Rally at McGill College in Montreal on Sunday June 30, 2013 Over Language Rights & Bill 14


There’s a rally, Sunday June 30, 2013 in front of McGill College in Montreal organized and promoted by Howard Galganov of Galganov.com.

Will you be there?

(Comments and opinions of Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and comments from readers are purely their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of the owners of this site, their staff, or sponsors.)

James Moak



  1. I can’t wait for the 30th!!!

    We must stand together, be strong and be counted. Enough BS already. This country has to learn that some of the English speaking people want to rule.

    I hope that we can all come together again for a BBQ (@ galganov’s) to raise funds for the galganov cause. After all he is fighting to destroy a culture and to unite this country.

  2. I am not worried at all about language rights but worried about our rights in general which are being eroded like the US, Europe, etc.

    This morning we were at a business and a man from another country who has been here for 45 years here in Ottawa spoke to my husband in French, English and Arabic and he and my husband are both trilingual and I am bilingual. I was thinking then at that very minute this morning about the people in Fossoli who don’t want to speak French – shame on the people. The more you know the better you are.

    It is the basic other rights that I am worried about not about language – language can be learned by a lot of people if they put their minds to it. I don’t blame Mme Marois or any other premier of Québec wanting to keep their French language in a continent where there is hardly any French spoken and only English and Spanish. I give credit to Québec for wanting to keep their language rights.

  3. Jaime, you were asking why businesses didn’t advertise on CFN. Promoting such a hateful person like mr galganov is the reason. ”We are canadian not quebecois ¨ So now Quebecers are not canadians. Promouvoir la haine et la propagande haineuse semble être la marque de commerce de monsieur galganov. Méchant trou de…

  4. Poor Richard, how very threatened you must feel by the very concept of equality. Not only do you and stella try to tivialize the mere notion of equal language rights but now you attack the media that would dare cover the story.

  5. Author

    Reg sounds more threatening no?

  6. stellabystarlight June 18, 2013 at 4:44 pm

    Oh stella propaganda at it again.

    ” After all he is fighting to destroy a culture and to unite this country.”

    So standing up for ones rights is destroying a culture ,once again your warped perception shines through.

    It’s has nothing again nothing with as you say ruling it has everything to do with equal rights ,but at last you have no interest in that ….its about French first …more French protection,more French jobs ….there remains 200 other cultures in CANADA and Quebec has become and still remains the most rascist province and its treatment of minorities shame the rest of CANADA.

    Richard tremblay June 18, 2013 at 5:24 pm

    RICHARD are you defined as French Canadian?

    Promoting such a hateful person like mr galganov is the reason. ”We are canadian not quebecois ¨ So now Quebecers are not canadians.

    He allows such hateful persons as yourself and Stella but hey you both define yourselves as “French” Canadians as apposed to just Canadian therefore your interest lyes firstly by the “French First”.
    Any time someone stands up for English rights they are automatically labelled as yourselves have just done ,and that says it all ETHNOCENTRIC -MUST NOT AGREE WITH TURBINS IN SOCCER EITHER BECAUSE IT’S NOT PARTOF YOUR CULTURE.


  7. RIGHT ON JULES!!!! Some of these English radicals just don’t get it. It is to one’s benefit to know more then one language, especially in a country that has two official languages….FRENCH and English.

    Howard, there is nothing wrong with turbins or any other culture for that matter. Stop trying to make us look like we are prejudiced and not accepting of other people. As a multi cultural country, we have all learned to adapt and accept people for who they are……..perhaps you can do the same with the French speaking people instead of trying to wipe them off the face of the earth as stated in your original copy.

    As for feeling threatened……..YOU MUST BE JOKING!!!! NOT ONE IOTA.

  8. Reg Coffey:

    So very well said Sir!
    Why do they feel so threatened by the mere concept of equality ?
    Is equality for all a concept that should make one tremble and encourage those to denounce what rights that are already have bestowed to them?

    Minorities are protected through the rest of Canada with exception of Quebec ,whereas language legislation violates ones right to freedom of expression of those said minorities.

    I understand and respect that Francophones wish to protect their language but it should never be at the expense of others rights and therefore is no longer considered admirable .

    Thomas Jefferson wrote :

    “If a law is unjust ,a man is not only right to disobey it;he is obligated to do so.”

    For often legislation is the shackles that bind us to oppression !

  9. stellabystarlight
    June 18, 2013 at 7:57 pm

    “RIGHT ON JULES!!!! Some of these English radicals just don’t get it”

    So standing up for ones rights make you radical does it?
    Once gain when someone stands up for English rights in Quebec they are automatically labelled,now its you who is bigoted.

    The threat to you is equality as this is an obscenely bad word to you isn’t it?

    “It is to one’s benefit to know more then one language, especially in a country that has two official languages….FRENCH and English.”

    Yes its a benefit to know more then one language as there are approx 20% that know languages other then french but they are not mandated for jobs aren’t they?
    Quebec has only one official language yet violate the charter of rights with regards to providing the other “OFFICIAL LANGUAGE”.

    “Stop trying to make us look like we are prejudiced and not accepting of other people.”

    I do not have to ,Quebec and its ETHNOCENTRIC Francophones do a fine job at doing this!

    “we have all learned to adapt and accept people for who they are……..perhaps you can do the same with the French speaking people instead of trying to wipe them off the face of the earth as stated in your original copy.”

    Ya like Quebec treats the Sikhs ,the Jews ,the English ,the Italians and the list goes on -YOU ALL WILL ASSIMILATE .

    Quebec is known now thought the world as one of the most intolerant cultures -Stella be proud they are your brethren and you are a shining light to their cause .

  10. Want to learn another language -go ahead but dont stiff the taxpayers to pay to learn another language –like forcing everyone one to learn French at a expense of over a billion dollars a year for over 40 years, what a waste of money

  11. Hello All,
    I was just realizing how Stella and Richard are great upstanding “citizens” of “Canada.” Isn’t it just wonderful to have people such as these two great folks, not only living here and finding great jobs here in Ontario Canada, but, just having them as good ol — Canadian– citizens is just so wonderful. Even “if” they are “French first” they are still Canadian. Nes pas? Not sure how long that will last but it’s all good for now.

    It’s also great to see that that they are here in this forum to help enlighten all of us with the virtues of what it is to be French and how wonderful it is to know MANY languages. I mean, so what if people ARE literally being FORCED TO LEARN French as a means to being able to apply for most jobs in this area. Isn’t it all about
    — just knowing the languages ? — Nothing else should really count, right? Ah yes, the virtues are just so numerous I can barely list them all. Let’s see:
    How about, we start with
    — bill 22. A bill the French in Quebec introduced to make it more difficult for English families to educate their children in English in that province. I can only imagine how all those English families were so delighted when that one passed.

    Skipping bill 178 for now, we jump to
    bill 101. A fairly repressive bill but, the French language and culture MUST be saved at all costs don’t cha know. And dammit, if the French can’t afford to save their own language and culture on their own what’s the big deal with forcing the Anglophones all across Canada to chip in and pay the cost of that on behalf of the French.

    Yup, wonderful Bill 101, how glorious. It was practically over night that all those nasty English signs in Quebec were replaced with all those nice shiny new French ones. Ah yes, i remember it well. Who cares what the English thought. What do they matter anyways eh? French people will be attacking them in subways and busses before too long anyways so who cares.
    What’s next? uhmmm…
    Oh wait. I forgot. Let’s move back a step. This one is from back in the day. As was mentioned in the “call above for concerned English citizens of Canada to be heard.” The fact that the Quebec French made sure to name Canada day as the official “sign a new lease day” in Quebec which, in effect, makes it moving day for all Quebecers.

    What a stroke of genius. Who would want to celebrate Canada day anyways. That’s not a French holiday. Right guys? I mean, well, unless you take advantage and get BOTH days off work cause your special, What a pay day.. wo hooooo.

    As for those Quebecers, they want nothing to do with Canada day. That’s the official holiday of the English and those nasty Canadians. You two likely mainly enjoy St Jean day, right? You know the day where carrying a Canadian flag in the province of Quebec will get you beaten up and likely spit on too.

    Funny, come to think of it, i often see quite a few Quebec flags IN ALL PARTS of Canada on Canada day. I guess those English Canadian people are into unity and togetherness and all that kinda thing. What dopes. Ah, the memories…

    Next we have uhmmm, ah yes
    Anyone remember how the English were threatened with physical violence & harm if they tried to celebrate their historic battle on the Plains of Abraham. Trying to have that re-enactment was definitely “provocative” and thus, it is a darn good thing it got replaced by Luck Mervil who decided that reading the FLQ manifesto, a group called that killed an innocent man back in the day in order to further the agenda of the French. Oh no, reading that FLQ manifesto on THAT day on the Plains of Abraham was not “provocative” to the English, nope… I mean who cares if he read this FLQ manifesto on the Plains of Abraham on that very day that the re-enactment was supposed to take place. After all, it couldn’t be provocative. Why not? Well, because it was something “the French” wanted to do and therefore it simply could not be provocative. Ah, now that I have this double speak thing all figured out, it just so easy.

    You know, this provocation thing is similar to how those pesky English wanted to fly an Anglo flag for one day in one location in New Brunswick. Now THAT was definitely provocative. One whole day in front of the legislature building, the majority Anglo population wanted to fly AN ANGLO FLAG NO LESS. Imagine..
    Oh mon dieux.

    Of course, compared to those huge Franco flags flying everywhere across Ontario 24 hours a day 7 days a week in front of hospitals and ONTARIO legislatures of all kinds.

    Nothing wrong with that. No, provocation there. That’s perfectly fine. Sometimes I wonder about these darn English folks and how backwards they seem to think.. Right Stella and Richard? Shesh.. I am so glad I came to my senses and realized that you guys are right. It makes life so much easier. No really. I hardly even have to think any more.

    I could go on but, I have to get back to making my newest video.
    The working title is… How the French are hard done by in Ontario and Canada.

    See ya’ll later. Don’t forget to cash those hefty government pay cheques of yours before you cross the bridge. Opps, sorry I forgot. You guys are among those who actually STAY on this side of the river. Yes yes, the blessed Franco Ontarian group. That’s right. Used to think of ya’s as the evil from within till I realized there’s no use trying to make any kind of sense of anything cause that’s just too backwards , isn’t it? 🙂

    Guess that’s it for now, take care all…
    _____(o o)

  12. PS: Great post Reg Coffey
    June 18, 2013 at 6:29 pm

    It was very inspiring 🙂

  13. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
    (a) freedom of conscience and religion;
    (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
    (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
    (d) freedom of association

    Use it or lose it folks!

  14. Thanks to Howard for inspiring us & having the courage to return to his roots to help what is left of the English in Quebec.
    I say NO to language laws as it oppresses Freedom of Speech & to think this is happening not only in Quebec, but in Ontario too.
    Wake up English folks , your rights & freedoms are being stripped away!!!!


    Thanks Howard Galgonov and all who supports this push back. English rights are being erroded and chipped at and we will take it no more. French as a second language sure, but forced bilingualism and wasteful spending to promote the illusion that everyone speaks French, utter nonsense. Please show your support and attend. Do something to protect Canada the day before it’s birthday!!!!!!!!

  16. With all due respect. RCornwallians , along with Howard., are virtually clueless, when it comes to Quebec even though Howard was born in Quebec let me put it simply, how would you like it if Mario beaulieu went to Cornwall , yelling about French rightsi know howard was Born in montreal I am am Anglo quebecer if howard comes with people from Ontario , hmmm only am idiots could not know what will happen . Why not write letters to the French media about how bilingual a lot of Ontario is. Destroy their lying myth . Please stay home, your concern is noted

  17. Thanks for all of your hard work Howard, Highlander, and everyone else. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the rally as I am enslaved in a dead end, minimum wage night job due to this very issue of language unfairness.

    I would venture to say that this problem has indeed progressed from a linguistic one to an ethnocentric, racial one. It no longer means anything to just read, write and speak the minority language but one must be, ‘pure laine’ in Canada to obtain one of the gravy jobs.

    As previously stated, I will be home during the specified week in July. Perhaps I can speak at a special session of LFA to relate my experiences of this issue?

    And then we’ll see just what kind of backlash all of this can amount to…

  18. My rule-of-thumb is to stay away from anything that Galganov is associated with!

  19. If there is any violence it will be from the radical Francophone side. Most Francophones that I know are fair and believe in fairness. It is the ones that are in dreamland about changing the whole country into bilingual…..oops change that, to all French that are the ones that will be throwing the first stone. Galgonov’s group is peaceful and sensible. Since when is sticking up for one’s rights a bad thing?

  20. June 19, 2013 at 7:52 am


    With all due respect Howard and others from CORNWALL are more informed of the reality of bill 101 and bill 14 then the average Quebecer .
    Hence that explains why even with those oppressive laws very little people make a stand when then should .
    Many have contacted our members and agree that LFA and associates would be appreciated .

    Yes the Road to hell is paved with good intentions and that very statement explains how protecting a language has evolved to oppressing others.

    But I must ask how is importing others from out of province to demand equality for ALL Canadians “stacking the deck”?
    Are those Quebecers not CANADIANS ?
    Are they not deserving the same minority protection that is provided for Francophones in Ontario?

    Yes Sir /Madam many Francophone language rights groups in Ontario demand for Francophone rights and at the taxpayers expense of $760,000,000 .
    Franco Ontarian’ s represent 4% of the population ,yet near 17% of Quebec are Anglophones and $ 50,000,000 is spent on bilingualism which is 15x less then Ontario ,yet with a population % 4 x greater then Ontario’s minority Francophones.

    But this is not as much a financial issue but an equality rights issue and loss of fundamental rights which ALL Canadians are guaranteed by the Charter of Rights.

  21. I am sorry I will not be able to attend the rally but my thoughts will be with you **smile** I am hoping to attend the GIANT RALLY on parliament hill…if it is still on that is.

    Stan…..I feel the same and so do many others. That was clearly demonstrated when the galganov, in all his splendor, ran for office. Here is a guy who is trying desperately to separate this country and is leading his sheep into a labyrinth of radical activism…….yet some people think he is a hero, go figure.

  22. The quebecers would have nothing in that province if it wasn’t for English businessmen and immigrants, and Trudeau’s largesse to the vast minority. {MODERATED}

  23. stellabystarlight June 19, 2013 at 12:56 pm

    ” I am sorry I will not be able to attend the rally but my thoughts will be with you **smile**”

    Ah Stella that’s too bad the separatist and their ETHNOCENTRIC band could use you!

    ” Here is a guy who is trying desperately to separate this country and is leading his sheep into a labyrinth of radical activism…”

  24. So standing up for equal rights is radical activism ?
    Wow the KKK could have used you during the 60’s when African Americans strived for equality,your type of propaganda would have went far .

    But hey your Ethnocentric propaganda is better served for the true group thats trying to separate the country “THE QUEBEC SEPARATIST” your brethren.

    Remember miss Stella all are equal under GOD except when Canadian language laws are involved.

  25. It’s time to get clear answers to two things.

    1) is Quebec a province or a pseudo country / Nation?


    2) When one refers to “the French” what does that mean in so far as numbers?

    Like people say, “the French don’t want English in Quebec.” to which people say, “well it isn’t all the French.” and yes, that is true to some degree so, what i would like to know, and what i think is important try to come to some tangible stats for is …

    What kind of numbers are we dealing with? If, as some people say, “it’s only a tiny minority that feel this way and don’t want the English people and language around ” then when English people are yelled at and punched or have eggs or tomato sandwiches thrown at them why don’t that majority speak up just as loudly as the English people receiving this abuse?

    If THEY ARE indeed the majority there in Quebec, how can they allow such a small minority of people to represent them in such a negative way.
    Same with when people say, “Bill 101 is an awful law and should be repealed” The response is well, it’s only a few politicians that did that and the regular French people don’t mind English signs etc etc. Why don’t those majority French stand up with the English at say, the protest that Howard is arranging and stand WITH the English people.
    The problem i keep seeing is people say, “oh it’s just a small minority that are like this and think this way” then i see the massive — and i mean 90% PLUS — massive crowds of French people celebrating St jean day with the fever of a teenager yelling things like, “Quebec is best, the French the rulers, down with the Canadian flag” and most will attack ANYONE walking around in Quebec with a Canadian flag as if that is the devil himself. So which one is it? A SMALL minority or 90% plus?

    these two questions desperately NEED some kind of solid answers.
    nest pas?

  26. It is so stupid of Howard to be going to a rally in a Province the does not live in to oppose Bill 14…

    Getting so close to Canada Day going to rally in QC at best is not the best idea.. The radicals will be out as it is close to Canada Day.

    Why does he not mind his own business.. You know 95% of French folks in QC are not in agreement with Pauline Marois.. si why show ignorance to the folks of QC by Ontario folks going down there stirring the pot…. The soccer head wear got resolved other issues will too..
    All you people who say QC would have nothing… etc.. you really are very ignorant sorry…… Canada is made up of all provinces and all contribute something to Canada… Think about it Ontario (Cornwall buys electricity from QC)

  27. People who are not open to want to learn another language and who listen to Howard Galganov speak hatred towards the French and minorities is a BIGOT and does not deserve to be heard. The more languages that you have the better you are and when people go and knock down the French Canadians then how in God’s green earth are they going to get along with others.

    Some years back a friend of ours who lives in Cornwall told us that Cornwall was very racist and even Canada itself but especially Cornwall. Well we found that out even before he came out with that but he solidified just what Cornwall is all about. Living in Cornwall was like living with the mentality of the 1800’s and before and living on the Plaines d’Abraham. It’s crazy the way people hate one another and you call yourselves Christians. No way are you Christians. Christianity is not about hatred at all. People sure have everything twisted awfully bad that is for sure.

  28. and Reg Coffee I am not buying your coffee no more… i am sure if a francophone would come by your stand at the farmers market and ask for a coffee in French you would be as sweet as sugar 🙂

  29. @ English Lassie
    Firstly, i have to say i like your pseudonym. I just hope the image it conjures up actually matches with reality.

    Second you post on June 19, 2013 at 5:22 am
    which said, “Thanks to Howard for inspiring us & having the courage to return to his roots to help what is left of the English in Quebec. I say NO to language laws as it oppresses Freedom of Speech & to think this is happening not only in Quebec, but in Ontario too.”

    IS a great post. Only, i would say, Quebec is a lost cause. The English people there WILL NEVER regain any sense of respect and equality for the fact that they are still Canadian citizens. That is VERY SAD and VERY unfortunate but it is also VERY TRUE. They should vote for separation at the next opportunity then move to Canada as soon as it becomes a reality.

    Then you wrote,
    Wake up English folks , your rights & freedoms are being stripped away!!!!”

    I second this wake up call 100%. The English people MUST start playing the same game the French are playing outside of Quebec. The idea of bilingualism “WAS” an OK concept at it’s inception in Canada where by the idea was that the Federal government would provide services to the French in their language so that the tiny percentage of French people (outside of Quebec) that DO NOT know the common language of the country which they live in (which is absurd as far as i am concerned — sort of like being born and raised in Russia and not being able to speak Russian) could get serviced in their language but has now, through the OLA and other laws, (Thanks P.E.T)


    this whole thing has been parlayed into the HUGE total lie that “Canada is a completely bilingual country — which it is NOT” and every and all services MUST be in both French and English with French being dominant outside of Quebec wherever the French gain a foothold. (IE: Montfort hospital & Ottawa university as just two examples). It seems absurd to accept bilingualism all across Canada just to cater to a tiny percentage of French people OUTSIDE OF the province of Quebec WHERE btw, they want nothing to do with bilingualism, the English language OR the English culture AT ALL. But, IF, and i say — IF — the majority Anglophones in this country are to accept bilingualism at all OUTSIDE OF QUEBEC two things SHOULD happen.
    1) Quebec should be forced to accommodate the English people living there also
    2) Any French outside of Quebec should be treated like English inside of Quebec. It should be smaller and in the so called “subservient position” (just like in Quebec) ie: on the bottom to the right or smaller and none of this cr@p with having French ONLY medical clinics that turn away people JUST BECAUSE they only speak English in a province (Ontario) that has only a tiny percentage of French speaking people. Which is a concept that, every time i say this or type it i get the same feeling about how I can’t even believe this is happening and being allowed to happen.

    I hope tons of “people” show up. Especially those French people who are supposed to be part of the majority i am told exits there who feel the English are being mistreated as well.

  30. What I can’t understand is why people in our country so freely hand over rights & freedoms. The problem, to me, is multifacited.

    1) Poor media coverage
    2) Corrupt politics
    3) Apathy
    4) Selfishness

    I teach my kids to stand up to bullies & I emulate my words.
    Practice what you preach, my Mother always said…
    I encourage ALL Candians to stand up for their constitutional rights & freedoms. You are not a radical or racist to do so.
    Block out the negative voices(stella, etc)& carry on. Be patriotic &
    be proud.
    Hope a large crowd goes to rally & supports our fellow Canadians. Say NO to language laws & live free!!!!

  31. Jane Doe, Anglophones want to get along, and have been very appeasing and accomodating since at least 1759, but there are just a few on either side that do not make this easy. I doubt Reg is on the extreme edge, but he could possibly be sweet to make a transaction regardless the language or gender. That is business and in Eastern Ontario where English is spoken more, more customers speak English, that is the English Fact.

  32. Jane Doe, concerning your post at 741PM June 19, “things got worked out” BECAUSE people talked about it, BECAUSE there was some media attention.

  33. Hey Edudyorlik,

    Your post of June 19, 2013 at 6:48 pm sums up the concerns I have of Quebec to a ‘T’ in regards to the language issue.

    Yes indeed, where are the majority of Quebecers to stand up against ethnocentric racist laws that favour a French majority to the detriment of all others?

    Difficult to comprehend that this takes place in 2013; nontheless in Canada – of all countries!

    After all of the patriotic and nationalistic behaviour simmers down, a true measure of a nation’s democratic ideals can be summed up by the behaviour of it’s citizens.

    I would chastize Quebec’s electoral population for electing a racist and anti-democratic PQ government and would critize our federal government for allowing the PQ’s mistreatment towards it’s minority populace to have taken place and to continue to take place in Quebec.

    Further, why do our elected representatives cater to and pander to these racists both inside and outside the province of Quebec?

    That is what I want answers to.

    And I’m still waiting for a satisfactory response from any of them from the dozen or so letters I’ve written to them.

    It’s high time that the Feds start cleaning house as it were and get rid of this bunch. It’s embarassing to the other nations of the world to include this province as a member of our Confederation.

  34. Jane Doe
    June 19, 2013 at 7:47 pm

    With all do respect Jane Doe ,Reg’s statement :

    “Poor Richard, how very threatened you must feel by the very concept of equality. Not only do you and stella try to tivialize the mere notion of equal language rights but now you attack the media that would dare cover the story.”

    His message is not in any form anti french but addresses the notion of Equal language rights and therefore EQUALITY.
    Is equitable language rights not exceptable ?
    Should minorities in Quebec not have the same rights and freedoms that have been afforded to the Francophone minority in Ontario?

    ” i am sure if a francophone would come by your stand at the farmers market and ask for a coffee in French you would be as sweet as sugar ”

    Why would he not be as respectable to Francophones ,the issue is not the francophone’s but the legislation a Government implemented that’s creates inequity and therefore oppresses the minority.

    Jane Doe
    June 19, 2013 at 7:41 pm

    “Why does he not mind his own business.. You know 95% of French folks in QC are not in agreement with Pauline Marois.. si why show ignorance to the folks of QC by Ontario folks going down there stirring the pot…. The soccer head wear got resolved other issues will too.”

    But Jane any ill treatments of Canadians has an effect on ALL Canadians and to not stand up to this like that 95% of Quebec population only condones that behavior.
    Why do you define Ontario folks who are genuinely concerned with the ill treatment of fellow Canadians in Quebec as showing ignorance and stirring the pot ?
    Is equality not for all ?

    As for you comment on head wear (turban)and the Sikhs well like pastagate if it were not for the media shaming the Quebec political regime those issues would not have been resolved.

    It has taken the media to hold the political regime in Quebec and its fascist policies to account and shamed the government internationally.

    Yes perhaps the majority of Francophones may not agree with the Quebec’s political regime but why are they not in the streets denouncing policies that create inequity to minorities -as they did with the student protests ?
    For those Francophones in Quebec Is Equality for minorities not worth fighting for?

    One can only imagine the fallout if Ontario’s Francophones were treated as minorities such as English in Quebec.

  35. @Jane Doe, I ‘m sorry that you feel the need to boycott a business because the owner voices an opinion. Do you find my words so threatening that you would eschew the best coffee in the area? It is your loss both in good taste and open mindedness.

  36. Why not hold a rally to help out our canadian colleges in alberta ? This is a time where language has to be put aside. I hope and pray that the 150 people that were trapped in their own homes find rescue. Why not hold a rally for that howard ?

  37. That guy is fighting for our Constitutional Rights & Freedoms as Canadians. Do you Bilingual Montreal have a problem with democracy or have you drank too much Quebecois ethnocentric kool aide?

  38. Richard tremblay
    June 20, 2013 at 8:10 pm

    “Why not hold a rally to help out our canadian colleges in alberta ?”

    Richard this rally was planned much before the floods ,I know I gave to help our fellow Canadians in Alberta.
    If not for diversion of the subject ,being so impassioned why do you not set up a rally for those Canadians effected by the flood?

    I will join you in defense Canadians ,in particular when Equality is involved.

    Your turn to make a difference Richard ,how about it?

    Or was your comments a game of smoke and mirrors ?

  39. Howard G is not fighting for freedom of expression. The man speaks perfect french yet he calls himself one of the oppressed. Now he’s fighting for and promoting the extermination of the french language in eastern ontario. He even went so far as to promote the boycott of french owned stores. Si ça n’est pas de la propagande haineuse, je ne sais pas ce que c’est !!

    Diversion, you mean like saying ¨why do you not set up a rally for those Canadians effected by the flood?¨ I too gave money to help out the albertans affected by the flood. All I was saying is, there comes a time when we need to take a break from the bickering and deal with the real problems.

    BOYCOTT GALGANOV https://www.facebook.com/events/169632456547341/

  40. Talk about the man instead of the reason is a diversion.
    Federally, recent bills like C419 and C232, provincially, Ontario has been hosting a slew of laws and changes to provide “bilingual” persons move to the front of the line for health care and jobs.

    It is HIGH time people speak out!

  41. To the many misinformed readers, a friend, Jimmy Kay, has nicely explained Howard Galganov controversial pamphlet in simple terms…
    Freedom is not free, we must unite together to ensure our Constitutional Rights & Freedoms!!!

    “To everyone what does “How to Wipe-Out the Franco Ontario, ban any stand alone use of the French language make it illegal” MEAN. Has anyone actually read the pamphlet?

    Galganov is not saying HE is banning the French language he is saying that if you eliminate Freedom of Speech then the French community CANNOT have a store all in French which would aid in the assimilation of the French community. hence a store with only French would BE ILLEGAL . And if this store was all in French it would be fined. SO GALGANOV IS for the French community not against it. So what they people are boycotting below is FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION??? And the people boycotting below are to deny the French community the right to have their stores all in French or any other language they wish which is against our charter and the UN.”

    Jimmy is referring to an event created by Bilingual Montreal FB Group to “Boycott” I am Canadian Rally June 30 in Montreal, created by Howard Galganov. We are Canadian first & foremost-period!!!!!!

  42. Richard tremblay June 25, 2013 at 7:08 am

    “Now he’s fighting for and promoting the extermination of the french language in eastern ontario. ”

    Now,now Richard your propaganda is coming out again.

    ” All I was saying is, there comes a time when we need to take a break from the bickering and deal with the real problems.”

    You may call it bickering but standing up for Equal rights and respecting our Charter of rights desrves “no break” tell that to the civil rights people .

    All are to be treated Equal ,you may not agree with that as you agree with bill 101 and 14.

    Should Francophones in Ontario be treated the same as minorities in Quebec?
    Absolutely not !!!
    But in the protection of a flourishing culture /language its alright to violate the minorities rights.

    Let there be freedom of choice in their language of choice,the state should not control what choice of words either written or spoken that person may present.
    Otherwise there is no freedom!

  43. If we are truly FREE to say what we want in a free society that is Canada, then I find it revolting that people who do not wish to have any type of bilingualism in Ontario to be treated with disrespect.

    Ontario is 92% English, and Ottawa is 84% English and Canada is 79% English. To have bilingualism in these jurisdictions is simply nonsense. There is only 17% of Canadians that are bilingual and from that number a full 95% come from quebec.

    To say that bilingualism is a failure is a gross understatement.

    We only have this bilingual concept because of quebec and to appease politicians who want quebeckers to vote for them and bribe quebeckers to stay in Canada. Please do us all a favor and let them go ASAP.

    In other words we are being forced to prostitute our tax dollars for 17% of a population that is bilingual.

    Since quebec OUTLAWS ENGLISH at all levels then why should any true Canadian anywhere support this bilingual policy. The federal government can try to force this policy on Canadians, but that doesn’t MEAN THE PEOPLE SUPPORT IT.

    Good for Mr. Galganov for saying what millions of Canadians can’t or won’t say. We do NOT WANT A BILINGUAL CANADA outside of a quebec that is unilingual french

    I boycott and will continue to boycott all that is bilingual in Ontario and promote ONLY MY ENGLISH CULTURE AND HERITAGE, just as the french do. And I promote and encourage all English people to do the same.

  44. Why not hold a rally to get rid of quebec, trembly ::

    quit trying to divert the issue, to an Alberta you couldn’t care less for, a la Trudeau.

    Get it through your head, that people here do not WANT BILINGUALISM, we are not of thye opinion that although governments may TRY TO FORCE THIS UPON ,doesn’t mean we agree or will accept it

  45. I notice, during this interesting exchange of
    ideas and opinions, that not a single person
    has mentioned the inconvenient reality. In the
    middle of the whining of some people about
    ” the preservation of French culture, ” the fact is, the French
    are having their temper tantrum after after a centuries-long
    attempt to destroy Mohawk culture and claim
    land that isn’t and never has been theirs.
    Hypocritical and pathetic, much?

  46. MohawkWoman


    I have put to question many times this:

    The intention of official bilingualism was to protect a language and culture which is “threatened”.
    French is as threatened as the English language but this is not really about protecting a language but more social engineering.

    If this was truly about protecting endangered language why not have the same legislation to protect the truly threatened Native languages?

    Already this century we have seen the loss of at least 10 native languages and many more on the brink of extinction.
    If this is really was about protecting language does it not warrant that those native languages have the same legislated protection allocated to the French language?
    Or is all of this an inconvenient truth?

  47. I doubt mohawk woman is really legitimate but I”ll reply. Natives have every year gotten funding from the federal government. But I agree, natives do need protection and more funding to preserve their language and culture. Natives get free funding for education, free medical, free glasses and optometrist services, no taxes if you live on reserve, and those privileges should remain.

    So debbie, it would be Ok to hand out a pamphlet with a hateful title just as long as the inside of it is semi legitimate. So I could write a pamphlet saying ¨how to wipe out black people¨and write inside, just kidding. How about send out a pamphlet saying ¨ban black owned stores¨ Encore une fois, propagande haineuse de la part de howard.

    Howard, give us franco ontarians our own universities and more then one college. then we will talk.

  48. Richard tremblay, if you want a French university or college, pay for it. Would you like to redirect and divide taxpayer money for funding? The French can pay for their services and the English can pay for theirs.

    Realistically though, there are not enough students to provide more than we have now, 2 publicly funded colleges and 9 French and bilingual universities, 4 school boards of which 2 are French and account for well over 450 schools..

  49. To Mohawk Woman: I have in earlier posts brought up that issue; surmising fascist instances like Oka and the illegitimacy of Quebec’s actions towards the Iroquois. I have also asked why are funds traditionally set aside for Bilingualism French not set aside for the languages such as Mohawk that are truly in desperate need.

    And then I realized some stark realities about ‘our’ Canada. For the most part, our nation is led, guided by Pro French politicians at the Federal level. The only difference between Pauline Marois and the likes of Justin Trudeau are that one wants to have an independent French Quebec separate from Canada and is a hard-liner and the other is a moderate with the wish of making all of Canada, French first. All of this mess to say that the majority of Canadians do not have French as a first language.

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