Cory Cameron Letter to the Editor – Going Postal……the Canadian Way!

LTEWe’ve all wanted to go postal (all pun intended) at some time or another.  The type of day where you regret even leaving your front door to face the day.  The sort of day where you know that whatever you do, you just cannot make any headway nor win your cause in the least bit.   We’ve all had those kinds of days whereby, ’ The Shirelles’ invented the song, “Mama Said” to describe them.


And so it was a normal, cool, crisp and sunny Northern Ontario morning last April whenever I left the house to mail a letter at the Post Office.  I had not much to do that day; and figured I would take complete advantage of the time I had to run a few errands.  My first step was the Post Office.


There was no lineup when I arrived and felt blessed that my luck was so far, so good.  I was wrong though.  As I approached the mid-age woman working behind the desk I greeted her and wished her a good morning and requested to purchase a stamp in the language of my choice, which happens to be English.  She obliged by producing the stamp and not returning the greeting in English nor French.  The remainder of our exchange during the few minutes had me requesting my service in English whereby her portion of the exchange was conducted in French.


Now, normally this situation wouldn’t be a problem for me as everyone knows I’m bilingual.  But on this particular day, I couldn’t get over the fact that I showed absolutely no inclination at all as to being bilingual.  Why wasn’t I served in English when clearly I greeted the worker in English upon the beginning of our exchange?  Further, why didn’t the Postal Worker switch to English whenever I was communicating in said language?  I could have switched to French but I decided not to.  My idea in this decision had to do with the fact that I felt that the worker was obligated to provide me with the service in English simply because I was the customer.  This would have been different if at any time she had informed me that she couldn’t speak English and would try to accommodate me by other means.  One such solution she could have sought out would be to perhaps seek out the services of another Postal Worker to serve me if she didn’t speak English herself.


In any case, I didn’t complain.  That is, I didn’t file a complaint at the Post Office.  As an aside, I have come across instances like this a few dozen times during the course of business transactions with civil service workers throughout the years and even some in the private industry.  And, after all was said and done, I never complained.  I had simply grown accustomed to situations like the one above and there is an argument to be made that I had become somewhat conditioned by these scenarios over the years.


Until now…


Perhaps it’s my newfound sense of fairness and pride that has awakened within me during these past two years.  Perhaps now that I’m a little longer in the tooth, I have decided that I no longer will take things lying down as it were.


I’m tired…


It’s one thing to learn a minority language and to enjoy the privileges of being able to read, write and speak in French.  But for what purpose and intent?  And to who’s benefit is it that I am bilingual?  Myself or to those whom I communicate with who have French as a first language?  I can honestly state that being bilingual hasn’t furthered my career options nor has it had the desired effect of garnishing career advancement opportunities for me in the job that I do have.  Moreover, I get the feeling that being bilingual for many of us Anglophones simply equates to making it easier for the Francophones to not have to learn English in order to communicate with us – such as in daily merchant transactions.




It was with all of these thoughts swirling within my consciousness that April day that I made the conscientious decision to file a complaint with Canada’s, ‘Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages’.  Before doing so, however, I ensured that I had a valid complaint to begin with and checked out the ‘Filing a Complaint’ section, sub-section, ‘In what situations can I file a complaint’.  After reviewing the information, I determined that I did in fact have a valid complaint and filed an online complaint the day of my Post Office visit and an initial response was forthcoming from a representative within a week of filing the complaint.


The representative advised me that in order to solve the dilemma of what had occurred an investigation would take place as to the incident itself. Having said that, keep in mind that my complaint was well documented and filed only after a few hours of the incident taking place.  Everything that happened was written succinctly on the initial report!

So, after e-mail and playing telephone tag to which more than a half dozen e-mails and a half dozen telephone calls were sent between myself and the representative detailing what had occurred; I emphasized and re-emphasized that I wanted only one question answered – and that was the following:


Why, was I spoken to in French whenever I clearly communicated in English?


All of this to say that as month 3 was coming around the corner subsequent to the initial incident; I was informed that the investigation was completed and that the results would soon be forthcoming.  I have a few questions as to this entire affair after having gone through this experience.  One being why haven’t I been provided with a response yet after 3 months?  Certainly this is a cut and paste situation?




Exactly what justifies the creation of an, “Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages” to begin with.  As of 2011, there were 518 complaints that the office dealt with having to do with language issues.   On October 16, 2012 a Globe and Mail article reported that,

“Almost half of the 518 complaints came from the area around Ottawa and adjacent Gatineau, Que., …” (


Are Canadian taxpayers being led to believe that 518 language-related complaints warrant a full-time staff being paid civil service wages to investigate this?  I cannot help but comment that more work is done during an 8 hour shift by a half dozen or less call centre employees who themselves individually handle on average a little more than 100 calls a day.  It seems as though by comparing stats, we’re not exactly getting a great bang for our buck.  So, I would argue that what we have here is but another example of government incompetence; a type and kind of federal government language police make-work project that our taxes are paying for.


And I’ll say this much.  We already have a set of language police in this country.  We don’t require the services of another; let alone the foundational Office quebecois de la langue francaise.


Ask yourselves this much:  Will it take over 3 months to solve your next computer or cell phone issue by someone making minimum wage?  Probably not.  So why would something so trivial take so long to conclude by someone being paid so much?

(Comments and opinions of Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and comments from readers are purely their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of the owners of this site, their staff, or sponsors.)


James Moak


  1. @Richard

    So your saying the only reason you requested service in French @ the Cornwall hospital is bc “you can”.
    What kind of answer is that? You speak & write English, why do YOU need French service? It’s not necessary & really you should be ashamed of your selfish attitude.The hospital staff are busy & stressed enough with sick & needful patients. I can not believe you would burden them more with your ethnocentric unwarrented needs. Not to mention your “special” needs take away valuable time intended for the ill. SHAME ON YOU!!!!

  2. Gaelic obviously is NOT an official language, does that make it any less important.So to he** with Mohawk, Yiddish, Punjabi , etc…So if its not an official or UN language,according to some on here, too he** with it!
    So really what makes French so special it must be an offical language.Over 200 languages spoken in Canada & the common language is ENGLISH.
    One language unites, 2 divides. Translators are a wonderful asset & more cost effective. We are in a global recession, time to cut back on French perks!!!

  3. Its not just because I can, its also cause in Ontario its the law. I hope you’re not suggesting that everyone should conform to the will of the majority. To conform not on merit, just because there are more people, that makes it right. Are we seriously complaining for 1 % of the budget ? Don’t we have more pressing matters ?
    -like getting rid of this scandal plagued conservative government.
    – this conservative government added over 200 billion to our debt shouldn’t we focus more on those numbers ? Heck, they are still looking around for 3.4 billion, of which they LOST.

  4. @ trembly

    Bilingualism has been with us since 1969, and a paltry 17 % of Canada is officially bilingual. Within that percentage a full 95% of that number comes from quebec.

    How does that translate into the majority of Canadians favoring bilingualism ???

    our great country, DOES NOT FAVOR BILINGUALISM, or certainly a hell of a lot more people would be bilingual than 5 million out of a population of 34 million, out of which 4 million comes from quebec., the unilingual french entity, would be bilingual.

    Again trembly, you {MODERATED}.

    BTW: What are the names of those businesses you said could openly display English commercial signs along Hull’s main street.

    Still waiting trembly, still waiting ………..

  5. @ English Lassie

    I couldn’t agree more. well said, sir.

  6. HFTT at 344PM, excellent idea, all taxpayers in Canada should use the government website for contact and use the language of their choice. Fewer government workers need to be bilingual then because there is less personal interaction and we can go back to providing for our families.

    And the UN does list English and French as the MAIN languages of business.

  7. Hungry for the Truth….
    July 22, 2013 at 3:44 pm

    “The official UN Internet site has 6 Official Languages
    on their Introduction page. You can choose 1 of the 6
    to be served. And declare the 6 are to be the official
    languages of business.”

    The United Nations Charter also recognizes discrimination by language .

    Our Charter does not recognize discrimination through language!

    -There is a good reason for this as the government is the LARGEST abuser of rights with regards to language discrimination.
    Being language discrimination is not recognizable in our CHARTER,our government cannot be held accountable for those actions.

    The United Nations has chastised the Canadian government on numerous occasions with regard to language laws.

    Richard tremblay
    July 22, 2013 at 10:25 pm

    “I don’t think promoting the destruction of our country is logical. The majority of our great country is for bilingualism.”

    Well you also believe in segregation of cultures how logical is that ?
    You would have us agree not for the inclusion of cultures but the segregation of them payed for those services clearly by a majority that would not agree to segregation!

    Perhaps a large amount of people believe in the concept of bilingualism ,but not its present legislative impact!

    Representation by population would remain a fair ,equitable and measurable approach to bilingualism.

  8. Richard tremblay July 23, 2013 at 7:23 am

    ” To conform not on merit, just because there are more people, that makes it right. ”

    MERIT? That’s a nasty word how dare you refer to that!

    But not to conform to MERIT in government hiring,because of langauge makes that right?

    When a job is deemed bilingual 83% of ALL applicants are not QUALIFIED not because of merit ,Education or experience but only because they do not speak the second language.

    So this makes it RIGHT Richard?

    Representation by population is the answer.

  9. I love this 1% of the budget justify s this promotion. How much was it 10 years ago, 15? How much do we need and want? What is the best use of that money?

    Perhaps people are for bilingualism, I am too to a degree, but not at any cost and if asked with a proper question in a cross country survey……too what degree would people find it acceptable?

    Highlander, in parts outside of Quebec, that 83% jumps to 95% and you are onto something.

  10. @English Lassie
    July 23, 2013 at 2:39 am

    Richard wrote:
    “So your saying the only reason you requested service in French @ the Cornwall hospital is bc “you can”.

    Why do you use your freedom of Speech.?

    Why can you move from one Province to another?

    Why can you practice the Religion of your choice?

    Why do you have the right to life, liberty and security of the person?

    Why do you have freedom from unreasonable search and seizure?

    Why do you have the right to communicate and be served in either official languages?

    Why do you vote?

    Why do you have freedom from arbitrary detention and imprisonment?

    Why do you have the right to legal counsel ?

    Why do you have the right of presumed innocent until proven guilty?

    Why do you have the right not to be subject to cruel and unusual punishment?

    Why do you have the right against self incrimination?

    Why do you have the right to an interpreter in a court proceeding?

    Why as a Canadian do you exercise your RIGHT if the need arises?

    BECAUSE YOU CAN! As a Canadian Citizen The Freedom of Rights
    Constitutional Laws function as a symbol for ALL Canadians in PRACTICE, because it represents the CORE value of FREEDOM for ALL CANADIANS.

    Richard and other French Canadians exercise their RIGHT BECAUSE its the LAW for all Canadians. With no more entitlement than exercising his Right to practising the religion of his choice!

    When I drive on the 400 series of our Highways I believe that the speed limit should be 120km. I feel restricted and violated. But the LAW is 100km. It’s not because I disagree with the Law or find it unfair that I have the right to arbitrarily deny it’s existence.

    Got to go now, my Sand box is waiting!


    English lassie wrote: You speak & write English, why do YOU need French service? It’s not necessary & really you should be ashamed of your selfish attitude.

    The author of the LTE claims he is bilingual…….is he ashamed and have a selfish attitude by wanting to be spoken to in English? Same scenario, different side.

  12. Stella nails it again!

  13. Sometimes a law is not right and another law can even remove a RIGHT. Forcing businesses in 4 eastern Ontario townships for example is very wrong. A business owner has a RIGHT removed and should be complaining loudly. Loudly that they are now 2nd class.

    All of this blends together doesn’t it, under the disguise of SERVICE.

  14. Re: POST by Hungry for the Truth…. July 23, 2013 at 10:54 am
    Nice list but…

    Yeah and,
    Quebec uses the not withstanding clause and bill to screw the English from many of these “rights” from your list.

    Even the ones they are suppose to offer legal and medical

    (legal interpreter in a court proceeding)

    OR medical

    are offered with resentment and all types of “jump through hoops” type clauses in order to get them”

    I know from direct experience from some of these also.

    And btw, using legal comparisons like speed limits to compare to this issue is totally ridiculous.

    These kinds of things are NOT comparable.

    Keep up the good (lies and deception type) work. But sadly i think you might have sand in your eyes from that sand box of yours.

    Or was that supposed to be a soapbox?

    Have a nice day eh… 🙂

  15. Yeah and,
    Quebec uses the not withstanding clause and — bill 101 — to screw the English from many of these “rights” from your list.

  16. Hungry for the Truth….
    July 23, 2013 at 10:54 am -Come out of that sand box and play!

    “Why do you use your freedom of Speech.?”

    Is this including expression the same expression in the charter that bill 101 violates (section fundamental freedoms section 2(b)

    “Why do you have freedom from unreasonable search and seizure?”

    Bill 14 has new legislation that violates the charters search and seizure (section 8 under legal right) without a warrant !!!

    Why do you have the right to communicate and be served in either official languages?

    Bill 101 and 14 violates Section 23 (1),(2)and (3) of the charters rights of minority official language.

    BECAUSE YOU CAN! As a Canadian Citizen The Freedom of Rights
    Constitutional Laws function as a symbol for ALL Canadians in PRACTICE, because it represents the CORE value of FREEDOM for ALL CANADIANS.

    If as you say Constitutional laws as a symbol for ALL Canadians in practice ,why are they so readily violated in the interest of one cultural group at the detriment of 200 others.

    Are these laws not to be applied to ALL people equally ?

    Or is it like a cheap hooker to be violated so readily -IT IS NOT WORTH THE PAPER ITS WRITTEN ON IF IT CANNOT BE ENFORCED EQUALLY!

    July 23, 2013 at 11:21 am

    “The author of the LTE claims he is bilingual…….is he ashamed and have a selfish attitude by wanting to be spoken to in English? Same scenario, different side.”

    If that is so Stella then why have you stated many times that Cory was wrong in doing so!
    Yet the post office (Federal)employee’s(who are deemed bilingual) REFUSED to speak in the language he addressed them in.(does anyone one remember Pakenham(99.9% English) postmaster who was fired because of one complaint for french services?)

    Poor Little Richard had to wait like all other folks English or French at the Hospital of which the Province of Ontario is not deemed bilingual for that 4% of the population……yet!

  17. Eric
    July 23, 2013 at 9:24 am

    “Highlander, in parts outside of Quebec, that 83% jumps to 95% and you are onto something.”

    Thanks Eric

    In some area’s even less like PEI WITH LANGUAGE LAWS TO SERVICE LESS THEN 3%.

    5125 Francophones out of 150,000 people and now the magic wand is waved and all new government hires are to be bilingual .

    I wonder where they will get these people?
    The same people advocating for those services!
    This really is about Jobs ,not services !

    But once again where is this so called “WHERE NUMBERS WARRANT” that was the initial intention of bilingualism?

    Lets not forget about B.C. where Francophones constitute less then 2 % yet now the push is on there for official bilingualism where is this ‘WHERE NUMBERS WARRANT”?

    Is this becoming Francophones manifest destiny of Canada?

    Representation by population is the real answer,fair ,equitable and measurable!

  18. So when the commissioner of language enforcement has “round table” discussions with Canadians about this issue WHY are English language groups not invited?
    I was led to believe that we had 2 official languages.
    I will anxiously await enlightenment from all those who are not “freedom fighters”.
    Please just answer the question so we can all benefit from your knowledge and wisdom seeing how you are on the right side of this debate.
    Please do not resort to name calling or telling me that I’m spouting BS (you haven’ t answered me Furtz).
    Twice I was to debate the commissioner on Rogers TV and twice he left me sitting in the waiting room of the TV station after verifying that he would be there.
    If all is rosy then why not take the opportunity to show me the error of my ways?
    Why not have the conversation?

    Richard Tremblay..Madame Wynn will be our saviour?????.you’ve got to be kidding..right?
    E health, orange, cancelled plants, e mails destroyed, Billions wasted, sex Ed for our 5 year olds,manufacturing sector destroyed,scandals in various files…Mcsquinty made “some mistakes”..he took us from a have province that was driving this country to a have not province where our brightest are leaving in droves…..some mistakes??????

    How can anyone support that?

    From Monty Python Richard..say no more,say no more

    One country, one language….save billions.

  19. Edudyorlik
    AKA King of Rant “I apologize for the length of this post” , July 22, 2013 at 1:00 pm
    AKA killroy
    July 22, 2013 at 9:14 pm

    “PS: There are many people who are negatively affected by this to
    which this is NOT a “game.”

    I agree, French speaking Canadians are negatively affected at the sight of their fellow Canadians attempt to subject them to deceitful and selfish attacks. These antics are negatively impacting their RIGHTS.

    The SUPREME MAJORITY’S disdain for the EXISTENCE of a
    Canadian’s fundamental Constitutional Right should not be taken lightly.


    Well said Edudyorlik, you are so right. Congrats on your RESPECT

    Got to go now, my Sand box is waiting!

  20. Ah yes, the not withstanding clause. I believe that is a big player in many feelings about Quebec. Not anti French, anti Catholic, or anti Quebec, but a loss of fair play where we see citizens and provinces as equal.
    Peace, order and good government, when were those days?

    But HFTT, it is not anyone from the English side trying to subject French Canadians, they do it to themselves.

  21. An early comment I submitted was blocked, so I will reword it in gentler terms.
    Peter stated “Please quebec leave ASAP our sanity is at stake here.”
    Whose sanity, Peter? Certainly not mine. Is it your sanity we should be worried about? Are you demanding that Canada be broken up in order to keep you from going insane? Just asking.
    I hope that’s gentle enough to be posted.

  22. @Highlander RE: POST on July 23, 2013 at 12:44 pm
    That was a great post Highlander. It is worth repeating for those with the sand in their eyes.

    Highlander write,
    Is this including expression the same expression in the charter that bill 101 violates (section fundamental freedoms section 2(b)

    “Why do you have freedom from unreasonable search and seizure?”

    Bill 14 has new legislation that violates the charters search and seizure (section 8 under legal right) without a warrant !!!

    *** Bill 101 includes sections that allow their “language police” to check businesses for violations without a warrant as well.

    Why do you have the right to communicate and be served in either official languages?

    Bill 101 and 14 violates Section 23 (1),(2)and (3) of the charters rights of minority official language.

    *** Their special don’t_cha_know. Because “they claim” their language and culture is threatened (which the rest of us bought hook line and sinker but it’s time to let them deal with their own issues now) they can invoke all kinds of “clauses” that say they don’t have to follow the charter the way the rest of Canada does in order to “accommodate them.”

    “BECAUSE YOU CAN! As a Canadian Citizen The Freedom of Rights Constitutional Laws function as a symbol for ALL Canadians in PRACTICE, because it represents the CORE value of FREEDOM for ALL CANADIANS.”

    If as you say Constitutional laws as a symbol for ALL Canadians in practice ,why are they so readily violated in the interest of one cultural group at the detriment of 200 others.

    Again, because their SPECIAL.. or, at least believe they are.

  23. Jurgen wrote: So when the commissioner of language enforcement has “round table” discussions with Canadians about this issue WHY are English language groups not invited?

    Perhaps you should ask the commissioner, we are not part of the discussions either……but I will try to explain.

    First of all, I doubt the commissioner invites ENTIRE groups at one time……..representatives of a group, perhaps but not entire groups. Entire groups are a distraction and normally not taken seriously.

    In order for “round tables” to be productive it needs a broad range of ideas from different people from different walks of life who don’t have their own agenda.

    That being said, I doubt the freedom fighters would be open to fair discussions…… least, not from what I read here.

  24. Highlander
    July 23, 2013 at 1:05 pm

    “In some area’s even less like PEI WITH LANGUAGE LAWS TO SERVICE LESS THEN 3%.”

    “Lets not forget about B.C. where Francophones constitute less then 2 % yet now the push is on there for official bilingualism where is this ‘WHERE NUMBERS WARRANT”?”

    Like I’ve said in previous posts you can keep encouraging one
    another by posting pretty graphs, and statistical data for another
    three years.

    I can guarantee you with conviction that, NOTHING WILL CHANGE. You will still perceive The Languages Laws to be UNFAIR.

    But if it brings you some kind of Personal Satisfaction then what can I say.

    At the end of the day and in five years from now, there will still be
    MILLIONS of CANADIANS that speak FRENCH. And they will continue availing themselves of their CANADIAN CONSTITUNIONAL RIGHT which is the Law.

    You yourself could work at FIXING the Laws, but I think you have
    adequately exposed the opposite INTERESTS in your views.

    The Art of complaining and using numbers about their Unfairness appears to be a preferred choice. Some would choose a different route and constructively attempt at bringing collective change. Rather than despair and discrimination.

    But as we say as CANADIANS, FREEDOM TO CHOOSE for ALL.

    Got to go now, my Sand box is waiting.

  25. @Eric
    July 23, 2013 at 9:24 am

    “I love this 1% of the budget justify s this promotion.”

    As a matter of fact, Canada’s 10 provinces spend nearly $900 million annually providing bilingual government services. Including the $1.5 billion the federal government spends on bilingualism, Canadian taxpayers are footing an annual bill $2.4 billion for bilingual services, a cost of $85 per Canadian. An Estimated 8.5 to 9,000,000 Canadians have declared in the 2011 census to have the ability to speak French.


    “How much do we need and want? What is the best use of that money?”

    As a comparative Investment spending costing all Canadians.

    There is 1,172,790 Aboriginal people in Canada in 2006, accounting for 3.8% of Canada’s total population.

    The Government of Canada has spent approximately $1.2 billion on school infrastructure from 2006–07 to 2010–2011.

    In 2011-2012, the Government of Canada provided $1.55 billion to support First Nations elementary and secondary education. An additional, approximately $200 million was provided to First Nations for construction and maintenance of education facilities on reserve.

    Why the attacks on the French Canadians for allegedly creating unfairness to the MAJORITY on the COST?

    My use of this information is not intended to disagree or agree with the Governments views on the merit or need of their decision. It is solely intended as a comparable FACTUAL and equal illustration of your defence that minorities COSTS VS POPULATION.

    It is not EXCLUSIVE to French or Aboriginal Canadians it extends itself to the Multicultural aspects of Canada and our diversity.

    Got to go now, my Sand box is waiting!

  26. Highlander
    July 23, 2013 at 12:44 pm

    “Why do you have freedom from unreasonable search and seizure?”

    “Bill 14 has new legislation that violates the charters search and seizure (section 8 under legal right) without a warrant !!!”

    The Canadian Law does not preclude search and seizure without Warrant as illegal. Law Enforcement have the right to search and seize without Warrant.

    The Charter of Rights protects against UNRESONABLE search and seizure. An officer of the Law can proceed to search and seizure if it is warranted. Does not require a Judge issued Warrant.

    UNREASONABLE = UNWARANTED..The Law does not imply that as a Canadian Citizen that Law Enforcement do not have the right to search and seizure without warrant. They do, in all CANADIAN Provinces.

    That is why when some cases go to Trial some of the evidence is
    deemed inadmissible as it was obtained Illegally.

    “If as you say Constitutional laws as a symbol for ALL Canadians in practice , why are they so readily violated in the interest of one cultural group at the detriment of 200 others.”

    The Canadian Constitutional Charter of Rights was enacted to protect CANADIANS.



    Equal protection to BOTH official languages. Not 200 languages.

    It could include more if Government was convinced of it’s NEED.

    Got to go now, my Sand box is waiting!

  27. I’m curious to know if any of the freedom-fighters posting here support or belong to the Freedom Party of Canada.The Freedom Party of Canada seems to be sympathetic to angry white Anglos who aren’t gonna take it anymore. Anybody?

  28. I can see the light.
    In order for round tables to be productive you need different people from different walks of life who don’t have their own agenda.
    Thanks Stella.
    I can sleep now knowing that those who do participate in our linguistic future have no agenda.
    Oh and btw, you are right on when you say that we could not participate in fair discussions.
    After all, a proportional and practical application of language laws would take away the opportunity for more language apartheid.
    Thanks again Stella

    Go Kathleen (our saviour)…oh…and Madelline, of course.

    One country, one billions.

  29. Boy are some people confused on this site..
    Service in Official Languages is designated for Federal jurisdiction, like a post office!!!

    Next time I see a shooting star I know my wish;
    Quebec, please separate. This is the only way to end this insanity.
    One language unites, two divides.

  30. We need to push our Conservative Government for an English Language Commisioner.Demand fairness & representation of the English .

    Whats good for the goose should be good for the gander.

    Who wants to visit Guy Lauzon MP ???

  31. Furtz, I never heard of the Freedom Party before, but their section 2 looks interesting.
    Part II: Equality of All Individuals Under the Law

    Discriminatory Government Unacceptable
    The Freedom Party of Canada strongly opposes laws or government activities that do not treat every individual the same as every other individual, regardless of their genetic make-up, religion, or peaceful lifestyle choices. The Freedom Party of Canada rejects the notion that discrimination is an acceptable way of combating discrimination. The Freedom Party of Canada will repeal discriminatory laws, or amend them such that they confer no benefit or status as a discriminatory means or to a discriminatory end.

    Jurgen, you are correct with people on committees with agendas. I believe the Chief of Staff for Liberal MP Belenger (Belenger is on the languages road map team) is a ranking executive member of a branch of the AFO (Francophone association) around Ottawa. There must be others with “connections” as well.

    HFTT, is education not a government service? Ontario puts in over a billion alone for the 2 French language school boards, buildings, maintenance, administration, pensions and those attractive green and white flags on 60 foot flag poles.

  32. stellabystarlight, have you seen the biased survey questions put out by the Official Languages Commissioner? They are designed to elicit a wanted response.

  33. – demand fairness for close to 78 % of the population. Break up the country because I didn’t get the job I think I deserve. Everyone should learn english, so I don’t have to have french shoved down my throat.

  34. “One language unites, two divides. One country, one billions. ¨ Isn’t that a perfect example of being ethnocentric ? And border line racist !

  35. Highlander, you made in addition to other comments on this particular posting the following:

    July 23, 2013 at 11:21 am

    “The author of the LTE claims he is bilingual…….is he ashamed and have a selfish attitude by wanting to be spoken to in English? Same scenario, different side.”

    If that is so Stella then why have you stated many times that Cory was wrong in doing so!
    Yet the post office (Federal)employee’s(who are deemed bilingual) REFUSED to speak in the language he addressed them in.(does anyone one remember Pakenham(99.9% English) postmaster who was fired because of one complaint for french services?)

    Poor Little Richard had to wait like all other folks English or French at the Hospital of which the Province of Ontario is not deemed bilingual for that 4% of the population……yet!”]

    There is a huge difference though in comparing what Richard experienced and what I did. The main difference is the fact that Richard ended up getting service in his chosen language which happens to be French and I never did which happens to be English.

    The other issue is the facility itself, right? It would only be fair to compare someone wishing to be serviced in English at the same facility and having someone serviced in French at the same facility and by the same person or people right after each other to truly compare scenarios. Otherwise, one runs the risk of inadvertently comparing apples and oranges most of the time. In any case, the most important aspect of any interaction in my opinion is the service. I would rather be serviced by a friendly Spanish speaking nurse with 20 years experience who displays impeccable nursing skills than any new mean spirited English, French or bilingual nursing graduate.

    It’s truly not of vital importance to me what language the person can communicate in as long as they can perform the physical requirements of the job in a courteous, professional, timely and friendly manner.

  36. stellabystarlight
    July 23, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    “In order for “round tables” to be productive it needs a broad range of ideas from different people from different walks of life who don’t have their own agenda.’

    He meets French language rights groups frequently enough ,but I guess other language rights groups that want equality is not in his interest.We do have 2 official languages but only one is respected and protected.

    “That being said, I doubt the freedom fighters would be open to fair discussions…… least, not from what I read here.”

    Well I know that the “freedom fighters ” as you call them that I know are interested in equality -if you choose to word that as not being open minded or fair all I have to say to our readers

  37. Amazing.
    English language groups would be a distraction to any round table language debates according to Stella.
    This is how we English speakers are perceived to those who would endorse the status quo.
    Only those that wish for linguistic dominance would find the majority of Canadians to be a distraction.
    Bilingual today..French tomorrow.
    Check out what’s happening in New Brunswick and you can see this in action.
    The English speakers there are definitely a distraction and are being put in their place.

    One country, one billions

  38. Hungry for the Truth….
    July 23, 2013 at 5:27 pm

    “Like I’ve said in previous posts you can keep encouraging one
    another by posting pretty graphs, and statistical data for another
    three years.”

    Yes we know you do not believe in stats and those numbers But….

    “There is 1,172,790 Aboriginal people in Canada in 2006, accounting for 3.8% of Canada’s total population”

    “As a matter of fact, Canada’s 10 provinces spend nearly $900 million annually providing bilingual government services. Including the $1.5 billion the federal government spends on bilingualism, Canadian taxpayers are footing an annual bill $2.4 billion for bilingual services, a cost of $85 per Canadian. An Estimated 8.5 to 9,000,000 Canadians have declared in the 2011 census to have the ability to speak French.”

    So your not willing to believe in stats but you quote them here …We are seeing now that you do not believe in stats unless they fulfill YOUR NEEDS …yup an agenda is at hand.

  39. Hungry for the Truth….
    July 23, 2013 at 6:32 pm

    “The Charter of Rights protects against UNRESONABLE search and seizure. An officer of the Law can proceed to search and seizure if it is warranted. Does not require a Judge issued Warrant.”

    So you are justifying that the OQLF can walk into an establishment and because an Item which may have been legally imported but does not have French on the item the OQLF has a right to search and remove that item?

    So you agree a sign or item has equal size for both official languages that item can be seized and removed from the establishment by the OQLF?

    This you would consider REASONABLE?


    “The Canadian Constitutional Charter of Rights was enacted to protect CANADIANS.



    The United Nations is the most culturally diverse government body in the world and have enacted Laws for that cultural diversity and they recognize that language can be used as a discriminatory tool.

    Canada has nearly identical discriminatory policy with the exception of language of which The United Nations has chastised Canada on numerous occasions for their discriminatory language laws.

    The truth is documented in writing on the UN website but somehow you are not so hungry as you say for the truth.

    So what about the other Charter issues I have brought up -no comments?

    No there is no equal rights for all Canadians as we do not have individual rights but collective rights in this country.

    If we were all equal as you say ,minority rights would be equal to all others rights and clearly with language rights and other issues this does not hold true.

    Equality remains equality with no special circumstances.

    Go back to your soapbox and change your namesake if your really hungry for the truth have a look at the United Nations -Equality of rights and Rights and freedoms I respect that much more as they are a governing body that respects all citizens equally.

    Check it out language can be used as a discriminatory tool and our government not only condones it ….it encourages it!

    Our charter is not worth the paper its written on if its not enforced!

  40. Edudyorlik
    July 23, 2013 at 11:56 am

    “Yeah and,
    Quebec uses the not withstanding clause and bill to screw the English from many of these “rights” from your list.”

    FACT: There is no other Charter of Rights provisions overriden on the “notwithstanding” clause. This was the exclusive exception.

    The use of this override clause is most noted for its inclusion in the Quebec language law known as Bill 101. On December 21, 1989 the Premier of the Province of Quebec employed the “notwithstanding clause” to override freedom of expression (section 2b), and freedom of equality (section 15). This allowed the Province of Quebec to continue the restriction against the posting of any commercial signs in languages other than French. In 1993, after the law was criticized by the United Nations Human Rights Committee, the Bourassa government rewrote the
    law and the notwithstanding clause was removed. Bill 178 – Bill 86

    “And btw, using legal comparisons like speed limits to compare to this issue is totally ridiculous”

    The point had nothing to do with speeding. However, the use of the analagy was to serve as an example that although I disagree with the Law or find it unfair, I do not have the right to arbitrarily deny it’s existence. It’s still the LAW.

    The Languages Act and The French Language Service Act of Ontario exist. They are LAW. I have the right to find them unfair but not ACT as if they did not exist. Self justified disagreement does not make them any less Law.

    The only sand getting in my eyes is not comming from my Sand box. It’s being thrown around sparingly in an attempt to blind me from the truth.

    Got to go now, my Sand box is waiting.

  41. @ English Lassie. Just be careful not to get put on Dear Leader Harper’s enemy list.

  42. You want proof that “official bilingual status” creates a different class sytsems within government…..take a look !

    It has been a few months since I published a series of blog posts on the topic of designation. A brief reminder, the designation of an organization means a commitment and formal recognition of its ability to provide French-language services. A designated agency or program provides its supplier with legal immunity that protects it from changes in the economic and political climate. Montfort Hospital is an excellent example of this advantage; it was able to avoid being shut down and broken up precisely because of its designated status. That is why the designation of agencies is extremely important.

    François Boileau
    French Language Services Commissioner of Ontario

    So that is to say that government entities are not protected in economic and political climates if they don’t sign on to French services language act?

    So there is very little choice for them if they want protection?

    WAKE UP PEOPLE do you not see anything wrong with this ?

    Are not all services guaranteed by the government protection or only those that are designated under the french services language act?

    What now the government has its own Mafia through the French services language commissioner?
    We offer you protection if you sign on to our agenda ,you are not protected otherwise !

    Truly DISGUSTING BEHAVIOR people do you see a class system developing here and GOVERNMENT APPROVED AT THAT!

  43. Highlander
    July 24, 2013 at 8:09 am

    “Yes we know you do not believe in stats and those numbers But….”

    Again an inaccurate representation and an interpreted assumptions. I never said this. Below is my accurate
    and truthful stated position.

    Hungry for the Truth
    July 11, 2013 at 11:59 pm

    I will state my position again to clear any doubt in your mind. STATISTICS are a product of human manipulation. I believe to have enough Professional and personal competence to stay clear of proponents that want to debate NUMBERS. I have never said I was an unbeliever of Statistics. I have said Statistical Data is like ART it lies and its in the hands of the beholder to decipher. Statistics are prepared with human interpretation and used with human manipulation. NEVER did I say that I did not find STATISTICS FACTUAL.

    “So your not willing to believe in stats but you quote them here …
    We are seeing now that you do not believe in stats unless they fulfill YOUR NEEDS …yup an agenda is at hand.”

    Again a distortion of the FACTS. I have made myself clear that
    I have no personal AGENDA.

    Hungry for the Truth….
    July 11, 2013 at 4:16 am

    I don’t want better working conditions, I’m not running for Office nor am I seeking any ones endorsement to a cause. I belong to no groups and have no desire to advocate for any cause.
    Just a plain and simple opinion on fairness. That’s it. No more, but no less, NO AGENDA.

    Got to go now, my Sand box is waiting!

  44. Oh my Hungry for the Truth, you forgot to jab at me with your typical bravado and misspelling of my handle.

    “AKA King of Rant “I apologize for the length of this post”
    AKA killroy”

    But, that’s fine, I’ll assume it was meant to be there and feign annoyance.

    In the big picture, i guess you’re right. Bill 101 is a great piece of “repressive” legislation that should not have been challenged at all by those nasty constitutional concepts. It sure “takes care of” the pesky minority English CANADIANS in that province of Quebec, doesn’t it.

    Your sort of attitude and what Quebec has done are both nicely made crystal clear here…

    That is to say, when the concept benefits the French side, then go with the concept.
    And, if it doesn’t, change ones attitude and complain and whine incessantly while changing “the laws” to suite your side.

    But, heaven forbid if an English person tries to do the same. Then you and the the Stell’s of the world suddenly take a different tact.

    Ah hem btw, those “repressed Canadians in Quebec” are the same Canadians (the English ones that is) that the French wish to convince that bilingualism for the rest of the country is great idea, right? OK, i get it. Glad you cleared that up for me.

    I guess, according to you and the concept of laws, it’s good that we have government sponsored laws that perpetuate hate towards the English in the province of Quebec. To the point that the laws (bill 101 etc) are set out in such a way that it is completely fine to discriminate against English Canadians with impunity.

    But, like you say, “that’s the law” so i guess we have to live with it. Laws are laws, don’tchaknow.

    Your quaint little dance around this “situation” is emblematic of the REAL problem this country is facing with those who believe that they are better and more deserving.

    Yes, those are the laws. The fact is, the English have been bamboozled and continue to be bamboozled because of a “situation” that was put in place under a cloak of “being fair, kind and accommodating” to our French brethren in this country.” Which, the English bought into. I have to say, it was rather noble of the English to have opened their hearts and ran with the idea that this could be a “fair situation.” Having allowed things to get to this point.

    But, alas many are waking up. And that is what you and others are afraid of and why you and your cronies are here arguing things the way you are right now. You KNOW people are starting to wake up to these unfair “laws” as you call them, and people are starting to “Question what the he!! is going on.”

    This is also why you typically leave aside the arguments you have no chance to dispute and concentrate on technicalities.
    And, that’s fine. Carry on but, ya know what? I don’t have time for it.

    The clarity of what is going on in this country can be found in
    more and more areas and with more and more people now. Groups are popping up all over the place who are bring this message out.

    AND, as my wonderful late mother would say,
    They have given the French an inch and the French have taken (and are taking) a mile.

    But, the English are waking up to the reality of the inequity of this “situation”…

    We are different, and we MUST go our separate ways.

    Historically it has been the French that have been saying this and trying to accomplish this (two referendums) for years now (though you wouldn’t know it for listening to those like Slella and the rest) but, we MUST listen to what is said by those like the girl in this clip

    because — IT IS TRUE —
    WE WILL NEVER be able to reconcile the difference between the two cultures. We HAVE TO ACCEPT THAT and begin the process that will hopefully lead us to a situation where “both our groups” can be happily distinct, and indeed separate.

    Thank you
    Kilroy — NOT killroy
    AKA King of Rant “I apologize for the length of this post”

    Oh and, be sure to have a good day eh 🙂

    _____(o o)

  45. You’re right cory, it’s not the same. I requested the help in french. I walked up to an employee, asked in french got a reply in english. After that, I asked if there was a person available that spoke french, and the employee said, oh sure one moment. I requested the help in french, you didn’t…big difference. The service at the CCH was exceptional.

    Hand lotion adds, One country, one billions. yeah, lets just do things on the count of costs. Lets all get paid the same, work the same hours, get the same groceries, lets wait in line for the same amount of toilet paper. Illogical. To break up the country because you didn’t get everything you cried for…

  46. Highlander
    July 24, 2013 at 8:36 am

    “The Charter of Rights protects against UNRESONABLE search and seizure. An officer of the Law can proceed to search and seizure if it is warranted. Does not require a Judge issued Warrant.”

    “So you are justifying that the OQLF can walk into an establishment and because an Item which may have been legally imported but does not have French on the item the OQLF has a right to search and remove that item?”

    They do not search and seizure without WARRANT. The Language Police Enforce the Law. To engage in a search of a Privately Owned Establishment they have to serve the Business
    Owners with a signed Court Warrant to give them Legal Access to search and seizure. Otherwise it would be UNRESONABLE and inadmissible.

    When OQLF visit an establishment the objective is to enforce the Law. No different than a Health Inspector’s visit to a restaurant to Enforce the sanitation REGULATIONS.


    I’m sure this is a mistake I know you know I have a SAND box.
    Must be a slip up?

    “Canada has nearly identical discriminatory policy with the exception for it’s language of language of which The United Nations has chastised Canada on numerous occasions for their discriminatory language laws.”

    Canada has never been sanctioned by the UN for their Languages Laws. Quebec has once in 1993. I find no other record indicating chastizing from the United Nation on Canada’s Language Laws.

    “Check it out language can be used as a discriminatory tool and our government not only condones it ….it encourages it!”

    It is not the government or the Laws that promote discrimination. It is the Public Institutions that Enforce them. The Policies Enforcing the Laws create the inequality and unfairness.

    “Our charter is not worth the paper its written on if its not enforced!”

    As a Canadian you have the Right to your FREEDOM of SPEECH and voice your disagreement . It’s your Constitutional Right to do so. It’s great to be CANADIAN.

    Got to go now, my Sand box is waiting!

  47. I would suggest that all freedom-fighters move to the Brockville area. At the Brockville General Hospital, you won’t see a single French language sign in the emergency waiting room, or anywhere else. And for sure, no postal worker within a thirty mile radius of Brockville will ever have the audacity, or ability, to address a customer in the French language. In fact, the only French you will be exposed to would be the odd summer tourist talking on the street, and the bilingual tourist signs. These affronts are easily mitigated by briefly plugging your ears and averting your gaze now and then. Otherwise, it’s pretty much an English-friendly French-free area, and it’s only an hour away from Cornwall!

  48. Just curious Richard, did you file a complaint that the front-line person didn’t speak your language and that you had to take a second person away from their job? Give a little will you.

  49. Hungry for the Truth….
    July 24, 2013 at 1:32 pm

    “I will state my position again to clear any doubt in your mind. STATISTICS are a product of human manipulation. I believe to have enough Professional and personal competence to stay clear of proponents that want to debate NUMBERS.”

    Get your head out of your sand box ,and hear the truth or is that an inconvenient factor.

    How do you propose when the numbers are available through stats Canada they are faulted are you a statistician?The Government uses stats Canada data to implement policies yet you are above this and feel that statistical analysis is faulted …so where would YOU find the measuring stick?

    “I have said Statistical Data is like ART it lies and its in the hands of the beholder to decipher. Statistics are prepared with human interpretation and used with human manipulation.”

    Numbers are not an art form but a science.Stats Canada has teams of statisticians who are not there to provide interpretation but provide data . Statistical analysis math remains one of the most concrete forms of science and remains very detailed in approach .

    Human manipulation ? Are you a conspiracy theorist as well ?

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