It’s the twenty-second annual Apples & Art studio tour!!
Saturday Sept. 28 and Sunday Sept. 29, 2013, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily
Check out these featured artists below!
Free Admission to all studio sites.
Cynthia Gatien Studio, 20369 Old Montreal Rd., South Lancaster
Artist Cynthia Gatien:
I hope people will look at these paintings and be intrigued by the possibility of being magically present within the painting.

The Help

You and Your Bright Ideas

Artist Cheryl Langford, (also at Cynthia Gatien’s Studio)
While creating these unusual and raw images, I become the characters. They are fun and vivid, and definitely offer an alternative way of perceiving relationships.

Jibber Jabber


Virginia Lake Studio, 6756 Pilon Point Rd., Summerstown
Artist Virginia Lake
I use vibrant felt pens as a way of expressing dreams, impressions, ideas, encounters and visions.


Fairy Surprise

Samba Drummer
Studio, Old Grey Mare’s,
19013 HWY 2 / 2 min. east of Marlin Orchard / before Summerstown Rd. / North side HWY 2
Artist Mary Anne Pankhurst
Oils are my preferred medium because the buttery textures slow me down and allow for the luxury of thinking-through interpretations of light.


Date With Red Dogs

Orange Fish/SOLD
Artist Linda Norton-McClaren, (also at Old Grey Mare’s)
I create unique jewelry and accessories individually crafted by hand.

Thank so much, Jamie. Happy to be here on CFN.
Thanks Mary Anne! I always love when I can participate in arts events in our community! See you on the tour!
Very well displayed and I sure love the colors since I am a quilter those are generally the shades that I use in my quilts.
Looking forward to the Apples and Art Tour……my favorite time of year.
Linda, the Orange Fish is quite unique, not surprising it sold. What medium was used?
Re: Orange Fish. Thank you. All my paintings are in oil, Stella.
Where does the tour start? We are new to Long Sault.
Hi Tom,
The organizers of the event did not advertise with CFN. This ad was from some of the artists involved. I’d suggest contacting or visiting them for more info.