A gifted writer, Andrea Paine has been writing speeches for cabinet Ministers and members of the National Assembly and of Parliament throughout her years in politics. More recently, she turned her talents to writing an inspirational blog found at www.lifepowerblog.ca, and is a published author, with a chapter in a book by British journalist, Chris Geiger. Andrea has also been involved in public speaking, having been on the speaker’s circuit on behalf of the St-Mary’s Hospital breast cancer foundation in 2011, as well as a presenter, in 2012 and 2013, for the Federated Press Annual Conference on “Working with Ministers and Parliament” in Ottawa.
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Hi Andrea, What a beautiful story! I, too, am a breast cancer survivor and as it happens my son and his family live in the UK, so we’ve spent lots of time roaming the English countryside, including Cornwall!
I’m also the co-founder of the Women Suvivors Alliance. Our innaugural National Women Suvivors Convention will take place in August in Nashville (www.survivorsconvention.com). Of course, we’d love it if you grabbed your breast cancer sisters and came to the convention. But short of that, I wonder if you’d be willing to be a guest blogger on our site. Take a look at what we’re doing and let me know.
And never stop running. I can’t as a result of joint damage from chemo, but I exercise like a fiend and I’m a mean power walker with my Labrador :-).
Hugs from your American sister,
Hi Judy! I checked out your site, and I would love to be a guest blogger. I would also love to attend the convention, and would be willing to speak, if there is a need. What a great initiative! I will have to be back to Montreal, Quebec, Canada for August 24th, as I will be walking 60k from August 24-25th to raise funds for women’s cancers. Please reach me through my blog (www.lifepowerblog.ca) with details, and I’ll provide my e-mail coordinates.
My story is also published in a chapter in “The Cancer Survivors Club”, a book by British journalist, and cancer survivor, Chris Geiger.