June 16th. Is Father’s Day. There will be celebrations of family get-togethers and if the weather is nice, lots of BBQ’s to honour all the Dad’s out there.
A friend of mine, Bob Katz, just became a new great-grandfather with the birth of his little great-granddaughter Gabriella.
What a charming name for a sweet little baby girl. Here is a photo of her courtesy of great-grandpa:

Little darling baby and very happy great- grandpa!!!
The Annual Alumnae dinner for the graduates of the Cornwall General Hospital School of Nursing will be held at the Canadian Legion on Friday June 21, 2017 with cocktails at 6pm and dinner at 7pm.
A very special evening is planned to honour the last class of 1969. It will be a big 50 year celebration. Come hungry because the Legion always have a scrumptious dinner for us. It is going to be a wonderful evening.
At the Cornwall Library for the month of June is a CGH Reunion 50-Last Class window display. Very interesting exhibits.
I have had this book ” The Road Not Taken”, an introduction to a selection of Robert Frost’s poems for many years.

The first copyright listed in it is 1916 with many others until the last of 1962 which I assume is this edition.
The publisher is listed as Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada Ltd. It also list 16 other books authored by him.
There is a very interesting Biographical Preface and Running Commentary by Louis Untermeyer with illustrations by John O’Hara Cosgrave II.
The book ends with his most famous poem, ” The Road Not Taken” It is a very special book to have and pick up every now and then to read once more his wonderful poems.
I went online to read about the new free dentistry plan in Ontario for low-income seniors.
One article says that anyone 65 and over in the province making under $19,300 or $32,300 for couples would qualify. Call Help with Health Costs at 0300-330-1343 for a form or pick one up from a dentist, optician or hospital.
Interesting how many people you talk to complain about the fact that men and women share the same hospital rooms.
I have yet to hear anyone say they think it is ok or an ok idea. At any time in a room of two or more patients, you may see the curtains half drawn half the beds for some measure of privacy under those circumstances. I wonder whose idea it was in the first place. In days gone by men were mostly on one floor of a hospital and women on another.
One good thing, though, is that I hear often that the care in our hospital in Cornwall is good which is nice to hear and pass on.
How is this for a beautiful cat? This is Tiger posing for the camera although he looks like he is wondering exactly what that camera was.

Gorgeous fur. Gorgeous cat. Now it is not enough for him to snuggle up to my arm and put his paw possessively around my elbow, as much to say, “You’re not going anywhere!!”
The other night he was asleep on my old housecoat I leave at the the bottom of the bed for him to sleep on (which is one of his 4 beds on my bed. I have little room these days. Is he spoiled or what!!!) I got in and before I knew it, he stayed there and put his paw around my ankle. What a cat!!!
Here is a something cute sent in by a friend:
A four year old child had a next door neighbour, an elderly gentleman ,who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman’s yard, climbed up on his knee and just sat there. When his mother asked the little boy what he had said to the neighbour, the little boy just said, “Nothing. I just helped him cry.”
Have a good week, and Happy Father’s Day, Dawn