have cow towed to Quebec with weak kneed leadership. Don’t get me wrong, personally I like and appreciate much of what Stephen Harper has accomplish on the world stage, within immigration and maintaining a strong economic stature considering the state of the world economies. Thank goodness we haave avoided the USA banking scams like Freddy Max and Freddy May. We need our banks to be regulated, unlke there’s. Yet when it comes to Quebec it doesn’t matter what he has done, no matter how hard he has tried appeasement, its like Chamberland appeasing Hitler, yes it is.

    How has it worked out for you so far Mr. Prime Minister? Thanks for bringing the Royalty back to their rightful place after the fact of losing to the NDP vote in Quebec. That was a good one. Keep it coming as your Anglo vote will glow more aand more.

    Too bad being English has caused us to be the bad guys in this whole mess as our French partners willing or not are good people trying to find their place within ‘Canada’ while slapping us with a back hand in the face.

    I could go on at the risk of repeating so much of what everyone has said. I love my country and my fellow citizens and if I had to go to war for any of my country men/women, I would have been their, French or English, as many of you would be and have been.

    Come on back Canada, dear Canada, where have you been, where are you going my little son.

  50. Re: Fascism:

    An alternative definition by one who faced it down:

    “The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling power.”
    —Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    Sound familiar when you look at Ottawa today?

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