What Issues Would Trigger a Canadian to Actually Vote? CFN POLL – April 15, 2013

Justin Trudeau
Justin Trudeau

CFN – So with Justin Trudeau winning the Liberal leadership non-race we now know who our next three candidates will be in the next Federal election barring any tragedy or scandal.

harperStephen Harper clearly has shown his style and policies.   You pretty much know what you get with our PM.

Thomas Mulcair, responsible for the metemulcairoric rise of the NDP in spite of hard core Dippers kicking and screaming.

And now we have at the helm of the Liberal party Mr. Justin Trudeau who will be competing with the Ghost of his own father, one of Canada’s most successful Prime Ministers as well as the more established leaders.

Mr. Trudeau also leads the party known more for eating their own over the last two decades than in good police and leadership which could be why he now finds himself opportunistically behind the wheel.

Over the next year or so until the next election political machines will be gaming the public seeking which issues resonate the most.

After all, do people vote for a cause or against a politician?   Could Mr. Trudeau or Mulcair benefit from the majority of Canadians who simply do not support Mr. Harper’s policies; especially as more of them find out about them?

Is there any real difference between any of the three main parties at the end of the day?    Could that be why voters tend to be so apathetic?

So CFN has decided to ask you to VOTE in our poll about which issues are important enough that you’d actually vote for them?   It’s not which issue you support the most; but which you vote for one way or another especially if you could.

Have fun and of course you can vote for more than one selection.



  1. The vote is losing more and more impact every year.

    Our provincial and federal leaders have done little if anything to solve problems affecting average Canadians. Instead, we have a new Liberal poster child who’s visage should instead be on a shampoo commercial.

    For the most part, you want to know how to get Canadians to vote? Have Tim Hortons’ coffee products jump 1000% overnight and you would see armed insurrection in the strets the next day.

    We need to rid Canada of Parliamentary democracy altogether and instill a more fair, Republican system of government. More power to the provinces for issues affecting them directly.

    I think this would be a start.

  2. We hear little to zero challenge by our PM in favor of retention of English rights within Quebec.

    Why not? Is he afraid to take a more populace (to the English) stand because e French yell louder?

  3. Jamie asked: What Issues Would Trigger a Canadian to Actually Vote?

    Justin is a like breath of fresh air, that alone will be the trigger to get people to vote…….especially the younger voters.

    People are fed up of the same old party politics. JT is young and will bring new and innovative ideas to bring this country into a new era.

  4. Author

    Stella Justin is the same old party politics. I’m not attacking him; but don’t for a second think he’s any different than Harper or Mulcair. He may be prettier and better at sound bites, but he’s a second generation professional politician.

  5. We need at the polls to allow people to have a voice .
    Vote on legislation or referendum ,people feel so far removed from the political process.
    Most feel their vote goes no-where and the politicians are not listening and they really are not they only follow what their directives and not of the peoples interest.

    If people had a voice on issues at the poll similar to the Americans with voting on issues Canadians can finally feel they can take ownership on their form of democracy.

    But often the ideals of the party are implemented and are not necessary in the interest of the people as a whole (majority),and the people feel that their vote really means nothing.

    Voter apathy is at an all time high ,Justinintime for the camara will make little difference in this.

    The left wing media treats him like the next messiah with all the publicity that goes with that , yet when the numbers were crunched the numbers were significantly less then projected .

    It was all left wing media hype ,and he will have a hard time living up to the expectations of a messiah,and honestly if it was not for his last name he would not be where he is .

    A drama teacher for 2 years
    A canoe instructor
    infamous last name

    The great qualifications of a leader of the party.

  6. Justin Trudeau has already accomplished more and did more then another guy we all know (because of his radical agenda) that ran for political office…..Justin was elected by his party with an 80% majority **smile**

  7. stellabystarlight
    April 16, 2013 at 11:08 am

    “Justin Trudeau has already accomplished more and did more then another guy”

    Please Stella enlighten us with your lol..lol.. OMG IAFDLMAO ..lol..superior knowledge on justintime for the media.***SMILE***

    He being crowned was preordained ,the leadership race was just a formality ,call it smoke and mirrors ….The clear majority knew this ,the media has created their Demi-God ,All other contenders had a combined less media exposure then him.****smile****

    But it must be his leadership Qualities as a camp councilor that far surpassed the other contenders…****smile*****

  8. language issues.

  9. @ all

    liberal qualifications to be a national leader.

    1) drama teacher

    2) Boxing with an accused wife abuser

    3) idol of Tiiny boppers and groupies.

    4) a person who hates the west.

    What accomplishments ?

    Name ONE that qualifies this spoon fed papa’s boy to lead anything.

  10. @ stella

    Please elaborate on what trudeau has accomplished?

    And stella, be SPECIFIC

  11. Challenge:

    Can anyone show me Justin Trudeas first question in the house of commons?

  12. Peter nice to see you back!

    So people do you agree with Justinetime for the media’s statement:that “the french people are a better people?
    or that “Prime ministers should come from Quebec”?

    So much for representing ALL Canadians!

  13. I meant to say, first question in the house of commons as new leader of the Liberal party of course.

  14. Thanks highlander and edudyorlik, for those kinds words

    Well, there was one P.M from quebec, that singlehandedly

    destroyed the country as we know it today. His name was trudeau.

    He hyptomized Canadians into thinking that he was the saviour of Canadians unity, but the reality is that he was perpatrator of french dominance in Canada.

    Can you say Charter and official languages act enshrined into the constitution, I can, or the rape of the English in Canada.

    So liberal P.M.’s from quebec, are to me, veerbotten

    I guess stella and trembly fotgot to give me a welcome back Oh well…….

  15. A father of 2, married,passionate about canadian issues, over 40 has been in politics all his life, university educated, when asked in a poll 48 % of canadians think he’s ready to be PM, defeated a bloc candidate twice in a ridding difficult for the liberals to keep, perfectly bilingual, promoted and helped raise awareness to several humanitarian causes, who better to promote youth and renewal.
    – think of the alternative, pick a man that has plunged our country further and further in debt, roughly 200 billion. Or, a former socialist party that has a liberal leading it, and an individual that quits when he doesn’t get what he wants (i.E. cabinet provincial post, was sued slander and lost. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Mulcair

  16. Author

    Stephen Harper was not PM before he was PM. That argument only would wash with a retard. People will vote and decide for many factors. It’s may the best man win at this point and it’s going to be an interesting race. Justin will lose though if he doesn’t fight back. This nice stuff really doesn’t work.

    To actually beat someone at something you have to engage them. And in elections you have to engage voters and the opposition. Counting on Canadians to simply vote for Justin because they are tired of Sweater vests and losing our Country won’t be enough.

  17. Richard tremblay
    April 19, 2013 at 5:41 am

    “- think of the alternative, pick a man that has plunged our country further and further in debt, roughly 200 billion.”

    Richard ,Canada remains the most economically fit in the G7 ,the economic while environment is very grim .
    Whatever party is in during these times with economic shrinking worldwide the federal coffers would still have taken a beating.

    But Canada still remains a vibrant economy in these tough financial times and that says a lot of the governing party!

  18. @ trembly

    justin trudeau

    and now “THE REST OF THE STORY”

    justin trudeau is so passionate about Canadian issues that he has one of the worst, if not the worst, attendence record in the house of commons.

    he has, no policy on the economy

    he has, no foreign policy

    he has no policy on immigration

    he has no policy on unemployment

    he has no policy on English rights in quebec.

    he has no policy on terrorism and US coporation regarding borders.

    he has no policy on agriculture

    he has no policy on federal provinical relations

    And on and on and on …….

    so, if trembly is right, the only qualification to be P.M. is to be passionate about Canadian issues, and be married. that covers some 10-20 million Canadians.

    oh, yeah, his strength is courting the just over 18 set, wooing them with his charm and good looks, in order to ‘CON ‘THEM INTO VOTING FOR HIM. another claas act, in infintilism and political distain. typical though

    As for tremblys comment regarding Mr. Harper’s economic policy. well, in 2008, the global economy crashed, due mainly in part housing policies enacted in the US.naturally, our economy suffered as well.

    However, trembly, it was because of Harper’s economic policies, that Canada not only survived this global diaster, but Canadain Banks, were and are considered to be the envy of the world.

    they are the best in the G-20, I hope you what the G-20 is trembly. Canadian banks, are considered to be role models for the world, thanks to Mr. Harper’s policies.
    In addition, Mr. harper has a master’s degree in Economics as opposed to a B.A. in drama that trudeau has.
    So, what about those qualifications and track records trembly.

    I know, like all logical and factual arguments, you will deny, duck, bob and weave. typical, but never, ever, refute based ON FACT.

    Oh, you know what dogs do to polls trembly, don’t you ???

    I sense a wee bit of weakness in trembly’s arguments ,
    what say you????

  19. After careful consideration taking into account a multitude of possibilities and factoring in the current level of apathy which apparently grips most Canadians with an iron fist I would propose that an issue that would trigger a Canadian to vote would be………


  20. @ david

    Its as good an issue as any other. Certainly, trudeau would be able to handle that issue, he is more than qualified. Of cource so are grade schoolers , seniors , and tinnie boppers with a groupie like attraction to papa’s boy.

    I guess the liberals in their haste to elevate a leader into prominance , would even go as far as to choose a leader of such obvious incompetency.

  21. Jamie, Child Poverty, a national disgrace, should be in there too.

    @ Stella
    @ Richard

    With you, looking ahead to the promise of change for the better.

    You have to laugh at the tired, backward-looking, one-note-samba, illiterate posts that deal in half truths and take the part for the whole. JT’s cv as a whole is far more impressive than the bits they pick out and sneer at…and far more impressive at this stage than that of the economic genius who is busy ruining Canada.

  22. Author

    PJ as charming as Justin is compared to the other two angry old white men at some point he’s going to have to stand for somethings. As much as I want to like him he failed his first test with me over Marc Emery. Surely you don’t support what Justin said over that issue?

  23. Remind me, Jamie: What was the issue and what did he say?

  24. What about what he said, Jamie? Legalizing marijuana or Mr. Emery bailing himself out of the problem he got himself into? In any case, neither is a major issue in the large scheme of things, wouldn’t you say?

  25. @ pj

    pray tell, then, please enlighten us on jt’s cv.

    As ro the genius who is currently running the country, Canada is th envy of the world, in banking, in economic stability, and future development .

    We took the least hit, of all the nations of the world, during the fallout from 2008-09 collapse of the world markets. Why ? Harper and his economic policiies that afforded us a measure of immunity against the economic diaster that ensued.

    If those policiec were NOT IN PLACE< the poor, downtrodden and unfortunate would be far worse off than tey are today.

    NO ONE IN CANADA HAD TO FORECLOSE because of the housing crisis. NO ONE IN CANADA LOST ANY BENEFITS as they did in the US and other nations.

    I can go on, but time is ata premium

  26. Pray, do tell posters,

    With a JT at the helm of the Liberal ship, will French Canadian ethnocentrism come into play should he ever be elected PM?

    I cannot help but think that this would be the case.

    As in, more special privileges for Quebec. More transfer payments; more provincial powers to this one province.

    Does anyone know why JT attempted to contact and meet with Quebec leaders such as Marois recently?

    It must be nice to think that you’re not even elected PM yet and you’re maneuvering to meet with provincial leaders and discuss issues that the elected PM should be. Which does lead me to another question: Why isn’t the PM the one doing this?

    Here is the link about what I’m talking about:


  27. Author

    PJ when a Canadian citizen, who didn’t break any law in Canada and responsible for filling Canadian tax coffers and employing people is sent off to the US in the manner that Mr. Emery has it’s an issue.

    And it’s an issue that should concern all Canadians. He also wasn’t sent to a “Club Fed” type facility, but a Medium Security facility where he contracted a near fatal infection.

    It’s totally unacceptable that Mr. Harper allowed Mr. Emery’s extradition; but for Mr. Trudeau, leading a party that allegedly advocates the legalization of Marijuana to make that statement is doubly boggling.

    See PJ I’d love Mr. Trudeau to not just be another Liberal face which is essentially meaning just another politician. Heck, even I admit that even if he is just another politician he still may be a better choice than Mr. Harper; but if you’re going to brand yourself as something better, something new, then you should back it up.

    Would I not vote for Justin? I’m not saying that, but I was personally very disappointed by his response. And that’s why I’m not hyper-non-partisan. One issue at a time and whoever fits the hole at any election gets my vote. We have to do what’s best for Canada and not what’s best for a party any longer.

    In other words my vote, like everyone else’s should be earned.

  28. Thanks Jamie, fair argument, point taken. JT could have reflected and said something like “This is worth looking into.”

  29. @ peter

    1) Check the facts, all the facts, of JT’s cv. Nowhere do you acknowledge that he has been elected MP twice for Papineau, a tough blue-collar riding in Montreal.

    2) It’s nonsense to say he hates the west. His maternal roots are in BC.

    3) Teaching is an honourable profession, and no cakewalk. Try it.

  30. Author

    It doesn’t hang him PJ. I’m sure there are hundreds of topics politicians get asked about. Our Canadian Sovereignty is very important to me. If I wanted to live in the US I’d move there. Justin’s dad also took our sovereignty and relationship with our good neighbor to the South quite seriously. I was shocked that he didn’t.

  31. @ PJ

    I am a former Monbtrealer and know that riding very well. it is ,yes blue collar, with a high number of immigrants. many of whom, do not know ,either the history of quebec or Canada, but all have eyes for JT

    I wouldn’t exactly call it tough to get elected there.

    His material roots in the west are confined to:

    His mother is from the west and he skies in B.C.

    Again I wouldn’t exactly call that an endorsement for him being pro-western

    As for teaching,I have taught high school for 33 years in both Montreal and Mississauga. I also taught in the toughest neighborhoods inMontreal. Ever hear of Point Saint Charles, St Henri, Lower NDG ville emard, park extension, and ,are you ready, plateau mont royal, trudeau’s riding. I taught in all those areas.

    let Trudeau teach in any of the following schools and then I ‘ll give him respect. because if you can teach successfully here, you can teach in harlem

    James Lyng S.S. one of the toughest schools in Canada, I taught there for 11 years.
    cardinal newman
    D’Arcy Mc Gee

    To name but a few. i also was owner ,and part owner of 3 businesses. One of them a taxi, that I drove on weekends because of bill 101, that was allowed to pass because of trudeau’s father’s notwithstanding clause being put into the charter.

    So, PJ, I am very well rounded, and as I have stated to other bloggers here, I have three degrees in History, from McGill and one is a masters

    So, yes PJ I have “TRIED TEACHING” it was my primary career.

    Please accept apologies, I am older and my eyesight is poor, so if I make spelling or gramatical errors, please understand.

  32. @ALL
    RE: “and now, the rest of the story.”
    Noted by peter ON April 19, 2013 at 6:42 am…

    Forget about “attack ads”
    If we go by — WHAT — the Canadian media feeds us

    as well as

    — HOW — this Canadian media actually feeds it to us

    we’re in for another era of Trudeau Mania.

    Sadly, the Anglophones in this country are fed a constant diet of CR@P which the media KNOWS will be chewed up and digested with an ample supply of apathy which is so synonymous with the anglophone population in this country.

    Contrary to the French who would regurgitate these putrid attempts at ” crown/people control” back at these headmasters so fast and with such “in your faceness” that they wouldn’t know what hit them.

    This is obviously WHY the media doesn’t feed the French the same appetite as they do the English in this country.

    And also likely why the anglophones in this country are slowly being pushed aside and marginalized in what is tantamount to being — THE — most significantly effortless take over of a country

    (or of some might refer to it as, the most significant take over of — A PEOPLE by another — IN HISTORY.

    Which brings us right back, full circle to
    “the rest of the story.” The English media seem to believe that there CAN BE

    — MANY —



    which WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN tolerated in reverse…

  33. @ edudyorlik


    Was coined by Paul Harvey , a very famous and great US broadcaster.

    He ended in each of his shows with that phrase, adding to stories, that went before his famous phrase

  34. Ah, peter, a teacher myself for nearly 30 years (school, college and university), I tip my hat to you. And add: As a former teacher yourself, instead of pouring cold water on him, wouldn’t you want to welcome and encourage Mr. Trudeau as both a colleague and fellow alumnus of McGill? Especially as he makes a point of being his own man, and brings a message of hope and promise of change for the better at a time when a large majority of Canadians (76% if you count everyone who neither voted Conservative nor voted at all) are sick to death of the Harper government’s deadening negativity. It’s not even a week since Mr. Trudeau was elected leader. At least give the guy a chance, eh?

  35. Ahhh yes Peter. I am VERY familiar with him Mr. Harvey and his — VERY distinctive voice as well —

    CFRA used to play “Paul Harvery segments” if you will, at the same time (I believe it was each day).

    Can never forget the way, with that oh so familiar wavery tone, he would say,

    “And nowwww, you know the rrrrrest of the story.”

    Your having used the phrase reminded me of him and also seemed so fitting for that video i posted which illustrates to Canadians (Anglo Canadians especially) “the rest of the story” about how we are being cajoled & molded from within our own media to believe that the Liberals (namely young Trudeau) is “our man” when in fact it’s the same old WOLF in sheep’s clothing syndrome.

  36. @PJ….if Justin was a CONSERVATIVE, these guys would love Justin to death.

    It is similar to the debates on language. Because I and others did not agree with their radical agenda, we we’re called every name in the book.

    Justin is young, super intelligent and will bring this country in a new direction, giving the chance. He can relate to people and has a humanistic side that makes him approachable….that is what this country needs.

  37. P.J

    Absolutely, unequivically NO, I would not welcome him or any other liberal to political office. He brings nothing to the table. He doesn’ t have a platform. he ,like other liberal P.M’S will do nothing for the Anglos of quebec. He will, do nothing to repeal the official languages act. He will do nothing to promote the Englsh MAJORITY in Canada. This is just my short list.

    AS for Mr. Harper, his policies have kept Canada at the forefront of economic stability despite the financial crisis of 2008-2009 and are the envy of the g-20 countries. our banking, system is number ONE in the world, thanks to Harper.

    No way jose, with trudeau. I was born at night, but not LAST NIGHT. His father as I stated previously, singlehandedly detroyed Canada, for The English by including the notwithhstanding clause, that allowed quebec to legally discriminate against the English, among other things.

    As for polls, you know what dogs do to them don’t you P.J ??

  38. No worries, with peter its always about language. He’s a big harper fan, so what he is basically saying is that during tough economic times, stephen harper did bad, but the others would have been worst. That’s another thing we disagree on, I think even with stephane dion leading the country, he would have done alot better. And to think he has a background in economics. If I ran my finances like he ran the country s , I’d be living on the streets right now.

  39. @ stella

    Can you please respond to my question on aprl 17th. at 12;10 p.m

    What has JT accomplished ???

    What direction will JT take us in?? Please again stella, be SPECIFIC.

    Explain how a drama techer, and canoe instructor, is super intelligent. Where, in his past did this asseration ever manifast itself in fact?? Again please be specific.

    Can you please repeat and show us the following:

    A) What names were you called ? By whom ?

    B) Please tell us the exactly posts where these alledged names were utilized.

    Now PJ , as a fellow educator, lets see how stella answers these direct and specific questions. You can then judge if the responses stella makes are credible, IF SHE RESPONDS

  40. @ trembly

    it is painfully obvious that you have no idea of how world economies work. During the 08-09 crisis, when the world markets collapsed, Canada emerged as a giant in terms of recover.

    Harper’s policies SAVED Canada from diasters that hit all G-20 nations, including the U.S. The Candian banking system, emerged from this crisis as the model for ALL COUNTRIES around the globe to emulate.

    If a liberal, was at the helm, such as chretian, Martin, trudeau, during this time, rest assured Canada would have been teetering on the verge of bankruptacy.

    quebec, the welfare province, would have suffered a hell of lot more, if it wasn’t for the conservative policies that Harper enacted. Do you have any clue, as to the safeguards that were put in place, to ensure that Canada would evolve, as THE BEST FINANCIALLY RUN COUNTRY IN THE WORLD ???


  41. @ trembly

    And yes trembly, with me it ALWAYS about language. I am one of those Canadians that believe in NOT TAKING MY EYE OFF THE BALL. The buck stops here with all of the forced bilingualism and the economic and social abuse the English have been subjected to at the hands of quebec nationalists and federalists that are out of touch and indifferent to their plight.

    When the current Canada, incoporates a defacto separatist provnce, then yes ,language is not only front and center, but constitutes a priority that iis second to none.

  42. Too funny, peter. Are your posts for real?

    Facts, please, before spin:

    Fact: The Chrétien/Martin Liberals turned the Mulroney deficits into a large surplus.

    Fact: The Martin Liberals put in place the banking regulations that helped Canada through the 2008/9 recession.

    Fact: The Harper Conservatives have turned the Chrétien/Martin surplus into a whopping deficit

    Fact: The Harper Conservatives inherited the Martin banking regulations that helped Canada through the 2008/9 recession.

    Fact: The Harper Conservatives are now cutting practically everything in sight in a desperate attempt to balance the books by 2015.

    Fact: It is well known that the Harper Conservatives do not care for facts, only for spin.

    Fact: Pierre Trudeau’s Canada became the envy of the world; Stephen Harper’s Canada is rapidly becoming a pariah in the world.

    I sincerely hope, when you were teaching, that you gave your students facts, not spin.

  43. Influencing voters to vote is a task all our political junkies are trying to achieve. I went to the 420 – Fill the Hill, event on Parliament Hill yesterday. All the speakers were requesting to the crowd to go vote at the next federal election. Voters don’t care about politics but they care about government services. Most people have been conditioned to have no sense of personal responsibility and therefore believe that it’s not their civil responsibility to vote. During both my federal and my provincial campaigns, I honestly believe that most of the people I had conversations with claimed that they don’t follow politics nor vote because it don’t matter to them. Most people want the government to own, control and take care of them from cradle to grave. They want to be slaves and they don’t care which political party is elected cause they are all perceived as the same government.

  44. @ PJ



    1) Mulroney inherited one of the single largest deficits in Canadian history thanks to trudeau. Why? the NEP and price and wage controls.

    2) Between 1988 and 1991, Canada was plunged into a world wide recession, further deepening Canada’s deficit.

    3) Mulroney passed NAFTA which the liberals were against. the benefits we are still reaping in today. This was one of the greastest most lucrative economic agreements Canada has ever entered into. It provided bilions and billions for Canada’s economy, and still does so today.

    4) Mulroney also introducted the GST to replace the MST. this would be a lower tax than the MST, when applied to manufacted goods.

    5) The liberals vowed to end the GST. they NEVER did, because they realized that is would be counter productive to Canadian revenue. So to save face they blended it into the provinical sales tax, downloading federal expendures to the provinces. this cost billions more dollars, to download and apply. They then added services, as opposed to just manufactued goods. Nice eh ??

    6) They ( the liberals) promised to scrap NAFTA, until again they realized this would be counterproductive to the Canadian economy.

    7) In 1993 Chretien, was fortunate to begin his as P.M.at the start of a world economic recovery. therefore, Canada was now in a position to slash spending and lower taxes. Yes he had a deficit, but timing was everything. He could not have done what he did, if it wasn’t for the fact that times were a changing and afforability now became doable.

    8) These cuts resulted in fewer government services , especially in health care that we are feeling today.

    When Harper took the reigns of power, this was shortly before the world economic crisis that happened in 2008-2009. It was Harper and Bank of Canada president Mark Carney that approached this crisis and laid out the groundwork for Canada’s approach to this global crisis.
    They, kept interests rates low. They supported the auto sector with cash infusions. They committed to the CAW flexible and workable contracts to sustain the auto sector , while at the same time ensuring that their workforce would not be decimated.
    They also, applied trust taxation on specific income trust funds to ensure a steady revenue stream that the ultra rich avoided, and now had to pay.
    They made availavble cash infusions into the banking sector, so that short term low interest loans be made available to businesses that incurred pain as a direct result of this global crisis.
    These were HARPER POLICES . AS fo cuts, they cut what they said they would cut. Waste. waste in the misuse of transfer payments. waste in the enviroment industries, such as wind mills, that produce only 4% of Ontario’s power, yet cost billions to maintain and support.These are but two examples. There are many, many more.
    As for trudeau being the envy of the world,well, Thatcher of the UK thought very little of him. As did Ford and Carter and Reagan of the U.S. They thought his behavour was ,as thatcher put it, infintile. However, Fidel Castro, was one of his biggest supporters. This is an endorsement many Canadians shun, and rightly so.

    As for teaching my students, I gave them BOTH sides of the story ,as well the whole truth, not just what the left wingers and left wing press pass off as fact in this country.


  45. @PJ
    In an attempt at “keeping it real” similar to a famous television personality some of you may be familiar with, and a person whom I, with a minor exception or two, hold to a fairly high standard as far as intelligence and forward thinking goes, I would like to offer the following.

    Having been brought up with more of a leaning towards the Liberal attitudes and moral values I find myself stuck in an ever increasingly frustrating conundrum with regard to this whole political notion of Liberals VS Conservatives in this country.

    This does not even touch on the indescribable sense of disbelief contained inside of me revolving around the fact that a party like the Bloc Quebecois —

    a “federal” party who’s self professed interests are selfish interests that directly benefit one province and one province ONLY — (QUEBEC) — and who’s self declared “main goal” is the separation of the province of Quebec from rest of Canada (which at one time was unacceptable to me but is now — to my belief — the only REAL answer for this country)

    — is allowed to even exist — to any degree at all — within the “federal legislature” of this country given the type constitutional system we have here in Canada.

    Namely one that (just to name but one “small insignificant little detail”) includes the requirement that members of these federal parties take the oath — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oath_of_Allegiance_%28Canada%29 — which pledges allegiance to the Queen of England. No doubt, the arch enemy of a party like the Bloc.

    I find it hard to think there could be a higher level of hypocrite behavior. Wouldn’t ya’ll agree?

    Now, is it just me or is there something just so absolutely, appallingly WRONG with such a concept on so many freakin levels.

    And further, (though, I somewhat hate to admit it) does this not serve AS THEEEE clearest illustration of the sheer apathetic ineptness of the majority Anglophone population in this country?

    I mean c’mon. Could not some intellectual Anglophone lawyer, judge or even business man not have come forward to begin the concept of challenging such a party before it got past the conceptual stage, or past the proverbial “drawing board” stage, so to speak ?

    But, I digress.

    My post here was to follow up on a post by PJ Robertson ON April 21, 2013 at 5:51 pm

    In keeping with the “keep it real” concept, I must say, you are indeed right PJ. You are right when you say that these bank rules were set in place by the previous Liberal governments, and it is also true that Canada weathered the economic downturn as well as it did as a direct result of those “Liberal brand” rules having been in place when the Conservatives came into power.

    I would also further add something that not many people know. Which is, shortly before the crunch (of course, not knowing what was coming down the pike) the Conservatives indeed attempted to change these rules and allow for banks to do things like merge and adopt the more lax rules. The Liberals thankfully pushed back at that point.

    Had the liberals not pushed back things could have been much different going into that economic downturn for sure.

    Thank goodness for the Liberals – IN THAT CASE —

    I would also say that I am grateful that the Liberals were in power back when George W wanted to invade Iraq with his now so infamous false claim regarding weapons of mass destruction etc.

    After all, there’s pretty much only ONE THING WORSE than sending young men off to die in a war.

    And that is, sending young men off to die in an “unjust war” based on lies.

    So, there you have it… This now sits me squarely in the Liberal camp, right?

    Not exactly. Let us remember, I did begin with the words, — in an attempt at “keeping it real” – and thus, this brings me to…

    Over the past few decades, the Liberals — Yes, the party who is doing things LIKE…


    which is a direct insult to the majority Anglophone voters in this country, have been pretty much pandering to, and handing this country over to the French and the French interests on just about every level (federal, provincial and local.)

    As a direct result of a clever — shall we call it — “plan” / “dream” that Trudeau Sr. had,



    we are now seeing a level of entrenchment within our system that is so deep it is going to take some doing in order to weed it out, and that’s ONLY if we begin some time soon.

    Because — if we don’t — And if this “plan” / “dream”
    is left to continue gathering momentum and furthering it’s entrenchment, we can be guaranteed that

    — slowly BUT MOST CERTAINLY surely –

    each and every town, city, province, and eventually all CORNERS of this country will succumb to the idea that in order for anything to happen in any way at all, it will have to happen in French. And, I for one, truly don’t believe it’s fair to allow this country to have that happen to it — IN THIS WAY – and under this pretense.

    I guess that now sits me squarely in the Conservative camp, right?

    Well, let’s just say. Even though I don’t like the American style politics the Conservatives have been demonstrating as of late

    I would say Conservative — For now —

    That is, until some Liberal minded party comes along that has the values and morals that I believe MANY Canadians (including myself) are looking for but —

    A Liberal party THAT IS NOT hell bent of seeing to it that the present day French license plate mantra “Je Me Souviens”

    is no longer just a reminder of


    but more of a reminder of …


    Something to think about no doubt.

  46. @ peter

    “trudeau being the envy of the world” (sic)

    Never said that. Read my post. Truth to fact, peter. Important.

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