With dreams of Santa on the way, children are getting excited. I went on line to learn about how this Santa Claus legend first began. It is traced to a benevolent monk born in Patara, near Myra in modern day Turkey, about 270 AD, Saint Nicholas, a fourth century Christian saint of children and sailors, to name a few.
After some years Santa Claus evolved, according to one source into a large heavyset person. Probably ate so many snacks left for him. Santa Claus is also known as Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas or just Santa. However, the origin of the Santa name depends on which country story you choose to adopt, according to the information. Very interesting to read all the different versions.
Hey, Kids, time to write your letters to Santa.

Look at all those presents. Wow! Might make a list myself.
The Dental Care for Low Income Seniors has begun. On the web site: https//ww.ontario.ca/page/dental-are-low-income-seniors it states that this program will provide free, routine services for low income seniors who are 65 years of age or older with an annual net income of $19,300 or less, or senior couples( one or both 65 years of age) with an annual combined net income of $32,000 or less. The coverage includes: check-ups (scaling, fluoride and polishing), repairing broken teeth and cavities, x-rays, removal of teeth or abnormal tissue (oral surgery), anaesthesia, treatment of infection and pain (endodontic services) and treating gum conditions and diseases (periodontal services). Dental prosthetic (prosthodontic services) including dentures will be partially covered. It suggests calling your local public Health Unit (in Cornwall 613-933-1375) for information and the forms. The coverage period is one year ending on July 31 every year.
Bob Katz was out in the yard one day after a light snow fall and a squirrel arrived, diving in and out of the snowy grass, seemingly looking for a snack. Bob said that all of a sudden the squirrel disappeared. It was nowhere to be seen. Then, Bob saw the little squirrel perched on the top of a fence post, happily munching on what must have been a very hard and cold acorn. Guess squirrels like their comfort also. Luckily Bob had his camera with him.

Great photo, Bob. Thank you.
A friend sent me a” YouTube” video of a sketch on a Carol Burnet Show. This one is about The Queen (Carol) and King (Harvey Korman) trying to get into their Palace with Tim Conway as the Palace Guard.
Was there anyone any funnier than Tim Conway?? Tim used to get the rest of the cast laughing despite their efforts to keep a straight face. In the Queen-Palace skit, Tim is not about to let them into the palace without a password. Very funny.
They were wonderful weekly shows and one you didn’t want to miss. One of my favourites is the one where Tim is the new dentist about to give his first patient, Harvey, an injection but accidently picks his own hand and then leg by mistake. So funny. The Carol Burnet shows were so much fun to watch. We were never disappointed because they were always entertaining.
The Fall Child Haven International newsletter is out and, again, it is so full of wonderful articles and pictures of children and activities in the Child Haven homes and in the ten homes in Tibet in China, Nepal, India and Bangladesh. Child Haven was founded by Fred and Bonnie Cappuccino and Dr. and Mrs. Nat Shah. The homes were set up to provide food clothing, health care, education, moral and emotional support. Inspired by the philosophy and ideals of Mahatma Gandhi, CHI is a not for profit charity. Wonderful organization.
The Canadian Patrons of Child Haven include Margaret Atwood, Author, Dr. Brien Benoit, neurosurgeon, Peter Downie, Educator, Dr. Gary Geddes, Poet, Ajit Jain, Editor www.theindiasproa, Jan Jeffers, former publisher, Donna Morrison-Reed, Unitarian Minister, Mark Morrison-Reed, Unitarian Minister and Kunjar Sharma, PhD, Honorary Consul General of Nepal. The Canadian Directors are Dr. Nat Shah, Peter Freud, Bonnie and Fred Cappuccino and Bernadette Caron.
For more information on Child Haven, call the Maxville Office at 613-527-2829 or email: fred@childhaven.ca. The web site is: childhaven.ca.

It is interesting to read about the Unknown Patient’s Project at a local government hospital in Bangladesh where the hospital relies on family members to do much of the care of patients.
The newsletter always ends with the inspiring quote from Rabindranath Tagore:
“Let me light my lamp, says the star,
And never debate if it will dispel the dark.”
And a very Happy Birthday to Dr. Nat Shah on December 2nd.
This is the funniest cat. If I am in the kitchen during the day and Tiger comes in for a drink (or a bath) in his water bowl, which could happen, he will stand there and look at me. He wants me to put fresh water in it. He won’t do anything, like even leave, until he sees me put fresh water in the bowl. I guess he thinks, because he didn’t see me, that it is old water. It is changed every am and supper and bedtime and he knows that because he is usually right there waiting as soon as I go into the kitchen. Maybe he is getting senile at 16 + years old.

If it is food time and I am preparing his dish, Tiger stands and watches me and when I lift up the dish, he starts to move. He walks slowly in front of me, peering a bit backwards to make sure I am still going in the right direction which is the direction he wants me to go to; all the while I have to be careful not to step on him. Finally, I get to his cat mat and lay the dish of food down. Then he rubs my hand, saying thank you. Cute old darling.
A friend sent me this cute joke :
An old lady handed her bank card to a bank teller and said, “I would like to withdraw $500.”
The female teller replied” For withdrawals less than $5,000, please use the ATM.”
The old lady asked, “Why?”
The teller irritably told her, “These are the rules. Please leave if there is no other matter. There is a queue behind you.” She returned the card to the lady.
The old lady remained silent. But then returned the card to the teller and said, “Please help me withdraw all the money I have.”
The teller was astonished when she checked the account balance. She leaned down and said to the old lady, “My apologies, Granny. You have $3.5 million in your account and our bank does not have so much currently. Could you make an appointment and come in tomorrow?”
The old lady then asked, “How much am I able to withdraw now?”
The teller told her, “Any amount up to $300,000.”
The old lady then told the teller that she wanted to withdraw the $300,000.
The teller did so quickly and handed it to the lady respectfully.
The old lady kept $500 in her bag and asked the teller to deposit the balance of $299,500 back into her account.
Don’t mess with us old folks!!!
Have a good week, Dawn