Cornwall Needs a COVID-19 Lockdown as Cases Explode & Paul Roumeliotis Needs to be Replaced. By Jamie Gilcig

NOVEMBER 7, 2020 – I feel bad for the Cornwall Community Hospital Staff, at least those that don’t do smoke breaks out back without masks or social distancing.

With little to no enforcement or fines issued, or appearance of inspections, even when cases occur at work places, we’re seeing cases explode quickly in Cornwall.

We’re not talking about a Long Term Care residence either. McDonald’s, Walmart, Dairy Queen, Shoppers Drug Mart, schools, and now a local housing co-operative.

This is what happens when stores like No Frills let customers come in without masks without stopping them. Yes, they aren’t allowed to ask personal questions related to health, but all businesses have the legal right to refuse service without a mask. They don’t have to offer alternatives or accommodate. They can just say no and try and keep their clients and staff safe. It’s even on the EOHU website.

Right now there is only one solution for Cornwall. We need a limited lock down. With Covid we’re always about ten days behind the trend. If you react today you’ll still see results for about a week before things change.

Cornwall has the extra burden because of Akwesasne which also is lit up after allowing the Casino to re open. Yesterday six cases were reported just in St. Regis.

While we tell nearly 400 million Canadians and Americans they can’t drive over the border we have 23,000 Akwesasne residents driving over the border to show up at our fast food joints without masks coughing away.

This writer witnessed one incident in a drive through. I drove away because frankly, no fast food is worth possibly catching covid. I felt bad for the cashier.

Residents of Akwesasne need to decide if they want to remain on the Canadian or American side of the border until Covid is over they need support of whatever decision they make. It’s that simple.

Ontario needs solutions. We need mandatory mask wearing without exception. We need inspections, and enforcement.

When we read about a McDonald’s worker showing up Covid Positive with symptoms that store needs to be shut down and deep cleaned, and that worker and store fined, if not charged with reckless endangerment.

We can put politics over science, but Covid will just laugh. Viruses don’t care about politics. They just need more victims. And as we’re seeing, more and more of us will become victims if real action isn’t taken and that starts with removing Paul Roumeliotis who has played politics with public health including blocking this newspaper from doing our job and helping protect our viewers.

We will keep updating as more outbreaks occur. You can email us at

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