June is Seniors Month. We have many wonderful seniors in Cornwall who give so much of their time to help our community. We are very grateful to them.
When I was at my Tai Chi lesson at the Seaway Seniors Citizens Centre I picked up their newsletter which is very informative. The club is adding a new Colouring activity on Tuesdays at 1pm in the Birch Room and also Free Style Dancing in the main room every Thursday at 1pm. They also will have jamming sessions with the Free Style Dancing on Thursdays. The club already has an incredible list of activities which include Tai Chi ,Guitar practice, Yoga, Choral, Darts, Canasta, exercise classes, Mahjongg, Bid euchre, and many other activities.
The newsletter states that the Bingo games are a major source of income for the centre raising $18,000 annually for the club. Volunteers are needed to help with the bingo games which are held every second week at the Cornwall Bingo Center, 26 Second Street West. Sundays the card sales start at 12:15 pm and Mondays at 5:15 pm. Please call the club and speak with Loretta at 613-932-4969 to help with this fundraiser.

One lovely senior had a birthday recently.
Edna Dorey celebrated her 103 rd. birthday.
She is very active and a wonderful lady.
Happy belated birthday Edna.
There is a report that Finland is the happiest country in the world.
I went on line to see who was next and according to a report of 2019 by the United Nations here is the list:
1) Finland
2) Denmark
3) Norway
4) Iceland,
5) The Netherlands
6) Switzerland
7) Sweden
8) New Zealand
10) Austria.
Canada just made the list, thank heavens!!
I love this delightful photo of the late Stu Thompson’s of a friendly little busy bee visiting a beautiful flower for lunch. Stu was a well know local photographer and took so many wonderful pictures of nature and, as you can see from this lovely photo, was very good at it:

Good thing I am such a pack-rat. I found this first brochure of Mount Carmel House Treatment Center, possibly made around 1979/80, which was issued as a fundraiser for financial support to renovate the Bishop’s House in St Raphael’s, ON. before the center opened in 1981.

There were comments on the outside cover of encouragement for the center to open from Earl Landry, Chief of Police, E.N. Alguire, Domtar Fine Papers, D.S. Underwood, Pellon Chemotextiles, Inc., and R. Sutherland, Health and Safety Coordinator, Dominion Textiles, Inc., Long Sault Fabrics
The center was opened in July of 1981 and closed in June of 1996. Many lives were saved.
The Bishop’s House is now owned by the Glengarry Fencibles Trust which is a group of very dedicated volunteers who are fundraising to renovate the building.
A lot of very beautiful work has already been done and more is in progress. For information or to make a donation , please contact: Brenda Baxter, President at 613-931-2022 or Allan Macdonell at 613-525-5410 .
My celery sniffing cat Tiger surprised me!! I have mentioned before about him zooming into the kitchen when he hears the fridge door open and sniffing the celery . Well, he may sniff it but licking is another story!! I was eating a few pieces of celery one evening while watching TV when he suddenly came from nowhere and quickly starting nosing around the celery in my hand. I wanted to see what he would do, so I put a piece near his mouth and he gave it a big lick. Then, made an awful face that said, “Ugh!!” He did not like it one bit and took off like a shot. Hasn’t been the fridge nosing around since. What a cat!!!
A joke from a friend:
A lady met a new gentleman friend and asked him: ” So, do you drink?”
Man: ” I used to drink a lot but I quit cold turkey .”
Lady: “Wow! That must have taken al lot of self control!!”
Man: “Well, I found out I was allergic to it. Every time I drank I broke out in spots: New York.. Montreal.. Chicago…!!!”
Have a good week, Dawn