CORNWALL Ontario – Yesterday my inbox was full. My phone kept ringing and I nearly lost my voice.
Hi Jamie
I believe you made this happen.You have made a huge, positive influence against incredible odds.You have helped to change the culture in Cornwall in a positive way.I will savor this one blessing of small positive change in my old hometown.Regards, XXXXXX
This last term of council frankly was one that should have involved the police. A lot of good people were hurt including myself and CFN. We have hung on by a thread through a brutal Kilger council led boycott that includes false police charges which I believe lead to Queen’s Park. A production order proving I never made any of the declared phone calls has now been around for nearly six months without my charges being dropped.
This election was tainted with the same corruption as this last term of council as well. It was ugly, brutal, and dishonest. If the Seaway News were a member of the Press Council I’m sure editor Todd Lihou would be sanctioned. The Seaway News not only refused to interview me as a candidate during the campaign, they also refused to sell me an ad and actively trashed myself and my campaign.
Cogeco gave me less air time than the other candidates including their manager refusing to allow me to speak with Todd & Chuck on election night. It was nice to see the former Cheryl Brink back on the job; she too had no questions for me even though she was in the election room most of the night.

These people in this picture should not be working in media and that includes Bill Kingston who runs a news site now that links news stories only from the Seaway News and Standard Freeholder both of whom have less readers than we do and who we frequently scoop. He also links to their opinion pieces.
And that folks is why in spite of all of the corruption and burying of the message this election the results showed that the truth can’t be buried; at least not totally.
The desired effect of having a lower voter turnout in Cornwall happened, but Mayor Bob Kilger and some of his most loyal supporters, chiefly Glen Grant, followed him down in flames.
Clearly the people of Cornwall decided enough was enough when it came to scandals and corruption. Removing Syd Gardiner, Glen Grant, and Denis Carr was huge. Even with the skull duggery of Elaine MacDonald and her Labour Council we today have hope for a better future.
Was it perfect? Not at all. Cornwall still has huge issues to face. The secret Kilger Waterfront negotiations, will Leslie and his new council open up an investigation to what really happened with the Chem tanks and hold Economic Development responsible?
I was asked by a key O’Shaughnessy supporter what I was hoping for. Of course an end to this City Boycott of CFN; but what I wanted most was simply for our viewers to be respected. Sadly people like Bernadette Clement, David Murphy, and Carilyne Hebert don’t understand media relations and how we tick and how even if you don’t like a journalist or outlet that it’s always the viewers that count, and that one day you might not be able to rely on corruption or Union support to be elected. Just ask Glen.
This quote is from the report written by Bob Peters that led to the boycott by the city.
A review of local news websites show that only two allow anonymous posts: the Standard-Freeholder and the Cornwall Free News. Both sites have some moderation of comments, but a review of activity over the past several months have led staff to concur with the generalized assessment of the practice by the American Journalism Review: “Comment sections are often packed with profanity, and vicious personal attacks.”
Clearly CFN is not often “PACKED” with profanity or vicious personal attacks and clearly the Seaway News, as few comments as they allow online, do allow anonymous posts. And that quote from the AJR has never been found to date.
CFN actually has the most stringent rules in effect that prevent much of what people really get upset about when it comes to anonymous comments. If you don’t believe me you can see trolls complaining about them on the Standard Freeholder frequently.
City Hall has refused us on multiple occasions to have our moment in open council to rebut a clear lie that was issued by staff. There have been many other lies and as most know “Lies travel much faster than the truth.”
This council has a chance to right many wrongs from what has been done at tax payer expense to this community and this newspaper to Whistle Blower Diane Shay. There is a real chance to effect healing and move forward and help build Cornwall. The question is will Mayor Elect Mr. O’Shaughnessy and his council take that road or will it be business as usual in Cornwall?
Clearly there is a lot of work that needs to be done if we are to move forward. The first test was sent out yesterday to the new council with no reply as of this story.
The people of Cornwall have spoken and they clearly wanted change. That’s a good thing and something we all should be proud of. Now the question is will we truly see that change?
The answer lies in the words, deeds, and actions of 11 elected officials and the policies and directions that they tender to staff and agencies connected to City Hall. CFN has withstood a strange term of political weirdness. We’ve seen a lot of dragons slain. We will remain vigilant and reflect the news which clearly you the public appreciate by the amount of clicks you make including nearly 50,000 page views according to google analyticator the day of the election.
What do you think Cornwall? Will Mr. O’Shaughnessy and his new council change the game in our city? You can post your comments below.
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CFN suggests you post comments using your real name. If you wish to post with a pseudonym you can register that user id by emailing with your name, address, phone number and user id you wish to register.
Furtz, it is a pleasure to meet you by name, if that is your real name?
Thanks for clearing that up Linda. I’ve been reading your writings on the subject for years in many newspapers, and was under the impression that you wanted all wood burning banned everywhere. I agree that nobody should be forced to breath the smoke from someone else’s home heating wood stove. At the same time, I don’t think the occasional back-yard weenie-roast fire should be considered health threat.
While I agree that people /organizations should apologize, I’m not holding my breath waiting for any.
I don’t agree with the full list the Admin suggested that should apologize.
For those hoping to see Dr. Paul relieved of his duties I wouldn’t hold your breath.He probably has an iron clad contract. And it would not be up to the city to decide.
You are welcome Furtz. All wood burning/biomass burning is harmful to our health and the environment. Naturally when living in a rural/country setting one would expect that wood heating would be used but when living in close proximity to others it is not healthy, environmentally friendly or green.
I am aware you have followed my writings and welcome this opportunity to discuss this issue with you.
Furtz many also think as you do that the backyard fire pit will not hurt anyone, but one must take into consideration that Woodsmoke cannot be contained, thus it is a nuisance and a Public Health Hazard. Wood burning outdoors in urban areas drifts onto others property, into windows and home of those living close causing them to retreat inside and making it impossible to enjoy their yard. Since we all share the community air there should be no outdoor burning in urban areas. There is no safe level of Woodsmoke to breathe and we cannot keep the fine particles out of our home due to the fact they can enter into any small crevice.
That is the reason in many communities now that all outdoor burning has been banned/prohibited due to the fact it is a health hazard and a nuisance.
Had Dr.Paul provided public education to the residents of the city and others they would become informed and understand why pro-active action must be taken to ban/end/prohibit wood burning and wood smoke in urban areas.
Thank you for showing interest in this discussion about Woodsmoke pollution our health and the air we all share.
Based on medical and scientific statistics woodsmoke contains cancer causing chemicals similar to those found in cigarette smoke.
Dr. Paul has unfortunately denied Public Health Education about Woodsmoke pollution that would have helped people better understand why this issue must be addressed in communities everywhere.
Hugger, Dr. Paul, the Mayor, some council and others do owe many an apology!
We could be holding our breath as you say for a long time, I agree.
How about we give the new mayor and council a grace period before we jump down their throats? Four of them have never served on council. They have a lot to learn in a short period of time and then they have to get down to running the city.
well Hugger looks like the second sneaky move was just pulled and they’re not even in their seats yet!
How about we let them take their seats before we pass judgement? Passing judgement before they’ve been sworn in is unfair.
Let’s hope that some of the negative image of the past council/mayor does not reflect on the hopeful positive image of the future.
What has transpired in this community should frighten people when you take into consideration that this is how the Cornwall Mayor and the Health Unit treat seriously ill seniors!!
If this does not awaken a community, then nothing will.
Since this Public Health information concerns everyone and their right to breathe healthy air, people should be alerted to the fact that many on council stood silent while this neglect continued and every appeal and attempt in seeking protection was denied by those who ruled the city.
This is the legacy this mayor now leaves the City that already has suffered from such abuse and neglect with other issues and that have harmed innocent people.
Take into consideration what community leaders would allow such harm being done to ill people and turn their heads away and pretend it did not exist? No decent human would, but they did in Cornwall,Ontario!!
How could Dr. Paul do what he did to sick and suffering seniors and with the approval of the Mayor in the background. They did, but no decent human would!!!
The people of Cornwall spoke up with their votes but we still are lacking accountability for all the wrong doing that has happened and still to this date continues to happen.
The mayor was asked just recently with sincere pleas for help from the seriously ill cardiac patient who did for years seek help and from the Health Unit, but no help has come from the mayor and no help from Dr. Paul. No decent human would do this,but these people did and allowed the suffering to continue.
What will happen to you should this situation knock on your doorstep and you find yourself ill, suffering and being made to suffer from extensive hours of woodsmoke from a wood burning neighbour?
You can’t expect help from the City. You can’t expect help from the Health Unit, Dr. Paul, so, who will help you?
Dr. Paul has failed many of the people in Cornwall. mayor Kilger has failed many of the people in Cornwall, and do we have room for the entire list? How many on council and some that still remain on council have totally ignored these pleas from the sick seniors? No decent human would do this, but they did!
Why would any community deny protection and delay the urgent need for public education and allow sick seniors to continue to suffer. No decent human would do this, but they did!!!
mayor Kilger could have helped. Dr. Paul should have helped and others should have stood up to protect these seniors, but no one did, not the way they should have. No decent human would do this, but they did!!
We still live in a toxic city, with a toxic attitude. The legacy that Kilger leaves will taint our community for years to come and those who have suffered from the neglect will be the first to stand up and tell the truth of their story.
All we can hope for is that our New Mayor, will hear the pleas of sick suffering seniors and not do what this mayor (little m because he does not deserve a big M.) did to harm so many in this community.
What a toxic legacy you have left mayor kilger along with with your friend Dr. Paul. You both are a disgrace!!!!
No decent human would do this, but you did!!!
Admin has made an enormous difference/change in the culture of this community as he continues to open doors to freedom to the many who have been harmed and or neglected by this present mayor and the issues regarding the EOHU, Dr. Paul.
No person in this community should ever have been put through what many have already been over these past years.
For anyone in doubt, and by now people should not be, documentation from the EOHU, Dr. Paul, where Dr. Paul does state that Woodsmoke is a concern in our community, will be made available to Admin upon request, then the Cornwall residents who have asked for change/support, by-laws/bans regarding this toxic issue of Woodsmoke and protection of their health can see in plain view exactly how Dr. Paul felt about this issue. Dr. Paul did support the issue but did nothing to take pro-active action to help those need.
Also: Over the past month when recent health information was received from the Dr./Hospital in Ottawa caring for the 77 year old sick senior who has been seeking protection from the city and from the Health Unit, Dr. Paul re: Woodsmoke pollution, this was offered for viewing to the mayor and council/Dr. Paul, not a single reply was returned re this one specific piece of documentation. The reason this specific piece of documentation was of such great importance was because of the fact the Dr. had recently recommended to another city Dr. that this senior be placed on oxygen support. This is the life and breath of this man now being harmed further by more pollution from a wood burning neighbor. No reply came yet from the city mayor/council or Dr. Paul.
This document is also available to Admin so he can personally witness the neglect being done to this cardiac patient from the city of Cornwall mayor, council and Dr. Paul.
Perhaps the good readers/viewers would be shocked or not, to see the level of neglect that has come from the city in which we live, pay taxes and support.
What many are unaware of is that this could be their loved one, their aunt/uncle/grandparent, brother or sister desperately seeking help from this city, and how would they feel if they became the victim?
No one wants to be a victim of any form of assault and woodsmoke that destroys the health and quality of life of city residents is considered a toxic assault and a toxic trespass, public health hazard and a nuisance as declared by the courts of law.
Seeing is believing and soot covered cloths from soot removed on the patients home outside were also shown as evidence supporting the desperate need for help from woodsmoke pollution, but that was not enough for this city. What is needed is a Nuisance by-law and the people of this community must become educated about this toxic and deadly form of airborne pollution. Photos were shown of a yard that resembled a bush camp setting, not an urban residence and that was not enough, medical documentation was shown and that was not enough, plea for a young grandchild of one of the seniors was not enough and the list went on.
This is what is being done behind the scene in the city of Cornwall.
Speaking up for an end to toxic woodsmoke pollution is a priority when you can’t breathe, have a cardiac condition, have Asthma, COPD and other serious health concerns. Dr. Paul knows this, he is after all an Asthma specialist. This makes this entire issue even worse!!!
Woodsmoke pollution kills! Woodsmoke pollution is a cause of premature death. Woodsmoke issues such as those that exist in our community must be addressed, and they were addressed for years but continued to be neglected, denied and ignored by this mayor/council and Dr. Paul, especially regarding indoor burning from wood burning stoves and wood burning fireplaces and the negative impact this has on our health and our community.
Other communities have take pro-active action via education, by-laws and bans, Cornwall has done what it is famous for, leaving residents breathing toxic cancer causing compounds from woodsmoke pollution and closing their eyes to the issue.
How unfortunate for our City residents!! How unfortunate for the mayor and Dr. Paul who may have thought this issue would never make it to the eyes and ears of the media, but it has with appreciation to Admin and CFN.
The sick resident continues to wait for support from his city but the mayor, Dr. Paul and council have not yet provided that help/support/care or concern regarding the pocket areas of woodsmoke pollution that exist in this community.
How much longer should a 77 year old man, cardiac patient be made to wait for help? Hopefully our new Mayor will see the immediate need for change and help regarding this toxic issue of this airborne form of pollution, woodsmoke.
Thank you Admin for helping free the shackles of those bound by the secrecy/back room deals of this community leadership or lack of it!
It is because of you that the voices of the abused and neglected and those who have suffered harm continue to come forth! For that we are forever grateful as a community.
If there are any Lawyers, in any community, reading the posts made by Linda Baker Beaudin,( One Who Cares) Founder Air Is Precious, please contact me at the following e-mail address as soon as possible regarding this issue.
For any person in this community suffering from their neighbour’s toxic woodsmoke pollution, please contact me at the same e-mail address.
People in this community are in desperate need of help and support!
Court cases against wood burners have been won in Ontario and Quebec.
Thank you again to Admin/CFN for helping us come forward to address this issue of gross neglect that is taking place and has taken place in our City of Cornwall, Ontario regarding the toxic issue of Residential Wood burning and Woodsmoke pollution.
Among the many known and widely recognized career/journalist and screen writing/novel talents/skills of Mr. Gilcig, one he will always be respected for and recognized by will be that while in our City he became the Canadian *Voice of the Victims*. Without Mr. Gilcig as our voice and supporter never would the many toxic issues that happened in our community have been made public.
The talent and genuine kindness of Mr. Gilcig who has shared his newspaper so graciously with us, allowed us a forum to discuss our issues in a manner no other newspaper would have done, has become known and admired by so many as the Voice of Truth for our community.
We owe you a great debt of gratitude for helping awaken a sleeping community to the fact that in order to make change happen we must stand up for our rights and what we believe in always. Mr. Gilcig has paved that path for us.
We now must follow lead and never allow this to happen in our community again, under no circumstance.
Linda Baker Beaudin Founder Air Is Precious
If Cornwall residents begin to become informed about Woodsmoke Pollution,combined with the years of dedicated efforts of Air Is Precious, Founder Linda Baker Beaudin, we must also extend praise locally and Nationally once again to CFN and administration for making known to the Cornwall Public what our own EOHU, Dr. Paul failed to do.
City residents continue on a daily basis being exposed to this deadly form of airborne pollution while mayor Kilger and Dr. Paul, EOHU still refuse help/support and have not as of today provided public education to all city residents about the danger of Residential Wood burning and Woodsmoke pollution.
Even in his final weeks in office, mayor Kilger continues on the reckless path of denying help to those suffering in their residential neighbourhoods from the known negative impact of Residential Woodsmoke pollution.
Meanwhile property lots are stacked to the brim and beyond with massive wood piles waiting to be burned, making people sick and destroying the quality of our community air in specific pocket neighbourhoods.
People who continue to refuse to protect the public from this known deadly form of pollution will never receive votes, re-election or respect from any Cornwall citizen. mayor Kilger and many others are aware of that now as they pack their bags and prepare to leave the council chamber in disgrace! Neglect is neglect and the Cornwall residents have been neglected for years regarding this toxic form of pollution, Woodsmoke.
Not only are we not receiving Public Health PSAs on CFN from the EOHU, the Cornwall public are not being updated/informed or receiving education via PSAs and media releases from Dr. Paul regarding this known, deadly form of airborne pollution PM (2.5) Woodsmoke that exists in our community.
Dr. Paul was concerned enough (in time) about shutting down a chip stand due to rodents being a health hazard to the public, yet he still refuses to take action regarding this toxic issue of woodsmoke pollution and all the mice that are attracted to the numerous wood piles all over the city waiting to be burned. What would make Dr. Paul concerned enough about chip stand (where public eat) and yet not be concerned about the mice that enter our homes and are a health threat? Dr. Paul appears to have a double standard when it comes to Health issues that involve our community.
This issue regarding the mice was documented and presented to Dr. Paul in a meeting in his board room in the Fall of 2013. Residents returned home to their woodsmoke filled neighbourhoods with no support/no public education (as requested by those who attended that meeting and no help from the EOHU regarding this serious issue of Woodsmoke pollution.
Dr. Paul, you and mayor kilger and many on council have failed the Cornwall residents. You encourage people to get their flu shots Dr. Paul only to return home to their health being impacted directly by the toxic emissions from wood burning stoves, piles of wood attracting mice into homes and from the use of wood burning fireplaces. Something is very wrong in this community!!
Hopefully if Dr. Paul or mayor Kilger or those who were not re-elected read this they might take into consideration the truly toxic legacy they have left this community and it’s residents with. It falls short of an accomplishment and will be marked as a failure!!! One of many in this community under the leadership we have known.
Will our new Mayor and those on council for this new term grasp the importance and the need to support the residents of this community regarding this toxic airborne form of pollution Woodsmoke? Hopefully so!!!!
These are some facts that our EOHU Dr. Paul continue to refuse to share with the Cornwall residents via PSAs (Public Service Announcements.)
Woodsmoke pollution is present in our community!! It does exist!! It can no longer be denied. Neither can the fact that we are not being protected by this present mayor,some council members and our EOHU re: Dr. Paul.
Good to see that all the election signs have finally been removed. 2½ days late, but I guess better late than never. There were signs still up yesterday for a successful council candidate who, I guess, had too much on his plate to drive around and remove them.
And we thought Jules was long-winded.
Note to Linda: People seldom read posts that are more than four or five lines.
Believe me Furtz I have seen plenty of long winded posts and I read them since I am interested in learning different ideas. I have never complained at all about long winded posts. We are trying to get our message across and you cannot do that in a couple of sentences – I sure can’t. LOL LOL. ROLF!
@ Furtz You would be surprised at how many do read them!
When you are telling the truth about an issue/subject more people are interested than you would ever believe and when it involves our health and the toxic air we breathe many people are interested. Not usually the burners though as they are busy cording wood piles and setting fire to things and polluting urban community air.
Hope this is short enough for you unless you want it pared down to a few lines, short and sweet! Not going to happen!
My advice is, why bother commenting if you did not take time to read it?
If you did not read it (all) then you don’t know the content so how do you base a comment on that?
Thanks for the input though!
The purpose of the post was to inform people about what is and has taken place with Dr. Paul and the Mayor and Woodsmoke issues in this community. You mentioned you live in the boonies so this should not really apply to you then.
@ Furtz, I will keep this pared down for you.
Share that comment with the sick people who were being smoked out of their homes by Woodsmoke and who met with Dr. Paul in 2013. I doubt if they would be impressed or appreciate your lack of sensitivity regarding the woodsmoke emissions that engulf their homes on a daily basis. Now if all the wood burners would move out to the boonies where you live, we would have clean healthy air to breathe instead of toxic woodsmoke polluted air in our urban neighbourhoods.
Sometimes it takes more than a few lines to get a point across. When that happens I quick read the comments.
@ Hugger. I agree! If anyone is not interested, don’t read them. It is not complicated.
A quick read is better than no read as long as you gain some knowledge from it and become informed about how this toxic woodburning issue makes people seriously ill.
@ Furtz I don’t think Jules is an activist fighting for the rights of sick people in Canada.
@ Furtz As I type this our neighbourhood reeks of toxic woodsmoke emissions! It stinks! Woodsmoke is a toxic trespass harming others on the street and yes, it is a nuisance/Public Health Hazard.
The yard of the burners resembles a bush camp that belongs in the boonies not in a civilized urban setting where our homes are on top of the others!
70% of a burner’s toxic woodsmoke emissions enter the homes of surrounding neighbours!
If Dr. Paul did his job, people would know these facts!
If mayor kilger did his job, people would be protected from these deadly, toxic emissions.
We are not in the boonies!
One more thing Linda is that some people do have a wood burning furnace and I worked with a man here in Ottawa who burned wood to heat his house and this is a big city. My neighbors have wood burning fireplaces in the townhouses and single homes and we don’t complain about it at all but it isn’t constant and only when the weather gets cold. Most work and are not home to burn on a constant basis.
Not to be disrespectful, Linda, but have you ever considered moving out of the city to get away from the pollution and other irritants that come with city life? You have been going on for years about the misery of living with your neighbors wood stoves. I highly recommend moving to the boonies if city life and the poor air quality are making your life unbearable.
Linda the people of Cornwall did not try to complain or chase away Domtar nor Courthaulds who polluted Cornwall so badly that both industries made me quite sick. These industries outdid any woodstove or fireplace smell any day. The St. Lawrence River is heavily polluted and your best is to complain about Big Ben in the middle of town that leaches into the St. Lawrence River – you have to walk a lot like we did and see the leakage. A Mr. Jim Marshall saw that happen and reported that some time ago. I am more concerned about that than a little wood smoke.
The same level of ignorance regarding the toxic issue of cigarette smoke was embraced by people who once said “no one will stop me from smoking” take a look around because ignorance evolved into education and by-laws, bans and new policies were adopted/implemented and enforced and now schools, parks, restaurants, hospitals, sports fields, outdoor patio areas and many other venues are SMOKE-FREE! Thankfully millions of lives have been saved. The same is now happening with both Recreational and Residential Woodsmoke pollution regarding Education, by-laws, bans and prohibition and yes, enforcement. Millions of lives will be saved.
It is known, across the board, that burners and those quite obviously not informed about the subject of Woodsmoke/Woodburning always run for the word (complain) to use as their back up word while medical/scientific and environmental data and statistics concur that Woodsmoke/biomass burning is recognized world-wide as one of the most deadly forms of airborne pollution (PM 2.5)
Become informed: you might learn something! since statistics prove the majority of people now welcome SMOKE-FREE areas (regarding cigarette smoke), people do not want to be breathing toxic Woodsmoke pollution in their urban communities.
Become informed! Woodsmoke kills!
Maybe Domtar and Courthaulds weren’t chased away because they provided employment. And back when Domtar and Courthaulds started here the effects of these industries were not known.
They did provide employment as you mentioned Hugger. People also smoked at that time also because then many were not aware of the negative impact of cigarette smoke. Since then people have also become not only educated about issues such as cigarette smoke but also all other environmental pollutants and Woodsmoke pollution.
Education regarding cigarette smoke has made people aware and that is why people quit smoking, to save their health, life and the lives of their loved ones who breathed the deadly second-hand smoke.
There is no safe level of smoke to breathe. That has been established and the same applies to Residential and Recreational Woodsmoke pollution.
There are many different pollutants and industrial are some of them. What people will become informed about as attitudes change is how toxic woodsmoke is in our urban communities where we live so close proximity to the other and we breathe their woodsmoke emissions every time someone burns wood.
People also encounter bully burners who once you try to speak up for your health, they mock/torment and burn even more amounts of wood. Many burners are doing this with intent and thus people are gravely harmed.
No one has the right to assault another, not even with a wood burning device or appliance. This is why education is so important and so are by-laws/bans and enforcement.
People only need to read and the writing is clearly on the wall. Woodsmoke is a form of deadly airborne pollution that harms everyone, even the healthy.
Jules obviously missed a few things because people did speak out regarding the pollution from Domtar!
As far as Big Gen we are more than aware of that issue as so many others are.
Obviously, Jules is not an activist or she would have known these facts. Hopefully she will become informed maybe at her Ottawa location Library. There are many, many books on the subject written and peer reviewed by the experts who have been published for years.
Woodsmoke kills Jules. Do become informed!
@ Linda. There’s an article on the Freeholder website about wood burning that you might enjoy.
Linda I don’t know how many times that I wrote this to you and Jamie didn’t post it. I had a bad experience with wood smoke since we had a wood burning stove in our rec room when we owned our house in Cornwall. My husband and I were watching TV and I fell asleep on the sofa in the rec room. There had to be a down draft from the woodstove and my husband had me wake up and go upstairs. I didn’t know how to turn off the TV since I was very disoriented because of the smoke that I inhaled. I went up the stairs somehow to go to my bedroom and I passed out on the bedroom floor and hit my head on the wall in the bedroom. My son yelled after my husband to come and help. My husband got me to come around and I didn’t feel well for a couple of weeks after. A neighbor who was a good friend of ours wanted me to go to the doctor. I do have heart problems as well as breathing problems till this day.
Linda I am not an activist but I do agree with you. In the past my parents heated the house with a wood stove and cooked on it as well and nothing happened but they were lucky as well as most people of that era. Even heating with oil, gas, etc. has its dangers. Jamie please post this instead of me having to keep re-writing this over and over again.
Oh Furtz…….the man certainly needs some education regarding the environment. But then again, anything to make a few sales eh! Even at the cost of health/the healthcare system and the environment.
Again it reflects the mindset of many in the community, not all, but certainly some.
Thanks for the update but a friend who also had their life harmed by their neighbour’s wood burning habits brought it to my attention!
I do appreciate your concern though. There is hope yet for this city, maybe.
Gasoline fumes are classed as extremely harmful. This being the case why dwell on the extremely small number of urban wood burners when there are much bigger fish to fry? Should we not be jumping on the bandwagon to ban the internal combustion engine (gasoline version) and build more bike lanes and charging stations?
@ David
If you, Jules and Furtz find this toxic issue of Woodsmoke Pollution in our urban communities amusing, please know you are doing so at the expense of others who are sick, suffering and being made ill on a daily basis from breathing others unnecessary Woodsmoke pollution in our city and cities in other communities.
Your attitude further supports the need for immediate education regarding this issue. The people I support locally and other places do not share the same thoughts you do since their lives have been negatively impacted from breathing the toxic cancer causing compounds found in Woodsmoke.
Many improvements, polices and changes must be made at a community level to begin with regarding Residential and Recreational Woodsmoke pollution and the harm it does to our health and the quality of our life.
I am pleased though that you care about our environment and hopefully you will continue to encourage positive changes that will benefit everyone.
Thank you for your input regarding this toxic issue of community Woodsmoke Pollution since we have many wood burners in the city, it is always positive to see people become engaged in the conversation and it helps others understand why we must have by-laws/bans and prohibition of toxic cancer causing chemicals such as those found in Woodsmoke.
@Oldham since court cases have already been won regarding the toxic assault of another in the courts of law in Ontario and Quebec, this serious issue of doing harm to another is not tolerated by the courts and the court cases won were because of the physical and other suffering endured by these families as wood burners smoked people out of their homes, harming their health and their quality of life.
Now as mentioned, for some this issue appears to provide entertainment but the courts are not in agreement with you or anyone else when it comes to the toxic trespass of Woodsmoke pollution.
The majority of people with urban/city homes already has gas heat and that means there is no necessity to further heat a home with wood.
Also for your information cases can be brought to small claims court and those cases have won also!
Everyone has the right to breathe healthy air–air that is woodmoke-free.
The good news though is that more people are taking interest in this issue. They don’t smoke cigarettes and they don’t want their health harmed by someone’s toxic woodmsoke pollution.
These are facts David and hopefully as times goes on you will become further enlightened and educated about the toxic issue of Woodsmoke pollution, our health and the harm being done to our fragile environment.
Thank you again to Admin and CFN for so generously providing this forum where the City residents can further discuss the toxic issue of Woodsmoke Pollution, our health, the air we breathe and our fragile environment.
Since Dr. Paul has failed the Community residents who have been seeking for years Public Health education and since Woodsmoke is a known Public Health Hazard, we appreciate the time given this important issue by Mr. Gilcig’s newspaper.
This lengthy information section would not be allowed or supported by another newspaper. Thus, we appreciate the time CFN has given us.
Dr. Paul had made a promise in 2012 to Air Is Precious but he failed to fulfill that promise regarding the urgent need to further address this issue and since that time more community residents have been made ill and made to suffer for hours from breathing these toxic, cancer causing compounds found in Woodsmoke.
mayor kilger has left his community disgraced, leaving behind a toxic legacy of Woodsmoke pollution to add to his list of wrong doings.
Just scrolling through the comments on this thread alone, I think Linda is setting a record for long-winded repetitive posts on CFN. Do you keeps stats on that sort of thing Jamie?
Furtz please be nice or you’ll end up having nobody to post with except Jules….
Jamie you mean that Furtz and I can have our little conversations together? LOL LOL. ROLF! Furtz is a very intelligent person and is a professional engineer and I think that Furtz can offer plenty of good comments. Well I am part of the wacky conversation at times. At times Jules? Well lots of times. Someone has to keep everyone awake and laughing. I may as well be the monkey of the paper. I can tell you honestly Linda that Jamie has many topics that go into his paper that the “toilet papers of record – SF and SN” do not put through and we can talk what we feel or just about. Jamie has me sensored and taken off more than anyone even for my good opinions and people talk about them being sensored they haven’t seen anything yet. LOL LOL.
@ Furtz, you are showing such disrespect for sick people in this community who have been made ill by their neighbour’s Woodsmoke.
I guess you can’t help yourself though. Some people never do understand how ill people are made by breathing these toxic cancer causing chemicals from woodsmoke and you appear to be one of those people.
It is rather like talking to a two year old who needs repetition to understand things, but a two year old has an excuse at least! Since toxic woodsmoke pollution does harm children, many parents are very concerned and do want change, education and bans to end wood burning in urban areas, as it should be.
A trip into CHEO should be a wake up call for anyone in doubt of the serious issues with Asthma and other cancer related diseases. If only you could understand the people you insult with your rude comments regarding mocking this issue, but perhaps you never will and that is up to you.
Meanwhile you are becoming part of a minority regarding this issue not the majority that want change to happen via bans to end Woodsmoke pollution in every Canadian community.
Furtz, you are behind the times on this one.
Actually Jules we’ve been talking at CFN headquarters about you doing a column for us….
Jamie heaven help you if I did a column for your paper. I am laughing myself to pieces here my dear man. My English is for the pits and I sure don’t put good sentences together as well as your writers do so please if you want to keep your paper leave me off the columns. I will just blog and that is all I will do. Your writers as well as yourself do an excellent job.
Jamie could you post this one in reply to Linda please, pretty please I am almost on my knees begging. Linda my daughter who is now 35 years old was born at the former Grace Hospital here in Ottawa under the good care of Dr. John Beggs. She was born with a hole in her right lung and Dr. Whillans who was her pediatrician at the time went to the Children’s Hospital where she was sent by ambulance and inserted a tube in her lung. I have the picture here and it is heart breaking to look at. She was in an incubator under oxygen. She was born in her 7th month and both of us were very sick and we would have been dead if it were not for the mighty capable hands of the doctors that I have mentioned. You are right in many ways about people with asthma and other chronic diseases. My daughter has bronchitis as well as psoriasis as well as hypothyroid and is allergic to some meds. It isn’t funny being sick and people who are healthy cannot fathom what it is like to be sick. Furtz is a mighty good man but a joker like myself.
@ Furtz I will leave you with this final thought. Perhaps you can find some other cancer patient, Asthma, COPD, Cardiac or respiratory patient to mock or to make fun of their organizations.
Since Cornwall has many cancer patients and Cardiac patients I somehow doubt how much your input would be welcome or appreciated but again I feel that you just can’t help yourself and thus the continued put down of others who have worked very hard, for years in this community in Activist roles, and many other areas with people who truly do care about the health and well being of our community and the negative impact of Recreational and Residential woodsmoke pollution.
The wood smoke and other health issues are not unique to Cornwall.
Sorry Linda. It’s just that when someone keeps repeating the same thing over and over often enough, people simply tune out and the cause gets lost. You must know that after all these years.
Jules. You and the preacher and I should get together for a jolly good game of euchre. I bet the fur would be flying and charges would be laid. ROLF ROLF LOL etc.
LOL LOL. ROLF! Furtz you are a riot. I have never played cards except for the basic crazy eights and yes between you, the preacher and I the fur would sure fly. The preacher would have us up in sin and sent to hell to burn for a lifetime. LOL LOL. Getting serious or kind of I do rant a lot but I am trying to get my point across and so is Linda. I was educated in the French language and I am ARF and ARF and that fur flies for sure. LOL LOL. My English is horrible and never did well in school in that subject so I go on and on and have to be forgiven. While my husband went in for his haircut there is a plaque outside on one of the stores at the mall about breathing difficulties and one was cigarette smoke but I didn’t come across the one for woodstoves but I am going to look that one up Linda and folks. My daughter had viral pneumonia back in 07 or 08 and has a lot of problems health wise.