JUNE 28, 2021 – You just can’t fix Cornwall stupid. It’s truly societal. On the one hand you have one of the most corrupt and incompetent Politicians and Lawyers in Canadian history being made a Senator. (Could you imagine if someone was given a plum gig because they were a Caucasian , had an organic penis (they can do things medically nowadays) only spoke English, and allegedly were straight?
There’d be Montreal style play off parties!
Then we have lawyer Michelle Allinotte, a local Cornwall lawyer and poobah at something called CUREA/CURET in Cornwall.
According to her open letter sent to much smaller newspapers than this one; but not this one, the one with the history of supporting the very groups they are supposed to represent; she has issues. She has concerns. She feels Cornwall City Councilor Glen Grant should not be appointed to be mayor to replace the repugnant math weak former Mayor Bernadette Clement.
While I truly agree that Grant isn’t fit serve on Council, never mind be mayor, and is a true poster child for the bully thug culture of Cornwall. (he also sits on the corrupt police service board) He doesn’t qualify to be put in as mayor.
Sadly, Michelle didn’t bother to read the Elections Act of Ontario. The rules are really clear. You don’t call an election if with a date and everything (example being after March in an election year). Council currently, at least according to the law (I know Cornwall isn’t big on following laws as we saw from Clement overspending on her election campaign and then getting a free pass from a committee of 3 people with ties to her after blaming the clerk) it’s really simple.
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Council can choose to call a by election currently or appoint someone that was qualified to sit as mayor. In this case three people ran for mayor. Clement, former Councilor and person blamed for triggering the death of Gerry Benson and Freshco cart cleaner David Murphy, and Nicole Spahich.
Those are the only three that “Qualify” under election laws in Ontario, which Cornwall is a part of.
Council essentially has the option of putting one of Murphy or Spahich up for mayor or call a by election.
Don’t take this writers word for it. Look it up. We know lawyer Michelle Allinotte couldn’t be bothered to, but this former candidate for mayor did.
In the meanwhile whoever ends up mayor has some major issues with the horrid financial shape that new Senator Clement has left the city.

It’s easy to pick on some of the utterly hopeless people elected to office or running things in Cornwall and the Counties. The core issue is the people that elect them. Until people put some effort into the important issues and see through fake smiles and dated bad fashion sense the community will be a standing joke.
You can reach us at info@cornwallfreenews.com