A Bitter Pill to Swallow…by Debbie Cameron of South Stormont Ontario – LTE – Oct 9, 2013

CCH Protesr Sept.17 2012 032In 1994, I graduated from St.Lawrence College with Distinction as a Registered Nurse. Over the years, I have worked locally & in the USA specializing in four areas; Critical Care, Operating Room, Post Anesthetic Care Room & Hemo-Dialysis units.


Recently, I resigned from the Cornwall Community Hospital due to the inability to obtain full-time employment or advancement in my career. My obstacle being that I am English only and not bilingual (English and French).  There is a systemic problem with unfair language requirements in healthcare in my hometown of Cornwall, ON.  This is worrisome to me on several levels.  Are the most qualified healthcare professionals being hired?  Are people in our community getting the highest quality healthcare they deserve?  And finally, what is our government doing to protect the rights of English speakers?


My children are enrolled in French Immersion; but at the end of the day will they be deemed “French” enough to garner a good job?  Will they benefit from this social engineering?  An RN must speak A- French to work at Cornwall Community Hospital.  An RN must be bilingual to work at Community Care Access Centre. When an RN must be bilingual to administer a Flu shot, and yet, at the same time, life-saving CPR training is only considered an asset for employment at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit; I ask, where do we draw the line?


I am thankful to have my New York State Nursing licence.  I am currently employed at a hospital in New York State as a Full-time Nursing Supervisor.  However, many professionals in our community are not so fortunate and are forced to either relocate or give up their careers, entirely.  Sadly, highly educated nursing graduates from St.Lawrence College will never have the opportunity to work in their own community, due to this unfair language legislation.


Recently, a group of concerned citizens formed a non-profit organization; Language Fairness for ALL.  Our goal is to promote fair hiring practices. If you are concerned about your future, your childrens’ futures or your grandchildrens’ futures, I urge you to support LFA. Together we can make a difference!


Debbie Cameron RN

Long Sault,ON

Language Fairness for ALL

(Comments and opinions of Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and comments from readers are purely their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of the owners of this site, their staff, or sponsors.)



  1. edudyorlik
    October 24, 2013 at 1:50 am
    This article (in the blue section) SAY’S IT ALL FOLKS.

    Thanks Edudyorlik for the Ottawa Sun article -Very interesting header -Hospital Employee within his rights to refuse English service,but was morally wrong:Experts.

    Now why start talking suddenly about morality in the language debate !
    Clearly those laws and how bill 8 in Ontario and bill101 and 14 in Quebec and Z22 in NewBrunswick and its implementation are devoid of these morality issues!

    I would not agree that an employee in Ontario has the rights to refuse To provide french ,but then again legally they cannot do this,yet Quebec government employee has that right!

    Now folks just having legislation that enables Quebec Government employees the legal right to refuse providing English language services is morally corrupt when most provincial and certainly federal governments provide the both Official languages.

    But then again we are talking of Quebec and with regards to their language laws MORALITY AND THOSE ENGLISH RIGHTS are of little value when it comes to LANGUAGE APARTHEID!

    Many refer to Quebec as 1930`s Germany with its social reform ,but clearly the rest of Canada is like the segregated south with its many ever increasing french only services (Clinics,Hospital,Schools ect) yet many if not all those other services provide bilingual services.

    Welcome to our Language Apartheid where services are determined on your primary language.


  2. Rosie
    October 23, 2013 at 8:27 pm

    “This is not what happened Stella. Family were very upset…if they were not upset, this would not be a news story…”Have I made myself clear?”

    Stella written October 23, 2013 at 4:36 pm

    ” Like I said so many times before, anyone can make a you tube video to push their radical agenda. I am not interested in reading or seeing any videos that come from anti French sites.”

    So there you have it folks Stella’s admission that she does not look up the reference material to which she is arguing about of which is written by the Ottawa citizen which she claims is “anti-French sites”.


  3. Holy Jumpin’, Kilroy! Do you ever sleep?

  4. ON October 24, 2013 at 8:53 am Furtz wrote,
    “Holy Jumpin’, Kilroy! Do you ever sleep?”

    Let’s just put it this way Furtzie,
    just like the French “thugs and gangs” that demanded that they be masters of their own destiny in Canada and more aptly within “the province” of Quebec.

    A mission to show respect for those who came before me and who risked their lives and lost their lives in long hard battles in order to achieve victory for the British / English side of this “equation.”

    Yes, there is room for sharing. I have always been open to, and been one to stand up for that concept as a noble way to proceed, BUT…

    The French don’t seem understand the notion defeat, or understand the idea of — ENOUGH –
    Not to mention they have no concept of how to re-act when someone shows them good will and “accommodation.”

    Just like children who will take and take and take until all the candy is gone, they need discipline.

    If we continue to let them the French will take and take more and more

    until they are TOLD in no uncertain terms — that’s it, WE’VE HAD IT. THAT’S ENOUGH. YOU CAN’T “TAKE” ANY MORE. —

    And right now, someone in this country has to stand up, AND DO THAT.

    Somehow we must put a STOP to the Frenchification and regain English rights for the majority Anglophone population of this wonderful country called Canada.

    A country that has been hijacked by the French powers that be with the help of a keen politician who enacted unfair and unjust laws and also put his “French stamp” on his own newly minted constitution in order to see to it that “his clan” would one day regain what they lost in that fateful battle on the plains of Abraham so many years ago. (Je Me souviens)

    Like i said, it was OK to “try” to work things out within the concept of sharing but, what is going on today in this country — IS NOT — in that “sharing spirit” AT ALL. IT HAS GONE WAYyyyyy beyond any sense of fairness.

    Considering the French would not even be here AT ALL (or would have been quite marginalized) if it were not for the good will of the Englishman named Lord Dorchester who fought FOR THE FRENCH and convinced the British King to strive for fairness and a sense of equality with the French, it is interesting to note how the French re-warded him.
    Simply put… No couth AT ALL.

    (Hey Stella: Maybe you should watch this clip that was produced by your own government (that’s the Canadian government). Maybe you would learn a thing or two. Naw, forget it. You’re better off remaining in your fluffy little ignorant world.)

    Frankly speaking, the English have TRIED EVERYTHING from adding French to all packaging, adding French to the money and giving French a voice in the federal government to enacting laws that actually discriminate against the majority Anglophones, in their attempt to be accommodating.

    What have the English received in return from the French for all this kindness and accommodation?

    — Nothing but abuse and disrespect.

    We MUST take example from this French reaction and take it to heart while realizing that

    — they WANT FRENCH ONLY — and they are not capable of respecting other languages and cultures within — WHAT THEY WANT —


    We MUST act on this and thus the only option left is to separate and let the French powers that be have Quebec so that the rest of us (THE FREAKIN MAJORITY) no longer have to “BE FORCED” against our will to deal with that constant ME ME ME French ONLY attitude which is clearly demonstrated yet again by this arrogant hospital orderly displaying the essence of the French attitude for French ONLY in one of theeeee cruelest ways one can imagine.

    And the final STRAW … —

    (WHICH SHOULD BE THE CLEAREST illustration to — ALL OF US — as to what a great deal “OF THEM” are all about)

    — should be the irreverence of MANY OF their ilk — like Stella – as “many of them” try to make lame and feeble attempts to apologize for, and somehow justify, those kinds of abhorrent actions. Just like Tremblay did when he tried to justify the paramedic demanding that Mark Bergeron (the
    Father) speak to him in French while his child was gravely ill, having a seizure and needing medical attention.

    And on that note I would like to wish you a
    “don’t worry if you didn’t read this Furtzie, as i actually wrote it for the benefit of others to be more aware of what is going on in this country and WHAT MUST BE DONE” type of day eh 🙂

    PS: I grant that this vid clip has an heavy American slant to it but,
    as far as a passionate rally cry for people to stand up.
    It is up there with some of the best.

  5. Please please……I can’t stop crying. The English have it so bad in this country. How a country treat could their own like this is beyond belief.

    yorlik wrote: That is not a hidden agenda. They tell us straight to our faces all the time.

    Nothing hypocritical about the French. You are right they have no hidden agenda…..you should learn from them.

  6. Opps… I left out a section…

    In the previous post where i wrote,
    The French don’t seem understand the notion defeat, or understand the idea of — ENOUGH –
    Not to mention they have no concept of how to re-act when someone shows them good will and “accommodation.”

    I add this…
    The true disheartening fact is that the French powers that be view those showing them kindness, good will and accommodation as a sign of weakness and thus consider that a perfect opportunity to take advantage of those who are showing this good will and accommodation.

    AndI also forgot this link revolving around the father Mark Bergerons which I mentioned and forgot to add also.


  7. A comment from another article by Don Smith which rings ever so true.

    January 11, 2013 at 11:06 pm
    “Interestingly, (in 1969, during Parliamentary debates) both Progressive Conservative Leader Robert Stanfield and the New Democratic Party Leader David Lewis expressed concern, right from the start, that the Official Languages Act not result in reverse discrimination that might permit the creation of new inequalities in Canada” and that it be “achieved without discrimination and without compulsion, without creating some new injustice.”
    (Mr. Stanfield) Hansard 28(1) p.1484.
    (Mr. Lewis) Hansard 28(1) p.1486.


    Yes as international media have termed LANGUAGE APARTHEID!

  8. @Admin
    October 23, 2013 at 7:54 pm

    Well Jamie,funny that you bring this up. Let me tell you about an equivalent factual event of
    similar catastrophic possibilities. This one take place in CORNWALL, ONTARIO. Thank goodness harm was adverted in your case and in this one, and that ALL came out victorious from permanent damage.

    As I have stated before my father is French Canadian and has never mastered English very well.
    In 2006 while he was hospitalized for a foot amputation, he was heavily medicated. I was with
    him as much as I could be and was granted permission to stay with him, as most of the staff spoke
    English with the exception of a couple that spoke French.

    As I mentioned he was heavily medicated and groggy but was still somewhat lucid. This one
    evening I stepped out to get myself a coffee and fresh air. When I returned about fifteen minutes
    later I re-entered my father’s room, a nurse was trying to tell my father it was time for his Morphine injection. She could not understand my father’s attempt to explain to her he did not want it.

    My father was in a panic and when he knows he’s not being understood and all he can say in SUPREME English is “GO GET MY BOY”.

    I quickly intervened and informed the nurse that my father was trying to tell her that
    was refusing it because, about 35 minutes ago he was given an injection by another nurse.
    Had I been 3 minutes later this situation could have had a whole different outcome.

    It had not been documented and there had been a shift change.

    I also never reported it nor made a FUSS about it.

    But this happens all the time in ONTARIO ENGLISH hospitals as well.
    It’s not an exclusive problem in QUEBEC as one could be lead to believe.

    It’s time to find the RIGHT measuring stick and drafting of fair Hiring Policies
    to balance the NEEDS of ALL CANADIANS Official Languages requirements.

    My example makes the point once again that my father along with maybe 3 or four others
    may very well be the only ones to speak FRENCH. Are they not entitled to be understood
    and served in their language as you where entitled to be served and understood
    in your language ?

    Not all staff have to be BILINGUAL but their should be at least enough to care for the
    those that declare the NEED to be served in FRENCH. At the very least those that are
    BILINGUAL should be assigned to those that declare the NEED for French Services.

    This medical error was amplified by a LANGUAGE BARIER.

    I have many other examples of situations and individuals that I could make
    a library of You Tube Videos.

    But as I have come to understand, would be FUTILE and would not be
    be given credibility because it was not made in QUEBEC.

    Or I would be told that It’s not warranted for just 500 French speaking to have
    French Services. After all, the others that declared their mother tongue as French are
    BILINGUAL, so they should give up their RIGHT to French and assimilate
    themselves to the SUPREME English language.

    PS….Before some start up with their belittling and belligerent attacks as to
    my recent involvement with CCH hiring policies, the answer is NO simply because
    I have had a family member pass away and this has taken priority.

    I will get back to it shortly…Stay tuned.

  9. Author

    There are days when I really miss Don….

  10. October 24, 2013 at 2:51 pm admin wrote,
    “There are days when I really miss Don”

    Though i didn’t know him REAL well, me too.


    Oddly, those who yap the loudest about the fantasy — that it is a bilingual country —
    come from the very group (the French / Quebec) that refuses to have anything to do with bilingualism and the English language.

    These one sided, two faced double speakers have even gone to the extent of passing laws that outlaw the English language.

    What hypocrisy and double speak BS is that?

    Whine all you want. But, it is NOT THE SAME as an English Canadian looking for treatment in ANY OF TH CANADIAN PROVINCES. French is not a language that belongs to ANY COUNT$RY INSIDE CANADA it is a provincial language. Get used to it.

    Maybe those French agitators should look at how disrespectfully they are treating the English language (which btw is the main common language of the country they are in) before trying to demand others treat their language with any respect.

    PS: How CAN ANYONE live in Canada for 30, 40 or 50 years and NOT KNOW the English language?
    If THAT CAN BE then Quebec must separate and become a country because ONLY a language belonging to a country can have that leverage inside Canada. A provincial language is just that, a provincial language.”

    Maybe these French folks should go to Russia and try out their health care system to see if they will be served in French there.

  12. @HFTT……mes sinceres condoleances!!

  13. Adm……….are there days when you miss me???

  14. Kilroy, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Canada has two official languages. It’s in our constitution.

    From Wikipedia: “The official languages of Canada are English and French, which “have equality of status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and Government of Canada” according to Canada’s constitution.”

    Read that over a few times until it sinks in. It really isn’t that complicated. So your mission is to get the federal government to open the constitution and make the changes you want, which will need the approval of the provinces. Good luck with that. It’ll take more than endless rants and youtube vids on CFN to accomplish that goal.
    Fight on!

  15. admin
    October 24, 2013 at 2:51 pm
    There are days when I really miss Don….

    Perhaps he is paying attention,Hi Don. .

  16. Hungry for the Truth
    October 24, 2013 at 2:11 pm

    I”m sorry for your loss ,hoping your family member did not suffer.

  17. yorlik wrote: PS: How CAN ANYONE live in Canada for 30, 40 or 50 years and NOT KNOW the English language? If THAT CAN BE then Quebec must separate and become a country because ONLY a language belonging to a country can have that leverage inside Canada. A provincial language is just that, a provincial language.”

    How can anyone live in Canada for 30, 40, 50 years, a country that has two official languages FRENCH and English and not want to learn both?

    Whether you like it or not, French is here to stay………accept that fact.

  18. Furtz wrote,
    “From Wikipedia: “The official languages of Canada are English and French, which “have equality of status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and Government of Canada” according to Canada’s constitution.”

    THE KEY there Furtzie is …
    “as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and Government of Canada”


    Not in all the other places they are pushing right now.

    And just as a “friendly” reminder…
    That — ONLY exists that way —
    as a result of the victors ALLOWING IT TO exists THAT WAY.

    Id say that — FACT — in and of itself is rather telling.

    Furtz wrote, “It’ll take more than endless rants and youtube vids on CFN to accomplish that goal.”

    Gee Furtz. Where have i heard that before? That sounds really familiar. Isn’t that similar to what someone told Justin Beabers mom?
    Yup, i am pretty sure i read that quote somewhere, “oh Stella(?).” the quote began… “I doubt just putting vids of little Beibs on Youtube will bring fame and fortune to that young lad of yours. I’ll take more than just Youtube vids to make him world famous and mega rich.”

    And voila. Guess what?
    Since you seem fond of quoting Wiki, and i am not that fond of the Beibs
    here’s s a little tid bit for ya.

    From Wikipedia,
    “Justin Drew Bieber (/ˈbiːbər/; born March 1, 1994)[6][7] is a Canadian pop musician, actor, and singer-songwriter.[1][3] Bieber was discovered in 2008 by American talent manager Scooter Braun,[8] who came across Bieber’s videos on YouTube and later became his manager.”

    Maybe you could re-read that over and over again a few times Furtz.
    And oh hey, maybe right at that VERY MOMENT WHILE YOU’RE reading it over again
    more of my vids will go viral… Hey, that could happen ya know 🙂

    And on that note i would like to wish you a “sit on it and spin like an old 45” kinda day eh:-)

  19. @hftt

    You have missed the entire point of the incident in Gatineau.
    The orderly confronted the patient & family in an aggressive manner insisting “this is Quebec, speak French”…
    This is totally different then your experience @ CCH, where a drug error may have possibly could have been made. Many patients in the hospital are confused and language may or may not have played a factor with a possible medication error. If you were that concerned you should have filed a formal complaint, don’t ya think???
    Do you have any idea how many drug errors are made in a hospital, if you really knew the truth you would NEVER leave a loved one alone. More people die in hospitals then you may realize, very scary indeed.
    Whatever the case these 2 situations are completely unique. Hospital staff must always treat patients & family with the upmost dignity & respect. Makes me ill to think how that orderly treated those people. That is grounds for immediate dismissal!!!

  20. @ EDUDYORLIK here is a fine example of francophone doublespeak; our “buddy” Jean Lacompte wrote a LTE Oct. 25 in Standard Freeholder about the orderly in Gatineau being “despicable”, yet here in this video at 2:48 he clearly states to Nurse Darlene she must be French to care for him…


    I have one word for you Lacompte- BULLS**

  21. Wiki furtz? Really?

    So let me get this straight. YouTube links and media links are verboten and unacceptable as hearsay from disgruntled bigots, and yet Wiki is a valid site for info and truth?? Funny the rules you folks come up with to debate and backup your opinions?? WTFF??

  22. Actually stellabystarlight, there are many who only know the one language over many years. I know you don’t open links, but maybe someone could for you and explain it to you.
    Use the drop down box in center and pick an age group, then submit.


  23. HFTT, I agree with your statement and add one thing –

    It’s time to find the RIGHT measuring stick and drafting of fair Hiring Policies
    to balance the NEEDS of ALL CANADIANS “”””WHO SPEAK ONE OR NONE OF THE “””” Official Languages.

    Other letters to the editor, have made reference to using modern technology and methods to advance the communication of citizens with their government levels, how do you propose we begin?

    We would certainly need a proper communication process, otherwise we will see busloads of Francophones from Alexandria again.

  24. stellabystarlight wrote “Nothing hypocritical about the French. You are right they have no hidden agenda…..you should learn from them.”

    And the Order of Jacques Cartier never happened right?

  25. @ bella. Are you saying that the Wikipedia entry is false? Canada doesn’t have two official languages? It’s not in our constitution? OK then.

  26. @concerned citizen 2 RE: Post on October 25, 2013 at 1:51 am
    Actually concerned citizen 2, there is something about that
    — smiley face stab you in the back type — Mr. bilingualism dude that really don’t like and wouldn’t trust as far as i could throw my car.

    Things he say’s remind me of this “lovely lady” TO A T
    Same kind of, “smile in your face double speak cr@p.”

    Maybe it’s that slimy smile that seems to convey how much of a real hypocrite he likely is.
    Pure and simply put… Just based on the little bits i have heard him say and seen in his actions on the video clips, i can tell you without a shadow of a doubt … i wouldn’t trust him and DON’T LIKE HIM AT ALL.

    He is among the gang of coco–nuts

  27. Eric written:

    “We would certainly need a proper communication process, otherwise we will see busloads of Francophones from Alexandria again.”

    Yes I remember that ,it was the united counties open meeting with CCH management ,where they we asked who does the French testing they replied New avenues in Ottawa ,when asked about English testing thier reply was thier managers …the question that had been put forward after of which CCH management did not answer was so do you feel it proper to test for French professionally but not English yet you Hospital operates in English?

    Going back to the bused Elderly from Alexandria -those elderly did not know why they were there ,they we confused as they were told if you do not show up the Hospital will no longer provide French services …..To see the confusion on their faces as they really had no understanding why they were their.

  28. I’m saying using Wiki as proof of anything just shows the ridiculousness of your argument. You say one thing to others and then do the same thing yourself like an authority. The point was not that the entry you refer to is right or wrong, I giggle more at the audacity of the post itself.

  29. Giggle away bella. I’m glad you are amused.
    It’s just a simple fact that seems too complicated for freedom-fighters to understand.
    Fight on!

  30. Furtz,

    Thanks for the many encouragements to “fight on”,
    And thanks we will,rights are to fight for and defend ,not for the government to legislate away.
    Equality should be just that ,not for the government to determine who would have more rights.

    Fight on …till my last breath Furtz I will always defend Equal Rights and it matters not what people think its myself I have to live with .

  31. NO Furtzie. It’s — NOT — too complicated for the MAJOITY unilingual ANGLOPHONES in CANADA to understand that Canada has two official languages.

    The people that DO seem to have the most problem with that concept

    Besides, this “two official languages” concept was ONLY supposed to be within the workings of the federal government. Or was that part TOO COMPLICATED FOR YOU to understand?

    THE FACT IS… Canada WOULD NOT even have two official languages were it not for the good will of the Anglophone majority to begin with who — allowed it to be that way — in the first place.

    SOMETHING ELSE THAT — IS – “too complicated to understand” — AND ACCEPT — is how the French powers that be have taken advantage of that kind gesture to the degree that they have and are.

    What is ALSO “too complicated to understand” AND “ACCEPT” is the FACT that the VERY PEOPLE (the French powers that be) who are the loudest and most IN YOUR FACE about “the idea” that CANADA has two official languages are the VERY ONES that DO NOT play by their own freakin rule


    Haven’t you noticed the anti English rhetoric and laws in the province of Quebec? Or is THAT TOO COMPLICATED FOR — YOU — TO UNDERSTAND ALSO?
    So, if anyone is having difficultly understanding something, its CERTAINLY NOT those of us who are standing up for the English language and the English culture in this country. Those of us struggling for the rights of our fellow Canadians in the “province” of Quebec who cannot freely and legally use their own language. Yes, THAT’S RIGHT — ENGLISH — the language that just happens to be the MAIN majority FREAKIN COMMON LANGUGE OF over 80% of THIS COUNTRY.
    Oh and btw, Quebec “THE PROVINCE” in case you didn’t know IS INSIDE THAT COUNTRY called CANADA.

    And, as has been said time and time again here in this forum which seems TOO DIFFICULT FOR YOU and the rest of the gang of agitators to understand is the FACT that French is a provincial language. ENGLISH is the main common language of this country.

    A person who lived all their life in Russia, going to the hospital in Russia and cannot speak Russian? Odd
    A person who lived all their life in Canada, going into a hospital and cannot speak English? Odd

    This is why I say. If the French language is to be THAT EXCLUSIVE that people can live in Canada (damn, even North America for crying out loud) and NEVER speak a word of English then Quebec MUST separate and become a country.

    A provincial language — can exist — but, it SHOULD NOT and CANNOT trump the main language of the country within which that province exists.

    And, this DOESN’T even touch on what the French are “trying to push” outside the province of Quebec with their French ONLY health care clinics and French ONLY this and that… PLEASE… someone explain to them that if they want French ONLY in the province of Quebec, that’s one thing which is ARROGANT ENOUGH but pushing to have French only this and that in the rest of Canada ? That is well beyond even what some would call a “normal” level of arrogance

    and this level or arrogance will


  32. @ Highlander. Where are you directing your energy? Are you involved politically? Is unfair hiring practices your main concern, or is it all things French? Just curious.

  33. Exactly, how does that help us get along? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQGkZhVYatU&hd=1

    Furtz, from reading Highlander comments, it is obvious he /she is concerned with the fairness overall. The money used by hundreds of Francophone associations, from Trillium Foundation grants and a 1.4 billion dollar federal roadmap, is all money that could pay down some of the debts and better healthcare.

  34. There is no main language in this country, both languages are equal. Because more people speak English doesn’t mean English reigns supreme nor does it give the English the right to dictate how this country should run and which laws should and should not be implemented. Talk about arrogance and self aggrandizement.


  35. @Furtz…..by the sounds of it, it’s everything French.

  36. ON October 25, 2013 at 2:42 pm during one of her Koolaid induced dreams (or, more aptly put — a nightmare for the English Canadians who live in the province of Quebec — )
    stellabystarlight wrote, “There is no main language in this country, both languages are equal.”

    Alright there Stellanotsobright, whatever you say…

    Now maybe you could go and — SAY IT — to the French powers that be and those running the “province” of Quebec. You know, the place where the English language is NOT SO EQUAL… Matter of fact there are laws against it’s use.

    Or, do you continue to ridiculously use that good ol French double speak —
    — to continue to deny that particular — REALITY — as it is convenient to have it there in your fantasy world?

    And on that note, i would like to wish you a “fantasies are fun — when your 4 years old — ” type of day eh 🙂

  37. Eric October 25, 2013 at 4:01 pm
    Eric wrote,
    “stellabystarlight…..sure, no main language…..
    English – 21,457,175
    French – 6,827,865 ( of which Quebec has 6,249,085)”

    Good point Eric
    WITHIN QUEBEC the French powers that be are THE FIRST to — stick it in peoples face — that they are the majority — this is why French is ENGROS and dominant in the “majority” French WAY.

    Yeah no use, shes comatose…

  38. @Eric Did I not say that most speak English? WE all know you are the majority, geez we heard it a zillion times. What is your problem?

    It still doesn’t give you the right to dictate nor change the laws in this country nor the right to rule.

  39. Yes but, what about all this Stella?
    I see you ignored this part. Could it be because it’s something you CANNOT contest cause it’s based on REALITY?
    edudyorlik October 25, 2013 at 4:18 pm

    ON October 25, 2013 at 2:42 pm during one of her Koolaid induced dreams (or, more aptly put — a nightmare for the English Canadians who live in the province of Quebec — )
    stellabystarlight wrote, “There is no main language in this country, both languages are equal.”

    Alright there Stellanotsobright, whatever you say…

    Now maybe you could go and — SAY IT — to the French powers that be and those running the “province” of Quebec. You know, the place where the English language is NOT SO EQUAL… Matter of fact there are laws against it’s use.

    Or, do you continue to ridiculously use that good ol French double speak —
    – to continue to deny that particular — REALITY — as it is convenient to have it there in your fantasy world?

    And on that note, i would like to wish you a “fantasies are fun — when your 4 years old — ” type of day eh 🙂

  40. -Yes but, what about all this Stella?
    -I see you ignored this part. Could it be because it’s something you CANNOT contest cause it’s based on -REALITY?
    -edudyorlik October 25, 2013 at 4:18 pm

    -ON October 25, 2013 at 2:42 pm during one of her Koolaid induced dreams (or, more aptly put — a -nightmare for the English Canadians who live in the province of Quebec — )
    -stellabystarlight wrote, “There is no main language in this country, both languages are equal.”

    -Alright there Stellanotsobright, whatever you say…

    -Now maybe you could go and — SAY IT — to the French powers that be and those running the “province” -of Quebec. You know, the place where the English language is NOT SO EQUAL… Matter of fact there -are laws against it’s use.

    -Or, do you continue to ridiculously use that good ol French double speak —
    – to continue to deny that particular — REALITY — as it is convenient to have it there in your fantasy world?

    -And on that note, i would like to wish you a “fantasies are fun — when your 4 years old — ” type of day eh 🙂

  41. stella, yea the majority thing works in a democracy. Francophones have the same rights as others in our democracy, plus being allowed to have the Charter cater to them. You know, we need a new Charter and more judges to work for the minority within a minority, that is you, the bilingual speaker. So we have Francophone minorities AND bilingual minorities, we can create a whole new level of government bureaucracy, imagine how those tax dollars could divide the country……

  42. A note to all but especially the casual readers who may have just happened upon this forum.

    The issue raised by Kim McConnell from the community group — Canadians for Language Fairness — then posted here by Debbie Cameron of LFA (Language Fairness For All) on October 29, 2013 at 2:56 am regarding jobs being pushed out of reach for unilingual Anglophones Canadians citizens in many areas in Ontario, CANADA is indeed A MAJOR problem / ISSUE which MUST be addressed.

    However the root and scope of this problem / issue goes well beyond just jobs and well beyond the scope of a problem that is based in JUST ONTARIO, Canada.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD-mHpMpBSw&hd=1 (the pause at the beginning of this video is intended)

    This problem / issue will ultimately reach — every corner of this country.

    Just look at what is going on in New Brunswick right now.

    This “Frenchification of Canada” is an incessant cancer that has been forced upon Canadians by former P.M. Pierre E. Trudeau in the hopes of fulfilling his ultimate dream.. Which is to

    “MAKE ALL of Canada, a French country from shore to shore –.” A phrase that was directly attributed to his office while in power.

    Ontario now has several FRENCH ONLY health care clinics where English patients are not welcome.

    There was no question as to where P.E.T’s alliances were.

    He blatantly told Canadians many times what he was all about. It’s just that Canadians thought he was trying to bring us together, when in fact he was only trying to keep — the country together — so he could ultimately see to it that his long term plan would Canada would one day just simply and gradually end up in the hands of his brethren by means of this long term political efforts instead of the tradition way to take over a country using military efforts.

    Because of the laws that Mr. Trudeau implemented and his manipulation of the Canada’s new charter which he repatriated in 1982, this plan of his, this — “cancer” —
    is now growing more and more, and is slowly, but incessantly reaching out to touch the lives and livelihoods of more and more Canadians in more and more areas OUTSIDE the province of Quebec, http://youtu.be/3kNcFyBofC4?t=17s
    a province by the way where the English language (the man common language of CANADA, the very country that the province of Quebec resides in) has already been criminalized, minimized and diminished to a great degree though unethical and unconstitutional language laws which are enforced by such insanity as an “office” called “the Quebec office of the French language.” (I refuse to let them “train me” like a trained seal into using “THEIR” French terms for things.)

    This Quebecs “state sponsored” (what amounts to hate) against the English language has filtered down to the average citizens in that province who have simply taken the lead from their government and believe that it is perfectly fine to treat the English Canadians living in THAT PROVINCE OF QUEBEC as — not only second and third class citizens — but also as undeserving if even common decency and respect. To the degree that demeaning English people (and other NON French races) publicly and with impunity is considered OK and is practically an every day occurrence in the province of Quebec now..


    Folks… Danny Williams flat out tells Canadians that there is a conspiracy by Quebec and the French powers that be “using a smart political strategy” to undermine Canada’s integrity by using the monetary power they gain through fudging the numbers from Hydro Quebec profits along with ALL French political ministers at ALL levels of government who ultimately band together under the common goal of advancing Quebec’s worldly aspirations which in effect undermines the greater good of the country of Canada.


    Where is the Canadian media on such a claim? How come OUR MEDIA did not rush over to Danny Williams doorstep to interview him about these — WHAT NORMALLY WOULD BE — explosive accusations – ?

    As this member of the media itself, Bill Brownstein say’s “We just try to keep these things quiet because this is NOT what you want the world to see.”

    Unless of course, the American media picks up the story and “shames them” into acting.

    Where is our Canadian media on this? They don’t want to touch it. That’s where.

    Like we have seen many times regarding this French issue, they are nowhere to be heard or seen. They don’t want to cause waves because, heaven forbid, this might wake people up and the French powers that be may begin their incessant whining again till they get their way and if not, in comes down to that ever looming threat by the French YET AGAIN that they will separate if they don’t get what they want. Which incidentally is often MUCH MORE than what other provinces get.

    Speaking of which, among other areas where Quebec is “extra funded” the province of Quebec gets over 60% of the transfer payments that should be more evenly distributed to that other provinces. What the deal there. Why are the premiers of those other provinces standing up?

  43. Kilroy asks “Where is our Canadian media on this?”
    Simple answer: It’s not an issue except to a hand full of whiners.

  44. There are clear lines between English and French media for hiring, not the case elsewhere Furtz, and yes, that was a simple answer.

  45. yorlik wrote: Where is our Canadian media on this? They don’t want to touch it. That’s where.

    Gee……the other day you claimed you had tons of Canadian you tube videos from reliable media websites and proudly claimed they proved your point.

    Today you ask where is our Canadian media on this……hmmm. Kinda……sorta….whatyamacallit……….strange. You have to get your stories straight if you want people to……..kinda…sorta…..believe you. Already it has happened too many times, the damage may be done.

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