Seniors Situation Room by Dawn Ford – Heart & Stroke Month 020418


Cornwall Ontario – Nothing like great music to warm you on a cold winter’s eve. Music was in the air at Beak Lindsay Seniors Residence recently when Ed Lauzon treated the residents and guests to another one of his fantastic concerts. Ed plays guitar and has a wonderful singing voice. His repertoire of music is extensive including Pop, Rock and Roll, Western and Spiritual songs and hymns. One of the nice features about his concerts is that he plays the old familiar songs which everyone knows and enjoys. People attending the concert agreed that it had been a very pleasant evening. Kudos, Ed, for taking the time to bring so much enjoyment with your music. It is very much appreciated.


February is Heart and Stroke Awareness Month.

Here are signs to recognize as warnings of a Stroke:

1) Weakness: sudden loss of strength or numbness in the face, arm or leg, even temporary.

2) Trouble speaking: sudden difficulty speaking or sudden confusion even if temporary.

3) Vision problems: sudden trouble with vision, even if temporary.

4) Headache: sudden severe and unusual headache.

5) Dizziness: sudden loss of balance, especially with any of the above signs.


Warning signs of a Heart Attack:

1) Pain: sudden discomfort or pain that does NOT go away with rest. Pain may be in chest, neck, jaw, shoulder, arms or back. Pain may feel like burning or squeezing, heaviness, tightness or pressure. In women the pain may be vague.

2) Shortness of breath: difficulty breathing.

3) Nausea: indigestion and/or vomiting.



For more information or to be a volunteer, call our local office of the Heart and Stroke Foundation at 613-938-8933.

I inherited this little dictionary many years ago and kept it because it is so interesting. The Carter’s Ink Co. Dictionary has a copyright dated 1893 and 1894 by E. Edgar Miles, entered at Stationer’s Hall, London. Carter’s Ink Co. supplied typewriter ribbons, ink, mucilage and carbon paper, according to the book. Ribbons were $1 each or $9 for a dozen. There were assorted colours of Recording Ribbons and Copying Ribbons. A copy of this Dictionary cost 25 cents. It says that the publisher was E.E. Miles, New York, 39 Bond Street and Chicago, 185 Dearborn Street and also South Lancaster, Mass. On the back page it lists their address as 163-172 Columbus Ave., Boston Mass. You could also order from: J. A. Macaulay, 421A St. Lawrence St., Montreal, PQ.

Inside the book it states: The New Webster Dictionary and Complete Vest-Pocket Library. There are five books in one volume: a Dictionary, a Gazetteer, a Parliamentary Manual, an Expert Calculator and a Literary Guide. There are other sections as well such as The Columbian Word Builder and Guide to Pronunciation. It contains 45,800 words. It is only about 2 1/2 ”x 5 1/2 ”and 3/4 “thick from cover to cover. I had to use a magnifying glass to read some of the print because it is so tiny.

There is an interesting and unexpected section near the back: a Summary of Etiquette with topics such as: General Deployment, Dress and Toilet, Introductions and Salutations and Calls and Conversations. There is a section: In the Dining Room, listing what to do and not to do. Another section is on behaviour on the Street and in Public as well as one on Right and Wrong. On the very last page is an article on Golden Rule Briefs.

Wonderful little treasure.

A few old friends and I were talking about the different kinds of fun we had as kids. We loved our colouring books. If we got a new one and a new box of crayons in our stocking at Christmas, it was a big deal. We learned to colour without ‘going outside the lines’.

There was another kind of colouring book that I loved. All you needed was some water and a tiny brush. With the moistened brush, you could dab it on the figures on the page and presto, instant colour. A figure like a brown bear would eventually appear as you carefully dabbed inside the lines of the figure or a red wagon with black wheels. Maybe blue skies and green grass. It was magic!! We loved it. It felt like we were painting a picture. Lots of fun.

In grade 6 in Mr. Petepiece’s class at Memorial Park School we had finger painting classes. Was that fun when you are a kid!! Probably fun now. LOL

In high school at CCVS we had a choice of Art or Music classes. I was already into music but I would gladly have traded the History or Chemistry classes for Art. But that wasn’t allowed. No switcheroo at that time. Now I am glad I had History classes because it is an important subject but I was about 13 yrs. old and wasn’t thinking like that at the time!! Fortunately, Art lessons were to come later.

In the Zoomer Promotions newsletter of January 22nd, 2018 ( is a detailed report on the services of the 2-1-1 Helpline in Ontario for Seniors Support. If you are looking for yourself or as a caregiver it offers info on community, social and health services available. It states that the Helpline 2-1-1 is one of the best ways to learn about community programs and financial help as well as what could improve a senior’s quality of life and independence. As an example the article states that some seniors do not realize that there is a difference between the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security.

Call 2-1-1 for more information or on line at: The Helpline is available 24 hours daily, 7 days a week. There is interpretation of 150 languages as well to serve the public.

The members of the Seaway Senior Citizens Centre at 506 Pitt Street had their formal opening of the new center recently. Their program has an extensive list of activities to offer which include: Bean Bags, Bid Euchre, Swedish Weaving, Tai Chi, Yoga, Guitar Lessons, Darts, Cribbage, Nordic Walking and Canvas Art to name only a few.

Member’s fee for the activities is $3 and $5 for non-members. In February there will be a hot lunch every Friday at 12 noon (if they have enough volunteers). Cost is $6 for soup and sandwiches and $8 for a hot lunch. Call 613-932-4969 for more information. We wish them all the best in their new center.

Tiger hadn’t been on the couch for a couple of months. Now, all of a sudden, he is there very frequently. He especially likes it when there is a pillow around to snuggle up to and rest his weary head on to go to sleep. As you can see from the photo, he makes sure his catnip mice are with him. He also likes to stretch out which doesn’t leave a lot of room for anyone else. He is what you might call a ‘pampered pet’. What a big baby!!

More hospital chart bloopers:

1) Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch.

2) She is numb from her toes down.

3) The skin is moist and dry.

4) Occasional, constant infrequent headaches.

5) Patient is alert and unresponsive.

6) She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life, until she got a divorce.

7) I saw your patient today who is still under our car for physical therapy.

8) Both breast are equal and react to light and accommodation.

9) Examination of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.

10) The lab test indicated abnormal lover function,

11) Skin: somewhat pale but present.

12) The pelvic exam will be done later on the floor.

13) Patient has two teenage children but no other abnormality.

Have a good week, Dawn

1 Comment

  1. Dawn, thank you for your most interesting column. I remember thinking how much fun finger painting was. You could do anything you wished.

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