CORNWALL Ontario – Cornwall can at times seem like a place that never connected to the rest of the world and

where rules and customs followed elsewhere don’t seem to matter?
As a matter of fact when some of the residents in power are confronted or asked a question the responses tend to turn ugly and bullying is common among a certain group.
Current Cornwall Chamber of Commerce President and local Kelsey’s (Cara) franchisee Kevin Hargreaves slots in to that as he actually wrote a note dismissing our charter of rights and Freedoms. In many cities Mr. Hargreaves would have been asked by his board to resign immediately; but again, this is Cornwall.
For the first time ever the Chamber, which has a long history of hosting the big All Candidates debate in Cornwall, decided to submit a set of guidelines to candidates and rules for the audience with candidates having to sign off to be able to participate and with notifications of removal from the debate and/or hall if violated.
It was confirmed that this was for the first time ever that this was done; but the chamber refused to state why?
When I received the package I asked three very simply friendly questions.
What was considered inappropriate apparel? Did the Chamber read our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as many Canadians think this is important? And could they send me the 2010 guidelines (although I knew there had been none prior)The guidelines also made statements regarding speech by candidates during the debate.
What Mr. Hargreaves sent was most disturbing. Disturbing for his answer; but also for the fact that he included a Strictly Confidential email from director Lezlie Strasser to the board of directors of the Chamber.
Mr. Gilcig,
Proper Business Casual for Men
- Try khakis and a button-down shirt. If you opt for other shirt styles, it should always have a collar and sleeves. Clothing should always be clean and wrinkle-free. Avoid any holes or fraying. Wear socks in a color that coordinates with your pants, and that are long enough to avoid exposing your skin when you sit.
Shoes should be polished and leather is preferred. Avoid athletic shoes or boots. It is wise to keep a jacket and tie in the office for any unexpected meetings or guests.
While business casual is designed to make you more comfortable, you should always convey a professional and poised appearance.
Read more : http://www.ehow.com/about_6121447_definition-business-casual.html
Never mind the Canadian Charter of Rights. This is an event we, the Chamber are putting on and can impose whatever dress code we feel is appropriate. The fact that you had to ask what is appropriate is ridiculous. If you want to run this City you should have some idea of what “appropriate attire” is. Should you choose to deviate from the directions you will be either be removed from the forum or the salon as a whole.
Kevin Hargreaves
President, Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce
From: Lezlie Strasser @ Cornwall Chamber [mailto:strasser@cornwallchamber.com]
Sent: September 18, 2014 1:55 PM
To: Kelsey’s 7091; Nada Kovinich; Jodi Hawkshaw; pdesnoyers@ckdm.ca; Rick Shaver
Subject: Fw: All Candidates debate/STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL
Importance: High
To the Chamber Board of Directors …
An information package describing the scheduled Chamber All Candidates forum has been sent to all those standing for the 2014 municipal election. Subsequent to the electronic delivery of the documents, one of the candidates has responded with two messages:
- A) A candidate is asking the Chamber for a definition of ‘APPROPRIATE’ as outlined in the Candidate Guidelines (document attached) and the message contains a veiled suggestion with respect to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
- B) That same candidate is asking for a copy of the agreement form issued for the 2010 municipal election.
With respect to B, there was no need for such a document leading to the 2010 debate. The 2014 guidelines and agreement form were prepared and disseminated as part of the Chamber’s due-diligence.
Directors will recall at a earlier Board meeting that no Director or member of the Executive Committee were prepared to Chair the event. Further, I was specifically directed that under no circumstances was I to put the Chamber and its Board in a position such that it would be sued. In light of Board’s stance, and in light of the possibility, unfounded or not, of a Charter of Rights challenge, I am not prepared to move forward with this event.
Respectfully submitted,
Lezlie Strasser
I was shocked and bewildered as I’m sure many others were this weekend in reading this email.
I responded:
Hi Everyone,
I’m shocked and stunned to be reading this note from Mr. Hargreaves and bewildered at the note from Ms Strasser included.First off Mr. Hargreaves I would suggest that the Charter is very important here in Canada.Second I asked a very simple question of Lyette.Hi Lyette,Can you please clarify “inappropriate apparel” please?Thanks,JamiePlease note I asked what was inappropriate, not what was appropriate. If I wore a kilt, keepah, burkha, or a poppy would Dan Allaire or Bill Kingston publicly chastise me on live tv? I’m not sure I’ve seen too many debates or political events that didn’t have pins, hats, etc.As for the statements from Ms Strasser, what has changed from 2010 to now?I would suggest the best remedy for this most embarrassing document would be for the chamber to revert to how it ran the debate in 2010.I would suggest that the long tradition of the chamber hosting the debate at the civic complex not be further marred or disrespected as Mr. Hargreaves has just done with our charter.It is the chamber’s roll to host the debate; not to dictate what is said or worn by candidates in a free and democratic country, and debates like this are integral to practicing and nurturing our local democracy.This is important to all of us. It really is.Thanks,Jamie Gilcig
A few of the other candidates replied to me as well:
Greg Kielec, running for council:
Not to mention no electronic devices are allowed. Never seen that before at a candidates debate. In Toronto people are live tweeting every event in blow by blow coverage. Downright strange.
Candidate Rony Macarone (not his real name) showed that he just might fit in with many of the current council as he took a shot at yours truly. Mr. Macarone also is a member of a Boycott CFN facebook group.
Hi Jamie,
I do understand your dilemma, perhaps you would like some help?I do have some styling knowledge for +size men. You don’t have to spend a lot if anything.Let me know if you would like some help and I’ll do what I can.I never where a tie, but I think I look okay when i’m out in public… No PJs at Baxtroms for me!Kevin is right, the chamber is a private corporation and can dictate dress code for it’s events etc. As I do for my companies and countless others like McDonalds & RBC… You don’t have to agree, just don’t go.
Rony Macarone
For Cornwall Council
Well nothing was heard back from Mr. Hargreaves. Today though Mr. Joseph Hickey of the Ontario Civil Liberties Association did write a letter to Mr. Hargreaves:
September 22, 2014
Kevin Hargreaves, President
Cornwall Chamber of Commerce
113 Second St. E, Suite 100
Cornwall, ON K6J 1Y5
Re: Freedom of expression at October 15 All Candidates Debate
Mr. Hargreaves:
I write on behalf of the Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) regarding the “All Candidates Forum” to be held onOctober 15, 2014 and organized by the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with TV Cogeco. The forum will include presentations of candidates’ election platforms and a debate between mayoralty candidates.
We have been informed by Mr. Jamie Gilcig, candidate for Mayor of Cornwall, that your organization has decided to implement a dress code for the October 15 forum. Mr. Gilcig informs us that this dress code would prevent him from, for example, wearing a T-shirt showing a political message of his choice during the forum.
As you know, freedom of expression is vital to all Canadians. This fundamental freedom has been called the lifeblood of a democratic society. We are deeply concerned that your organization would seek to impose a code that could interfere with or deny a political candidate’s expression of a political message at a debate that will be a significant event in the process of electing Cornwall’s next mayor.
Although the Chamber of Commerce is not a government entity and may not be bound by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as the organizer of a televised candidates debate in a municipal election, it is highly concerning that you would take the position that Mr. Gilcig should “never mind” the Charter and the rights enshrined therein, as you communicated to this candidate in an email on September 18. Ignoring the spirit of the Charter in this way would subvert the Chamber of Commerce’s effort to provide community interaction with this year’s candidates and raises concerns about the Chamber’s commitment to democratic values.
We ask that you change the guidelines for the All Candidates Forum such that they do not interfere with Mr. Gilcig’s and other candidates’ freedom of expression. We also ask you to issue a public statement about how freedom of expression will be respected at the forum and the steps your organization will take to uphold this vital right.
Yours truly,
Joseph Hickey
Executive Director
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) http://ocla.ca
613-252-6148 (c)
It should be noted that all I asked for was what was considered inappropriate? I haven’t worn a message shirt in quite a long time. In fact I’d purchased a new suit for the Chamber event.
For me personally I value our Charter of Rights. It is important. The role of the chamber is important too. I thought so when I ran for its board several years ago to be told that I’d lost; but the chamber refused to give out the vote count. After two members died during the term they were forced to put me on the board. It was bizarre and strange; almost as strange as this experience has been.
Frankly there is one clear answer to this situation. The debate should continue under the rules of 2010. And Mr. Hargreaves should immediately resign or be removed for his comment and for releasing Ms Strasser’s Strictly Confidential board email.
Does Cornwall mayor Bob Kilger really fear debating both Leslie O’Shaughnessy and myself? It should be noted that the City’s liason to the chamber is……Mayor Bob Kilger. And Councilor Denis Carr, who is running himself, is on the board for the Heart of the City agency.
The people of Cornwall deserve a fair and open debate. If they want to live tweet or take pictures with their phones or electronic devices they should be allowed to. If they want to wear a t shirt of their choice they should be allowed too.
There are countries in this world that don’t have Democracy or the rights we do. With declining voter turnouts do we really want to be putting limits on candidates or voters?
No, Mr. Hargreaves has made a grave error in judgement. He needs to be accountable for it.
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It looks like the C o C was trying to control every aspect of the debate. Whatever happened to just let things happen?
Not sure Hugger. Ms Strasser’s comments frankly were more disturbing than Mr. Hargreaves. I know I’ve been harassed by the Chamber for quite awhile. As a matter of fact Mike Metcalf was at his antics again last week in the Seaway News trashing South Stormont News in a LTE. A very inaccurate LTE which I’m surprised TC media would allow to be printed. Last time grumpy old Mike took a run at CFN karma bit him and he fell off a ladder and hurt himself.
So where does the debate stand? Did your suit purchase become wasted?
Hugger the chamber has been silent since Mr. Hargreaves letter to me.
Has me wondering if someone overstepped his perceived authority and it’s being dealt with internally.
I just sent an e-mail to Kilger asking him when he plans on debating his fellow mayoral candidates in an open and free forum without restrictions. Let’s see what he says.
Jamie there is one place that I have to agree with the letter than you have received. You are going into a professional position and even the councellors. Leave the funny apparel to me I love it for laughs. I do agree that when you are in a professional standing position you have to act the part. You have to dress accordingly like what has been stated. I would not say this if it were not true and I cannot stomach the Chamber of Commerce or whatever they may call themselves but they are right on this issue. There are plus sizes for men right here in Ottawa at Billings Bridge and elsewhere here in Ottawa. You would have to inquire about where to find plus sizes in Cornwall. This is one area that I do have to agree with. Yes I know that dressing casual is fun and I love your funny shirts but there is a dress code for different levels of jobs and you do have to adhere to that.
@ Jules: I don’t think the idea of dressing professional is being questioned. I’m usre Jamie would suit up for the event. I think what is rather disturbing is the Chamber forcing these new guidelines and having candidates sign off on them, giving the Chamber the authority to boot said person out if the Chamber feels they violate their said new rules.
Jules…we have to stop agreeing. BTW, the plus size shop for guys is no longer at Billings Bridge Plaza, it’s now at the Trainyards and there is one on Merivale Rd.
Not just me; but all the candidates and the audience. Who decides what’s appropriate. The Chamber guidelines also mentions only stating facts. Who fact checks as candidates speak. For example in the Freeholder story about Mr. O’Shaughnessy’s statements; which I think most people consider to be true, Mayor Kilger essentially called him a liar? Will Dan Allaire and Bill Kingston be the arbiter of facts as they are spoken?
Debates have a long tradition. Why is Mr. Hargreaves and the Chamber coming up with guidelines that candidates have to sign for 2014?
Jamie always remember that it is not only the size of the dog in the fight…but the fight in the dog,you my friend are mightier & they well know it & they will never debate with a true winner
So if I decide to attend i can’t wear jeans, a t-shirt and runners?
Kevin Hargreaves isn’t answering the phone, and I’m pretty sure he’s looking for a new gig… so maybe someone could pass this message along.
Due to unforeseen circumstances I must find a new co-host for my TV spot, and Kevin, your name has come up as a self-styled, wicked sick enforcer of dress — like a fashion police with a skinhead bent.
Well you could be just what I’m looking for. Please contact “E!” at your earliest (BTW what’s the name of the lady you’re holding that drink for?)
The whole Chamber should be mighty ashamed. What an insult to you, Jamie, and frankly to the community. Thank you. This is a very important issue and story to share.
Thanks for correcting me Hugger because I saw that store not all too long ago at Billings Bridge maybe a few years ago. Things change all the time. The Trainyards are being developed and a lady from Central America was a great seamstress at St. Laurent Shopping Centre and got herself a job at David’s Bridal and we miss her very much which is at the Trainyards.
Jason I understand what you mean but anybody who goes into professional level jobs have to dress up because they represent the corporation, company or a department in the government or whatever. Even at my low level job of OCE (office equipment operator) in the federal government we had to dress appropriately. Some would get away with it which is true but not everyone. Jamie, Leslie, Bare Ass and those who are running as councellors are representing the corporation of the city of Cornwall and not just themselves. As for Jamie I like this man very much and said that from the very first day that I fell on his paper but he does have to dress professionally. Gee I sure would love those funny shirts with Bare Ass on them. Anyone going for mayor or council should be dressed appropriately. I don’t see why the audience has to dress up since they are not part of this – they are there to listen and maybe ask questions. Maybe Bare Ass threw this in to the Chamber because of Jamie and his funny shirts, etc.
Dear dear Jamie, you’ve got them so wound up they are both embarrassed by you and afraid of your versatile knowledge of the community, in particular of their collusions over the years as they really are in a private mix of club hoppers at a snob hill level( in their own minds). City Hall, the Chamber, the DTBA are all in a well seasoned world of their own. This is their home, their cave in the woods. You have been trampolining on the very heart of their piety for so long now it peeves them to the bitter end.
If in fact someone of the Chamber is able to complete what tradition says is THEIR mandate, running a fair and unbiased debate with fair and impartial questions to the candidates, allowing candid pertinent comments, statements and answers as the citizen have a right to know and hear, regardless of dress code bathing or color of underwear, in the end it will be the citizens who will decide who will be their next Mayor.
First off, if you did allow yourself to wear a derogatory t-shirt at such an event, I for one would certainly NOT vote for you, as you are wanting a position of importance to me and to my city. You want to represent us while in discussion with senior, seasoned members of the executive branches of industry and officials in provincial and federal office. I too would be embarrassed for all of us.
On the other hand, if indeed the Chamber and cohorts are planning to derail you in particular by dress codes and other antics, tricks and pre-planned ignoring, bypassing you when asking certain questions, or not asking or allowing certain questions, the public will see their blindness.
Jamie, I can also see some reasoning when it comes to unsubstantiated details you and Mr. O’shaunasy may desire to be debated here, that need perhaps to be challenged in
a real courtroom,(opposed to the court of public opinion) one could understand the fear of slandering each other. That would be a difficult call, however, perhaps the right call.
I would prefer to see a forward thinking debate regarding the future makeup of ideas and plans for our community at such a time. This would NOT be then the time for accusations and dredging of history……..for any of the candidates.
Better the devil we know than the devil we cause. Allow the community your focus and reason why the electorate should care and imbibe you with their vote. Nothing short of that will work for you in this forum. You are better than lowering yourself to pokes, digs and accusations. They are for another place and forum, like the CFN INTERNET NEWSPAPER do that for you.
Your inquiry regarding the structure or ‘rules’ for the 2010 debates certainly has merit. It is good that you followed up with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. That in itself may cause a folding of the debates, yet if it does, even if resignations ensue, then of course the public, the electorate will see how tragic and unfair YOU and perhaps Leslie ‘O’ have been treated.
Jamie I had a feeling as soon as you put your name out there to run for mayor,That they would try to rig all debates and questions as to satisfey Kilger @company.Election time in Cornwall has and will always be a bunch of Bullsh–.
Diddly anyone that would fold a debate because they didn’t want to respect our Canadian Charter of Rights doesn’t deserve to live in this great country.
Mr. Macarone’s email had a childish tone that evoked thoughts of a classroom bully. He will not be getting my vote.
to be honest Nicole I was disappointed too – I like Rony. He’s smart and talented. He’s made some great points in his campaign so far too; but it looks like he’s just too far into the clique and tried to show how pithy he was….
I agree with Diddleyscwat and Marc on this Jamie and Bare Ass is going to know all the answers ahead of time and make you all look stupid even though he is the stupid one. Cornwall is run “mob style” and you wonder why I left it is because of that very way of life that I cannot tolerate at all. Bare Ass is the very worst of the bunch and he shows exactly what he is and cannot hide it at all. This isn’t the kind of society that I want to live under at all. This isn’t democracy at all and all mob in action. No wonder so many people left Cornwall and never ever to return because of this kind of behavior but since Bare Ass came in the town looks to be impossible to live in.
Cornwall Chamber of Commerce Prez Kevin Hardgreaves is now the new laughing stock of Corrnwall,he really has gone over the deep end!!!
Who needs the Chamber? Seeing they are in Mayor Kilger hip pocket. Set up your own debate, invite all the candidates, and all the media outlets, and go at it. Let us not just talk about Charter Rights and democracy, let us practice, pursue it, or the Communist Chamber under Mayor Kilger regime(how they are acting)will win hands down.
Kilger gets to dodge another debate, and Hargreaves gets to look like a chump. Bob’s bare ass has been saved by Kevin’s barren skull.
Pastor Tom CFN invited all candidates to a video debate. Sadly many of them disrespected our audience by not even replying. Same for our Proust questionnaire that was essentially free advertising.
We seem to not care about democracy in Cornwall…
Notice Hargreaves uses the words “we can impose” and schoolyard bully-Marcone uses “can dictate.” Impose? Dictate? This isn’t a wedding party where bridezilla gets to dictate pink polka dots. The goal for a political function is: Let the candidates reveal who they are so voters can decide. And yes, that can include one wearing a turban, a veil, a mini skirt or a biker jacket.
This whole mess is blatantly revealing of how small mindedness begets ridiculous behaviours that actually end up doing significant damage to principles of democracy.
So what is inappropriate? Sadly, the bullies are saying: “You Jamie, are inappropriate.”
It’s disgusting, hateful, dehumanizing, hurtful, embarrassing and wrong.
They don’t seem to realize that by attempting to impose, dictate and control they end up looking like base idiots. Not good for the city’s reputation. Wear that bullies!
I have a comment and a question.
Did you know Admin that the Chamber is hosting a comvention here in 2015? Bumblers.
Is Leslie Strasser still a chain smoking miserable drunk like when I’ve seen her? I remember seeing the Hargreaves guy one of the two times I was at Kelsey, in the interests of full disclosure the second time was under duress due to large gift certificate. He struck me as a douche of the extra-chromosone type.
A sad and embarrassing day for the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce and the City of Cornwall. Unfortunately, to the detriment of the residents of this community, these individuals and others all convey themselves to be consumed with their perceived importance. The realities that this combined group continually attempts to portray of Cornwall in promoting the community as a wonderful place in which to live is constantly overshadowed by situations such as this, which is the reality. One situation after another after another. Anybody informing themselves about the true realities of Cornwall, the upcoming election, the last two councils, the bullying and corruption and so on would not likely be inspired to move here. Recently I was asked what living in Cornwall was like. I found myself at a loss of words momentarily remembering some of the recent events.
What continues to be tiresome is the image of Cornwall attempting to be portrayed as something it simply is not! For once, as sad as the Chamber of Commerce letter is, it speaks volumes as to what Cornwall’s reality is.
Shock and Awe and absolute disgust.
This is shameful and as Mary Anne pointed out in her comment, “disgusting, hateful, dehumanizing, hurtful, embarrassing and wrong”.
Wrong indeed!!!
It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall in our government and other places when they open another complaint, another concern, another human rights issue and the barrage of ongoing concern/complaints that continue coming in from the Cornwall, Ontario area community!!
Our community must top the list which is nothing to boast about.
Having been plagued with toxic issues, this community seems hell bent on destruction of good people, wrong doing and a list of other issues as evident and presented on an ongoing, daily basis.
I can’t help but wonder does Kelseys have a proper dress code for political attire? How about wearing support pins for your council member running for election when you dine there?
It leaves many with a sinking, sick feeling in their stomach and a sadness to see people stoop this low that even the fact a person’s size should be mentioned in any letter is beyond comprehension.
I can’t help but wonder how they would have felt had the tables been reversed regarding this issue.
Would they have felt quite so smug/self satisfied that they did this and hurt someone with intent, because intent was obvious. Can they plead ignorance I wonder? I doubt it.
Cornwall, a community with many good people, so much to offer and yet it continues to sink into the mire!!
I remember when I ran in the 2008 federal elections, I did receive a set of guidelines for the debate. They basically informed us that we were not permitted to pass out buttons,flyers or any other campaign materials. The guideline also outlined the format of the debate. Basically they wanted everyone to give a 2 minute speech followed by a series of questions and finished off with closing remarks. They really didn’t want an actual debate. It was more of a pageant. To call it a debate is actually a farce. I don’t remember anything about a dress code. That’s not to say they didn’t have one. I just don’t remember. And to my recollection, I never had to sign anything regarding such. It is true, that the CoC, not being part of government, is not bound by the Charter, but we should always MIND it. If I would have been told to never mind the Charter, I probably would have been removed by law enforcement that night. But I have serious authority issues, so take your own course. The truth is, in our free democratic society, the CoC has the right to set the tone for whatever events they hold, in regards to dress codes and conduct. And although the CoC has certain rights that should be observed, one would expect, that given the nature of the event, a democratic election, one of the ultimate expressions of liberty, the candidates’ freedom of expression would not only be observed but also encouraged. Mind the Charter, no matter where you are.
Dwight we should also qualify that you were running Federally and not municipally.
One Who Cares you said it best even though others said it quite eliqently you put in more facts. Just this morning on our walk my husband and I were talking about Cornwall and Bare Ass, etc. He reminded me of some others in the community with the status of Bare Ass and we all know who they are but I cannot name them here for Jamie’s sake. We used to talk to some well known people in Cornwall about the things going on and it is the big shots of Cornwall “the clique” who have literally destroyed Cornwall and I would never say it if this were not true. When I looked at the statistics where Cornwall lied in the better places to live, Cornwall was close to the end. It is ashamed to have let this happen and I blame the citizens for not standing up and doing away with “the mob”. The people have to run them literally out of town or else nothing will change. Cornwall has a great deal of healing to do and the only way is to throw them all out. Maybe an outside force may have to come from another city to run the town if these things keep up the way they are. This isn’t good to attract business nor other people to Cornwall at all. There are many good people in Cornwall and they get stomped on and get the flack. Jamie is the best journalist that Cornwall ever had and speaks the truth. I have gained weight and it is self inflicted. LOL LOL. I haven’t got like Jamie but just overweight. Everyone of us are different but we can all see the wrong that is going on in Cornwall and we have to speak up no matter who we are or else nothing will be done about it. We know all about real truths and were talking about this matter this morning and it goes further than Bare Ass but Bare Ass has put the cherry on the dessert as they say of corruption.
What standard of acceptance does this set for the youth of our community when we are trying to bring awareness to bullying and why it should not exist at any level under any circumstance and yet, take a look at what the adults are doing.
How do you change a culture when those who lead are not shining examples of goodness and caring as they should be.
The very thing we do not want children to be a part of, is a part of community leadership and some organizations.
Why would any community accept this is the question and continue to allow/condone it?
A town is only as good as its people and when the people show weakness to those with deep pockets or a title or their bullying attitude then it shows that the town is not worth living in and bringing up their families in such an atmosphere. It isn’t healthy at all. Think about if you want to make a business of some sort and you have to wait 18 months for that to happen and you have to pay the rent on the place even though it isn’t in your possession does this make any sense at all to you? It sure has no sense to me at all and businesses all over town close their doors and families move away. We spoke about how Cornwall was flourishing in past years compared to today’s graveyard and that is exactly how Cornwall became a graveyard. When you don’t have a good administration and one of the very worst kinds and they pocket every cent from you and raise your taxes beyond imagination and they want you to fail but to keep their own “mobster gang” going at your expense. That isn’t a good place for people to live and be happy at all.
WOW, Cornwall Chamber and to many other people out there
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Un faux pas!
I guess the CCoC thinks they’re special. There’s an article in today’s local paper and Kevin Hargreaves says the CCoC will not be changing their policies for the debate.
For what it is worth I cannot support the position of the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce. Kelsey’s has lost my support as well.