Elections and The Vote 2014 – Skeletons in the Closets & Why Voting Is Important! by Garden Girl – Sept 24, 2014



skeletonCFN – Indeed, history is being written. Skeletons are coming out of all the closets. We have deputy mayors running into restaurants and taking stacks of papers while huffing out the door. What is so threatening about locals writing about local events? If you wanted history to record you better, you should have acted better.

No one, not one person is perfect. The closest to perfect one can achieve to reach is the point where one is self-aware and willing to admit to their mistakes, if only so that they can be acknowledged and everyone can move forward. It is a special kind of crazy that holds people in denial of their actions and I for one would rather a legitimately sorry politician than one in denial. The poo flinging is worthy of seating and popcorn. The comments that fill local pages are a birds-eye view of these people’s mental capacities and their cronies. Some seem so ignorant, they fail to see the error of their ways. Blinded? Definitely. But, why?

It’s an exciting time right now. The promises of a better tomorrow are everywhere, made by many people who promise to work hard to make local positive changes and who wish to represent the voters. Their track records show exactly what they stand for. Our peers and neighbours, hoping to get a spot on the taxpayer’s payroll. Funny thing about election time though, only around 30 (THIRTY) percent of local registered voters, obviously the ones that keep voting in the SAME people, are the ones who actually go to place a vote. That is a scary number and I hope you’re scared too.

I would never tell anyone who to vote for, but if asked, I would happily disclose why and who. I want you to know who I am voting for, but more importantly, I want YOU to know who you are voting for. I want YOU to care enough about your home and future to not only commit to voting, but be an active part of the conversation THIS ELECTION.

Each and every one of us over the age of 18 in Canada has a vote. It is one of the most beautiful things about living in Canada and not in places like Russia, China, or many, many other places. The population of Russia and China alone, combined, make up a very large percentage of the world’s population who live stifled lives that they themselves have no option of ever reversing without civil uproar.

Can you imagine living like that? Have you been following the news out of Ukraine and Russia? I know I am glad to not have to endure that.

If you are not voting, if you are one of those odd 70% of registered local voters who do not vote, WHY??? If you don’t care for yourself, would you care for me?

If your voice, part of a collective IS enough to make change, WHY DO ALMOST SEVENTY PERCENT OF LOCAL VOTERS NOT VOTE? Roughly seven out of EVERY ten people you live around are NOT voting. We all live here together, is it too much to ask once in every four years to take on the very important task of voting? To commit to a vision of our future? Don’t you care what these people plan to do FOR US with OUR taxdollars? Can anyone imagine what life would be like if our voting privileges were revoked???

We have the choice. We can manipulate the direction of our local future and government simply by voting. We have the power to make people work harder for us. IF we choose the RIGHT people.

Voting for socially responsible people who have the best interest of the MAJORITY in mind when making their political agendas is what will change our history. Conveniently, a fair democratic vote does just that. It speaks for the majority, one vote at a time.

What if the MAJORITY is made up of only the 30% of people who actually vote? That is far from a FAIR majority. In order for a democracy to work, as many people as possible who are eligible to vote NEED to represent themselves.

If there are as many people as upset as there should be, a simple 20 (TWENTY) percent of “new” voters, those who can but usually do not, would be enough to tip the scales this election towards a new direction, quite easily. I am talking about talking. Start the conversation. Be it with your neighbour, your co-worker, your favourite cashier, just start the CONVERSATION.

“Who are you VOTING for?”

Or “Are you voting this election?”

It is a relevant question. Anyone who is voting should know who and why they are voting. I don’t think it should be a secret, and neither do the people who place placards on their lawns. You should not be afraid to have an opinion and back it.

If somehow every person convinced just two others to really think about and commit to voting, and those two people started the same dialogue with two others, by election time, as a community, the polls will more fairly represent what WE, the people, REALLY want.

Fairness and Transparency. I mean it’s only fair, they make decisions on our behalf, we should be privy of any and all decisions made while on OUR watch. We have allowed the zoo to go on far too long, if you care, make the first step and start the conversation.

Who are you voting for? Why? Have you done your research? Does this person stand for what you as an individual believe in? Do they act in a manner that you would want representing YOU and OUR best interests?

If you can answer those questions and feel CONFIDENT enough about them by using your vote on them, then democracy is on the right track. If by voting time you still are not aware of who SHOULD get your vote, go and vote for ANYONE but the ones who continue to treat us like fools, using their appointments to further their own selfish political goals while mocking us openly by their public actions and accountability.

Change for a better future.

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  1. In answer to your question Garden Girl, I do not intend to vote because no matter who gets in there will be no change in direction. I covered municipal politics for years here in Cornwall and it never mattered who was in office, things just went on as before. I recall saying more than once that if I wanted power in the city, I would work to become the chief administrator which is a non-elected position.


    It is the chief administrator that provides the mayor and council with the reports upon which they make decisions. The chief administrator can edit or change a report in order to get the result or vote that he or she wants. The only caveat to all this is the chief administrator can’t be too obvious about it, he must pretend it is the politicians who are making the decision.

    If all this sounds very cynical I am sorry, it is sad but true. My education in the facts of life started when I covered local boards of education back in the 70s. I used to see directors of education steer their boards similar to the way the CAOs steered their councils. I used to get into discussion with one director of education telling him I could see how he controls the board. For years he didn’t comment. However when he retired, he admitted he did control the board.

    I think what he said to me applies to the city CAO too. This director commented that the politicians come and go but if they make a bad decision it is the director (or the CAO) that must pick up the pieces. For that reason the director must steer his board where he wants them to go. If one accepts all this, as I do, then the real power lies in administration and there is no point in me casting a vote because things will never change.

  2. Garden Girl I agree with Mark Pilotte and I will not vote at all and the reason for me here in Ottawa is that Bare Ass and Mayor Jim Watson here in Ottawa are connected and through Jim Watson’s assistant where I don’t have to spell it out but you know why. I am through with voting. I wanted to vote Harpoon Harpo if he changed the laws but everything remains the same big entangled mess of a boondoggle and I sure am not voting for no liberal/fiberal whatsoever. My daughter who is 35 refuses to vote and never has and calls them all crooks from the top to the bottom. People don’t know that until they are in politics and see how mighty crooked things are. You take a good look at Bare Ass and his mob of misfits and you see nothing but corruption and you look at Tammy Hart and this Richard Cuerrier who are mighty dangerous as well and beware that they would be all riding their brooms on Halloween night. If people took the time out to really think about it then people would come to the conclusion that it makes sense. I used to listen to Mark Pilotte on the radio when I lived in Cornwall way back and I knew that he was in municipal politics and he knows what he is talking about. Cornwall is in a mighty big corrupted mess.

  3. I enjoy your passion and share most of the views shared here with us. A democracy only works if people inform themselves and vote from a position of knowledge. Our unfortunate dilemma is that likely only 1 in 10 know the issues and the rest don’t really care. With the 2010 voter turnout around the 40% mark this means that 30% of the voters likely fell into the play off type of voter. You know the type, no interest during the regular season and looking for a band wagon to jump on.

    I think it would be interesting if only the informed 10% voted. Election results sometimes would look a whole lot different I think. Obviously the best case scenario would be for all us to respect each others rights and freedoms by making an informed decision.

    Get the facts, don’t be swayed by “promises” and vote wisely.

  4. @Marc Pilote. I hear your frustration.

    I have days when the general lack of commonsense in the world around me threatens my very sanity. Fortunately I am saved by my inability to quit my journey through life. I am deeply saddened by anyone who adopts a defeatist attitude and I invite you to broaden your viewpoint by standing back and looking at the bigger picture. Our children, relatives children, all other children inherit the world we leave them. Quit on yourself if you must but please don’t quit on the children and their future.


  5. @Marc Pilote: Thank you for your pessimistic view!

  6. Stan: Thanks for your comment but I don’t consider myself a defeatist, I believe in reality. The reality is whether I vote or not nothing will change. Given that reality I will not waste my time. But that doesn’t mean I can’t work in other ways to improve things in Cornwall such as offering my time to service groups. which I do. That is how I hope to make things better for my four grandchildren and others in the community. I may be cynical (which was earned by 30 years as a reporter) but I haven’t given up hope. The trick is knowing how to make a difference.

  7. @ Marc Pilote!

    It seems to me that all persons should be required to vote as part of our responsibility to the great country we are fortunate enough to live in.( Municipal Elections included)
    Many persons fail to accept that line of thought yet after the election is over some of them are the first to complain.
    You make mention of the CAO yet before us now is the Mayor supposedly holding back information ( a cover up ? ) and many other points that have cost our City over a Million Dollars in Legal Bills.
    Marc please reconsider your position and turn out and vote change is needed here in Cornwall.

  8. You aren’t talking about reality Stan, you are talking about perception and therefore your resultant attitude. You are a defeatist, admittedly or not. Your perception is yours to keep or change, good luck with that. Glad that you are of mind to give back to the community, thank you for that.

  9. Marc Pilote, i’ve always respected your coverage of municipal issues, and i agree with comments you made about councillors accepting their raise, and that those who voted for it are ONLY in it for the money. But if people dont bother to vote, how can we introduce NEW people to the council table. WE need new blood and we need to boot some out

  10. P. Walbee. Many thanks for your comments but the gist of my comment is that city council does not actually control anything of importance, that everything goes through the administration first (even the stuff the mayor may choose to not release). We can get new people on council but, as I have said before, there has never been a wholesale change where the majority of the old council was turfed.

    Even if that happened, it wouldn’t be long before administration would start working on the new council using the same levers they had on the old council. Remember, they are still the ones who write the reports and they are the ones who can choose to ignore things. I believe even if we got six or more new members of council, there would be no change because new members of council would spend at least six months learning the ropes and being guided in what to do.

    I would love to be wrong though, and I would love to see the city move in a new direction. But past history, nearly 40 years of it going back to Kaneb days (where the same things were being said), suggests it will still be more of the same. You can vote for new people if you wish, I don’t want to waste my time. If I want to do something for the community, I will volunteer my time.

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