Editor’s Note. Congrats to a very special lady who just wrote her 150th column on CFN. She doesn’t get enough thanks and credit from City Hall and community leaders for this amazing and selfless historical body of work she’s created here on CFN! Thank you Dawn and here’s to the next 150 columns!
The Alumni of the Cornwall General Hospital School of Nursing held their Annual Dinner at the Royal Canadian Legion on Friday, June 21. It was a big celebration this year commemorating the 1969 last class of the school.
Attending the dinner from the Class of 1969 were:
Sharon Burley (Hunt), Darleen Baker ( Timmins), Deborah Burne, Linda Cloutier (Ouimet), Sandra Dix, Gloria Eeg( Lee), Judy Fetterly ( Empey), Bev Grant ( Cameron) Linda Howes (Montgomery), Annie Jones (Pysk), Sheila Keuhl (Faught), Isabelle Lehmann (Raycroft), Jamie Maynard, Catharine Marston (Baker), Saralyn Mabo, Elizabeth McConnell (Moffat) , Margaret Ann MacIntosh (MacMaster), Sharon MacFarlane (Fraser), Shirley O’Bryne (Groves), Susan Pollock (Hales), Sharon Porter (Nesbitt-Filion), Helen Purdy (Barton), Joanne Roberts ( Stewart), Janice Schultz (Bawden), Eleanor Sides (Higginson), Joan Smith (MacMillan), Bonnie Samson (Primeau), Elizabeth Stewart, Susan Varey (Mills), Carol Willis (McKay), Rosamond McCuaig-Loucks, representing deceased classmate Neil McCuaig. Two other classmates are deceased: Susan Richardson and Anna Mary MacPherson. Four other classmates were unable to attend.
Our gracious hostess for the evening was the Alumni President Cathy Poirier who always makes everyone feel welcome.
The guest speaker was Joanne Roberts (Stewart), gold medal winner who spoke on behalf of the Last Class of 1969.
Don Smith, of the Cornwall Community Museum and part of the ‘Down Memory Lane Project ‘ at the Care Center ( former CGH), showed a Last Class Reunion 50 video which will be completed after the weekend events of the reunion are added to it.
A raffle was held of wonderful items donated by Andre Pommier: a CGH Last Lamp Charm with personal engraving and gift certificates for a shopping spree at Pommier Jewellers of $100, $200 and $300. All ticket sales are to be donated to Hospice. A big thank you to Andre for his support.
There was also a raffle of beautiful afghans which had been donated.
The Legion kitchen staff once again served a delicious chicken dinner which was enjoyed by everyone.
Celebrations of the Last Class of 1969-Reunion 50 weekend included a tour of the completed ‘Down Memory lane Project’ at the Care Center and placement of a Last Class Legacy. There was also a luncheon boat cruise.
Here is a photo of the last class from their yearbook, “The Last Lamp’ . The picture was taken in June of 1969 in front of the Nurses’ Residence next to the hospital.

It is a very interesting yearbook because it has so many articles in it about the hospital and nursing school. I wrote an article about the yearbook in my column of March 18th., 2018.
Congratulations to the Class of 1969 on their 50th. celebration.
A big thank you to Sharon Porter of the Class of 1969 for all her help.
Here is a cute joke from a friend:
The nurse told the parents of a new born child, “You have a cute baby.”
The smiling husband said, “I bet you say that to all the new parents.”
“No”, she replied, “just to those whose babies really are good looking.”
The husband again asked, “So, what do you say to the others?”
The nurse replied, “The baby looks just like you.”
Have a good week, Dawn