Mr. Lauzon,
I would like to thank you for doing an outstanding job in representing your riding here in Cornwall. When we were challenged with what we had initially perceived as a terrible infliction, “Chemical Tanks on our Cornwall Waterfront” you stepped right in, investigate and quickly and clearly shared your findings with each and every one of us in your dedicated and numerous mailings.
You shared the breakdown of the chemicals, and the restrictions on what could be stored. You shared the very specific duration of the lease, and that there was no option for the lessee to extend that lease.
You shared the incredible safety standards that the tanks were built to, and handling procedures were subjected to, and the oversight.
You shared the enormous amount of insurance that the lessee had to take out to ensure in the event of a mishap, not only would the area and the river be cleaned up, but quickly, and at not cost to the community.
You shared the restriction the lessee is under with water and road traffic use.
You did none of these things.
Just what did you do as our MP Mr. Lauzon?

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Jack, if I didn’t know better I’d say you were trying to be sarcastic.
What Jack White doesn’t understand is that Guy Lauzon, like all elected Conservative MPs, works for Stephen Harper. He is not permitted to express an opinion, or make a public statement that hasn’t been written or approved by his boss.
Furtz….you actually think Harpo cares what goes on in Cornwall or for that matter anywhere outside his little world?
No he doesn’t, Hugger. He’s more concerned about the imminent “Second Coming” of you know who.
Guy has to tow the party line.
Lauzon the pigeon and how right he looks. Bird brain to boot. If Lauzon had any brains at all he sure would have looked into all of these things and Mr. White is right in what he said. People are mighty tired of Harpoon Harpo as well as Lauzon. People all over Canada are more than fed up of Harpoon Harpo and he has always had a restrain on what goes out to the public. When something is hidden you know very well that things are not good at all. Harpoon Harpo and Lauzon do not care one bit about Cornwall or anywhere.
STOP THE PRESSES!! Jules and I actually agree on something.
With all due respect it seem to me that Jack’s focus for blame in this Trillium matter side steps the fact that Economic Development knew months in advance that a Lease was in fact signed and either sat silent on that info or shared it with Mayor Kilger and were then instructed to keep quiet, as it seems that none of our City Coun really demanded to question ED as they should have done to get to the truth. As I see it that’s where the main problem is.
OMG Hugger you almost gave me a literal heart attack. At first when I saw Stop the Presses I thought that there was something really dreadful that happened. LOL LOL. Honestly Lauzon has to go including Harpoon Harpo. Every time that I read about Harpo people are mighty upset at him and I do think that it is time for a change.
Mr. Beattie you’re quite correct, but if Trillium communicated to the City, which the Mayor has stated in his release, surely some of the points that Jack makes should have been handled better by our MP?
Mr White is quite right in pointing out mp guy has been missing in action only popping up for ribbon cutting photos in Standard Freeholder
Just wait until May 9th when Steve_O Harper runs this National AFGAN “celebration” day for Veterans that his government has treated with the most horrible disrespect
the government has been closing veterans affairs offices, and cutting back on some veterans services.
These guys spent $30 million on War of 1812 no mention how much this will cost.
The concept of a special day on May 9 to mark the Afghanistan conflict was announced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper on March 18 when the last Canadian military contingent pulled out of Afghanistan.
That’s when the legion started asking questions, but Ferris said it was impossible until last week to even find out when the two minutes of silence would occur in order to co-ordinate the timing in legions across the country. (It will be at 1:30 p.m. E.T.)
“This could have been a fantastic national event with thousands of legion branches getting involved across the country, hundreds of thousands of volunteers. The best we are left with now is scrambling to make something happen,” he said.
Yes Lauzon is like that pigeon in the picture who pops in for photo op. I said it many times before that the government never does anything on the spur of the moment and everything is well planned in advance and yes Bare Ass and council and administration were well advised ahead about what the feds were going to do putting in chem tanks. When I wrote my funny piece to Hugger I saw a couple of pigeons flying up on my roof of the building and I was laughing so much thinking about Lauzon. What a disgusting bunch of liars and cheats and none of them are worth electing in the next election.